Chapter 217: Killing Two Birds with One Stone.

Zhang Shengli was also happy when he heard this.

It seems that he did not do this in vain this time, and he also received encouragement and praise from the director of the factory. At this time, everyone also turned their eyes to Zhang Shengli, and their eyes were full of admiration and joy.

“Zhang Shengli is also worthy of Zhang Shengli! If it weren’t for him, it would really be difficult for us to catch that traitor this time! ”

“Yes, yes! The director went to praise Zhang Shengli, I didn’t have to say a word, he deserved to be praised! ”

“If Zhang Shengli hadn’t dug up this traitor Yi Zhonghai, we wouldn’t have had a good life in the future! You have to think about it, in case our project book is known by others, what is done to frame our factory, the efficiency of the factory has declined, and whether our money can be sent down is a problem! ”

“Yes, yes, 037 Zhang Shengli said that he was helping the factory, dealing with Yi Zhonghai, in fact, he was also helping us, and we have to thank him this time!”

“That’s right, Zhang Shengli used to be that kind of very powerful person, because I only had a superficial concept of him, and now I look at him like this, he is indeed a good young man!”

“Yes, Zhang Shengli has no problem with this person, he can handle it!”

“Let’s find a time to go to Zhang Shengli’s house in the future, join forces to send him something, and thank him!”

“Don’t worry, even if we don’t send it, our factory director will give him some good things as a reward!”

“There is nothing wrong with what you said, those who have contributed to the factory, the director will definitely encourage and reward, which has a bad impact on the factory, we will not be spared, just like that Yi Zhonghai, now not only has he been fired, but also canceled all welfare benefits, and he will have to parade the streets and go to prison in the future!”

“There’s really nothing wrong with that! But you tell us that you want to send something to Zhang Shengli, there is nothing wrong with this, we should really find an opportunity to send some gifts! This is our big hero. ”

“That’s right, Zhang Shengli not only exposed the guy named Yi Zhonghai and thwarted Yi Zhonghai’s conspiracy, but it is also said that he also played a great role in capturing Yi Zhonghai!”

“Yes, if I’m not mistaken, it was Zhang Shengli who caught Yi Zhonghai! This young man can handle it, a good young man! ”

Then the director of the factory took his old-fashioned megaphone and said loudly: “This time we have also discussed it carefully!” He also made a certain praise for Comrade Zhang Shengli, and this time Comrade Zhang Shengli will be rewarded with materials in our field! Mainly some living items! ”

“After Yi Zhonghai is sentenced by the street, this batch of reward materials will come to his home!”

“We won’t withhold this batch of supplies either! This is also a statement of our factory! We will reward and praise all those who have contributed to the factory, and those who obstruct the development of the factory will not give them any good faces! ”

When everyone heard this, they all applauded.

Zhang Shengli watched everyone say this, and listened to the director of the factory say this, and his heart was happy.

It seems that he has exposed the ugly appearance of this Yi Zhonghai this time, and he can not only get rewards from the system, but also get certain rewards from Yizi’s side.

It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone!

Zhang Shengli was quite happy in his heart, and he was quite happy.

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