Chapter 103: Yi Zhonghai’s True Relationship with the Terrier!!。

After work in the afternoon, Yi Zhonghai deliberately advanced a while and wanted to find a place to hide. It’s best not to go for a blood test today.

Because he was really afraid this time.

Qin Huairu told him that the stick terrier was his species.

Therefore, Yi Zhonghai has always thought that the stick terrier is his own child.

When it came to the blood test this time, he didn’t want to test it in the first place, because he knew that if he tested his relationship with the stick terrier, there would be no place for him and Qin Huairu in the entire courtyard.

Parading through the streets to show the public, and everyone’s spit stars can drown them both. What’s more, Director Yang said it today.

If it is confirmed that the stick terrier is his Yi Zhonghai’s child, then he will be expelled directly! Expelled!

Didn’t this matter let him die?

He is in his fifties, if he is removed, where to find a job? The old workers who were fired, which factory rushed to you?

Therefore, Yi Zhonghai made up his mind that it was a moment to be able to escape for a while. Let’s get this over first.

As long as the blood test is not taken, everyone will forget about this in two days. You can continue to work well.

As a result, Yi Zhonghai did not expect that as soon as he arrived at the gate of the factory, he saw Zhang Shengli, Liu Haizhong and Xu Damao waiting for him at the door…

“Yi Zhonghai, the matter of blood testing is not only what our courtyard requires you to do now.”

Zhang Shengli pointed to the people who guarded the section at the door: “Director Yang explained that you should quickly figure out the problem, if you are afraid, you dare not go…” It’s not nice for the security section to tie you up. ”

Yi Zhonghai’s cheeks twitched twice.

It seems that this is impossible to hide… Since this is the case, it can only be like this…..

“This said, I am sitting up straight, what do I dare not go?”

Zhang Shengli sneered and signaled everyone to go to the hospital now.

Yi Zhonghai was caught in the middle of the crowd, and his head was big. He can only hope now that the stick terrier does not go to the hospital.

As a result, the gate of the rolling mill came out, and Yi Zhonghai’s head was bigger! Jia Zhang was waiting at the factory gate with a stick terrier!

“What about Qin Huairu’s? Why didn’t she come! This rotten thing, she doesn’t dare to go, isn’t it! ”

Qin Huairu came from behind, she was actually following behind Yi Zhonghai, and her thoughts were the same as Yi Zhonghai, she wanted to run. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shengli led people to wait…

“Mom, I’m coming…”


Jia Zhang’s big mouth, that’s what you say!

“Don’t call me mom! You rotten thing doesn’t deserve it! ”


Liu Haizhong scolded, this Jia Zhang can really make a fuss. After a little delay, it’s time for the hospital to leave work.

At the door of the laboratory department, after Yi Zhonghai was drawn blood, he watched the stick stalk being drawn blood. He suddenly felt this pain in his heart.

The stick terrier is most likely his child Yi Zhonghai. That’s when you can verify your identity.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly gushed out endless fatherly love for the stick terrier. He was now expecting and scared.

He was looking forward to the results, and when he came out, he confirmed that the stick terrier was his own species. Then their Yi family is not extinct!

When he dies later, he will be worthy of his ancestors. But Yi Zhonghai was also afraid.

If the stick terrier is really his own child. What about your own work?

In case you really fire yourself and have another child, how will you live in the future?

Yi Zhonghai thought a lot at this moment, even taking Qin Huairu and the stick terrier to pick up the rags…


The stick terrier drew blood and cried out in pain, but unfortunately Qin Huairu did not dare to comfort him, and Jia Zhangshi only felt that he copied it in a panic!

“Shut up!”

Jia Zhangshi roared, and the stick terrier could only shut up.

He now knows that his status has changed.

At noon today, Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu still ate white-faced steamed buns. Jia Zhangshi gave Xiaodang and Huaihua a two-in-one steamed bun.

But only gave Silly Zhu half a bowl of stick noodle porridge.

Originally, Jia Zhangshi was thinking of giving the stick terrier a bowl of stick noodle porridge, but this is still her thought, in case the stick terrier is a little bit likely to be her own species?

But when she saw the curls of the stick terrier, she sneered in her heart, this is her own family’s planting, but it is too low!

Therefore, Jia Zhang took the bowl and drank half a bowl himself, leaving only half a bowl of stick noodles for the stick stalk.

Seeing Jia Zhangshi pulling the stick terrier’s ears out, Qin Huairu and Yi Zhonghai glared at Zhang Shengli fiercely!

It’s all because of him, if it weren’t for his mouth, the kid of the stick terrier could still continue to be favored, how could he suffer this child’s sin! Zhang Shengli certainly found their gaze.

But so what?

If he was afraid that these people would hate, Zhang Shengli would not have cleaned up such a beast.

“Doctor, when will this result come out?”

Zhang Shengli asked the doctor in the laboratory department.

“This has to be queued, we are all tested one by one…” If it is fast, tomorrow, if it is slow, the day after tomorrow, your people will remember to come and ask when they are free. ”

Zhang Shengli raised his eyebrows, this matter must be easy for Zhonghai to remember. Zhang Shengli glanced at Yi Zhonghai.

He has discovered that Yi Zhonghai is now in a very hesitant stage. