Chapter 104: Stick Terrier Arson, Yi Zhonghai Fertility Truth!.

It was dark.

The stick terrier stood at the door of Yi Zhonghai’s house, holding a bowl of oil in his hand.

Qin Huairu told him that don’t get oil when playing with fire, because the more oil is added to the fire, the more it burns. So, the stick terrier stole the only remaining oil in the house today.

He poured the bowl of oil on the curtain of Yi Zhonghai’s house. Then he pulled out a match.

The stick terrier was a little nervous when playing matches, and both hands were shaking. I finally lit one, and my hand shook off the ground and went out.

The stick terrier took a deep breath and glared fiercely at the door of Yi Zhonghai’s house. This old beast himself was scolded, and now he must make him pay! Thinking about it this way, the stick stalk is much calmer when it is drawn with a match.

I only saw that the stick stalk gritted his teeth, and the sparks flashed in his hands, and he brought the lit match under the door curtain.


What is the door curtain made of? Old cotton cloth plus old cotton.

It’s meant to be something that is on the spot.

The stick terrier also refueled it, that guy, all at once the whole curtain was on!

The stick terrier’s hair was burned, so frightened that he quickly threw the matchbox on the door curtain, turned his head and ran! It was too cold, and everyone in the courtyard entered the bed early.

No one noticed the fire.

The fire of the door curtain was too strong, and within two minutes, the door and window of Yi Zhonghai’s house were all on! Yi Zhonghai was suddenly woken up in his sleep, and he coughed violently twice.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the whole person was dumbfounded. There was a flash of fire in front of me!

“Help! Help me! Fire! ”

Yi Zhonghai shouted out loudly!

Aunt Yi was woken up by Yi Zhonghai’s shout, and she was scared when she opened her eyes!

“Fire! Help me! ”

The mournful shouts of the two men tore the silence of the courtyard. Everyone was awakened!

Everyone pulled on their shoes and ran outside with their cotton jackets. Everyone was scared and stupid when they saw the fire that rushed into the sky!



“Oh my God! How can this be done! ”

“Fire! Fire! What can I do about this! ”

Some of the elderly were so frightened that they almost cried. This is not to say that they are worried about Yi Zhonghai and Yi Zhonghai’s family. It’s because of the structure of the house at this time.

The courtyard is connected to the courtyard.

Don’t see that the box room and the main room have an aisle separating it, but under the flames, it is all burning company camp! They are afraid that their own family will also suffer!

Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei, as well as Xu Damao in Liu Haizhong, rushed over from the backyard. Seeing everyone’s frightened appearance, Zhang Shengli couldn’t help frowning.

These people are so old, why don’t they have any ideas?

“Everyone, in four rows!”

Zhang Shengli roared, and everyone quickly looked over: “Turn on all the water pipes, take out all the buckets, and quickly extinguish the fire in the wheel war!” ”

Hearing Zhang Shengli say this, everyone woke up like a dream, and immediately ran home to carry a bucket and a basin. The women were in charge of collecting water from the pool, and the men were constantly running with buckets to splash water and put out the fire.

When Yi Zhonghai and Aunt Yi came out, both of them were dusty, because of the excessive inhalation of smoke, the two coughed for a long time before they could speak.

“What’s going on with this fire?”

“That’s right, this kitchen is not burning, it’s not the coal stove on fire…”

“The wires are fine, and it’s not like electric fire.”

“Look at this burning, fortunately it’s not the middle of the night, if the big guys sleep a little more in the middle of the night, Yi Zhonghai and his daughter-in-law will have to burn to death~”

Someone sighed.

“If you sleep a little deeper, I’m afraid that the whole yard will have to burn the company camp.”

“This fire was set by man.”

When Zhang Shengli saw that the fire was almost extinguished, he walked to Yi Zhonghai’s door.

Because, from the beginning of entering the middle courtyard, Zhang Shengli felt that this fire was very wrong. There was nothing going on in Yi Zhonghai’s house.

Instead, there was a fire at the door.

If it wasn’t for arson, how could the fire start burning from the doorstep? Therefore, Zhang Shengli went to the door to check.

Moreover, he quickly confirmed his conjecture.

This fire is really man-made.

So, he decided to expose the truth of this fire! As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned?

“What! People put it? ”

“Zhang Shengli! Don’t dare to say this nonsense, killing and setting fire is to pay for your life! ”

Zhang Shengli stretched out, and everyone quickly listened quietly to him: “There is evidence here. ”

Zhang Shengli bent down and picked up a burnt matchstick from the ground. There is also half a matchbox next to it.

“The person who lit the fire should have lit the curtain first, and then threw the matchbox on the curtain entirely.”

“But he didn’t know that the heat of the fire went up, and the wind carried down and blew out the matchbox that had been bounced.”

Zhang Shengli raised the matchbox in his hand to show everyone.

Sure enough, the matchbox was half burned.

“Really! Oh! Our yard actually came to set it on fire! ”

“Catch! Gotta find out! ”

“Wang Baegg, I don’t know who is so bold!”

“This special heart is too cruel!”

“Zhang Shengli, then can you tell who set the fire?”

Someone asked curiously.

Zhang Shengli already had a goal in his heart, and he had just discovered evidence that the man set the fire! Therefore, Zhang Shengli sneered and pointed behind everyone: “The person who set the fire, isn’t he standing there!” ”

Yi Zhonghai and everyone turned their heads to see that the stick terrier was frightened and ready to run to the house!

“Run what you!”

Liu Guangfu held him down!

Zhang Shengli snorted coldly and said in a loud voice: “We all know that in the past few days, because Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu broke their shoes, the stick terrier was cleaned up by the Jia family, so I guess the stick terrier has a grudge…” At a young age, he is ruthless. ”

Qin Huairu was so frightened that everyone was stupid, and she put her arm around the stick terrier: “Zhang Shengli, you are talking nonsense!” We can’t set fire to stick terriers! ”

Zhang Shengli snorted twice.

He pointed to the hair of the stick stalk: “Everyone see, the hair and eyebrows of the stick stalk have a little traces of fire, why?” ”

Zhang Shengli pointed to the stick terrier’s clothes: “There are still a few oil spots on his clothes, so it is obvious that the stick terrier poured oil on the door curtain, and the oil splashed on his clothes.” ”

“And his hair and eyebrows, because the fire met the oil suddenly soared, and it burned away!”

Zhang Shengli also did not expect that at such a young age, the stick terrier could actually be ruthless to this point.

This reminded him of when he was watching the show before. Some people say that in the original work, the stick terrier and Qin Huairu used the stupid pillar, and the stupid pillar was penniless by their narrow body.

The family took the stupid pillar, an old man of sixty or seventy years old, out of the house, and drove him to the bottom of the bridge and froze to death…. Now it seems that the stick terrier is really made of this dog thing!

And after Zhang Shengli’s words, the entire courtyard was sensational!

Because they all saw it, the stick terrier this dog thing is really true, the hair is burned!

“This kid! How old is he! Dare to kill and set fire! ”

“It’s really… It’s scary! ”

“No, this dog thing has to be cleaned up!”

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for the successful arson of the stick terrier! 100% trust from the surrounding crowd! Congratulations to the host for the great success of exposure! 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: 20 pieces of great unity, 100 jin of high-quality rice, 100 jin of high-quality flour, 100 jin of pork]

[Jin, beef 100 jin, mutton 100 jin. A pair of gold rings. 】

【Ding! Exposure success rewards: one foot slip charm, one non-food charm, and one bad luck charm. 】

【Ding! Exposure Success Reward: ···· 】

[Ding: Exposure… 】

In the midst of accusations and scolding of the stick terrier, Zhang Shengli was once again exposed to success.

After Zhang Shengli received the reward, Qin Huairu refuted loudly and weakly.

“Zhang Shengli, you are guessing! You can’t just say that about my son because of this! ”

Unfortunately, Zhang Shengli’s system said it clearly.

People who believe in stick terriers arson are 100%.

Therefore, Qin Huairu also knew in his heart that he set the fire.

“It’s really not a stick terrier! My son didn’t set it on fire! ”

Zhang Shengli coughed twice, and everyone quieted down: “Qin Huairu, everything you say is in vain, and everyone is watching.” ”

“Now that the evidence of the crime is conclusive, let’s not say so much, I suggest calling the police directly.”

Zhang Shengli said to call the police directly, and Liu Guangfu quickly clapped his hands: “Call the police!” Killing and setting fire is to pay for life! Let this wild species eat peanut rice! ”

“Yes, call the police, this is too big.”

“Even if a child is not shot, he will have to squat for 20 years in prison!” This little beast is too dangerous in the yard! ”

Hearing everyone’s words, the stick terrier was scared to pee!

“I don’t want it! I don’t want to be jailed! I don’t want to go to jail! ”

The stick terrier’s legs were soft, wet his pants, and collapsed on the ground in fright.

“Can’t call the police!”

Yi Zhonghai suddenly shouted out!

Everyone was a little surprised, this house is lit or not called the police? Yi Zhonghai coughed twice and looked at the stick terrier: “The stick terrier is still young, and the child plays with fire, and he didn’t mean it!” ”

“Boys, how many haven’t gone overboard? My family didn’t lose much, so forget about it. Yi Zhonghai also couldn’t help it. ”

He knew that the stick terrier was probably his son. This is the only species in his old Yi family!

If Jin’er called the police, the stick terrier would be lightly sentenced to one or two decades. It’s heavy enough to eat peanuts and rice!

Then his old Yi family will be extinct again!

Therefore, he will definitely not agree to this! Zhang Shengli saw through Yi Zhonghai’s thoughts at a glance: “Yi Zhonghai, are you okay with your brain?” This is arson! Are you sure you don’t call the police? ”

Yi Zhonghai glanced at Zhang Shengli, this dog thing is afraid that the stick terrier will not die…

“I’m sure I don’t call the police! The child is just naughty, and nothing happened to me, what kind of police! Don’t mess up! ”

Yi Zhonghai said the warning on his face later, for fear that Zhang Shengli would insist on going his own way to call the police.

Zhang Shengli sneered in his heart, this fool has a time when he cried!

“Okay, anyway, it’s your own kennel, you feel sorry for the terrier, we all understand what’s going on, don’t regret it.”

After Zhang Shengli said meaningfully, he turned around and went home with Yang Weiwei. And behind him, everyone was talking about taunting Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu: “What is this?” Father and son have a deep relationship~”

“Gee, who can say anything about this arson?”

“It’s all like this, and I still don’t admit to breaking my shoes, hehe.”

“Jia Dongxu, this green hat.”

“People’s sons order Laozi, let’s go back to sleep~”

“The wild species are protected by people, what are we going to waste~”

Looking at the back of everyone leaving, Yi Zhonghai glanced at Qin Huairu and motioned for her to take the stick stalk back. Qin Huairu glanced at Yi Zhonghai, and then quickly pulled the stick terrier home!

But the stick terrier turned his head and glared at Yi Zhonghai! This dog thing!

Because of him, he was ridiculed again!

“Old stuff! Lao Tzu is not finished with you! ”

The stick terrier’s angry scolding made Yi Zhonghai frown, but he didn’t pay attention to it. His own son, scold it, scold.

After the test results come out, then slowly cultivate feelings.

The Jia family and Yi Zhonghai’s family are opposite doors, so in fact, they are the first to hear Yi Zhonghai’s call for help. As soon as Jia Dongxu opened his eyes, he saw the red fire outside, and he laughed wildly in his heart, only feeling that God had eyes!

“This is retribution! Retribution! ”

Jia Zhangshi even stood at the door of his house to watch the liveliness.

“Burn! Burn this old bastard! ”

When listening to the outside saying that someone had set the fire, Jia Zhangshi turned to look at Jia Dongxu, and then shook his head, it couldn’t be her son. Jia Dongxu’s leg was gone, how to set fire in the middle of the night, so his heart was put down and he continued to listen.

As a result, neither Jia Zhangshi nor Jia Dongxu expected that this fire was actually set by a stick terrier!

“Good! Burn well! It’s a pity that the beast was not burned! ”

“This dog thing can be regarded as a person~”

Jia Dongxu laughed strangely: “It’s a pity, I didn’t burn Yi Zhonghai to death!” If you burn him, the wild species of stick terrier will have to go to jail~”

Before the words were finished, they heard it, Yi Zhonghai said that he would not pursue anything, the child was naughty!

Yi Zhonghai’s words were tantamount to grabbing a handful in the hearts of Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhangshi! What does this mean?

It shows that Yi Zhonghai, this dog thing, also knows that the stick terrier may be his species!

“Dongxu, did you hear that? Qin Huairu is really with Yi Zhonghai… What a year! How dare they! ”

Jia Zhang’s anger burst into tears!

She hates it!

She hated Yi Zhonghai for daring to hook up with her daughter-in-law!

She hated Qin Huairu even more for daring to cuckold her son! Jia Dongxu is not brainless.

Yi Zhonghai said this out, such a big thing as setting fire can be easily let go, and he didn’t even say that he would lose money or anything… Don’t you understand what this means?

“Beast! Old king bastard stinky bitch word! ”

Jia Dongxu’s whole person trembled, and at this time, Qin Huairu pulled the stick terrier home.

“Why are you so daring?”

“Huh? What if something happens…”


Jia Zhang’s stick hit Qin Huairu’s back!

Qin Huairu, who was in pain, straightened his waist and ran away! 5.3

“In case something happens! Something should have happened! This fire is too small! How not to burn that beast! ”


Jia Zhang’s beating Qin Huairu cried and called his mother, but Jia Zhang’s scolded more and more vigorously!

“You shameless shit! You still have the face out! Why don’t you die! ”

“Rotten goods! Slut…”

Jia Zhangshi scolded Qin Huairu, and Jia Dongxu sneered in his heart and stopped the stick terrier: “Stick terrier, you are doing a good job today, if you can make your father angry, I will still be your father.” ”

What Jia Dongxu was thinking about at this time was that he himself was not physically able to do so, and he could not take revenge.

In that case, he was willing to coax the stick terrier to clean up Yi Zhonghai!

It is best to set a second fire to directly burn this old animal of Yi Zhonghai! And then?

Then the stick terrier was taken away, this is what made him Jia Dongxu take revenge and blood hatred!

The Jia family chicken flew and the dog jumped, and Yi Zhonghai and Aunt Yi looked at each other in the courtyard. Aunt Yi was a little frustrated and turned around and went directly into the house.

Anyway, the fire is extinguished, sleeping there is not sleeping.

And Yi Zhonghai looked at the direction of Zhang Shengli’s house with a look of resentment.

If it weren’t for this beast talking blindly, how would others know about himself and Qin Huairu! If Zhang Shengli didn’t say it, others wouldn’t scold the stick terrier wild mongrel!

Then, the stick terrier won’t set fire to his own home, will he? Therefore, in Yi Zhonghai’s heart, Zhang Shengli is still to blame for this matter!

After Zhang Shengli and Yang Weiwei went home, they washed a little and got into the bed.

“Victory, why do I feel that what you said is a bit implicit today?”

Yang Weiwei looked at Zhang Shengli, she felt that Zhang Shengli must know something!

“What did I say?”

Zhang Shengli smiled, or his daughter-in-law is smart, he said everything so clearly, Yi Zhonghai, this fool has not yet discovered.

“You say, let him not regret it… You tell me, is the stick terrier Yi Zhonghai’s child in the end? ”

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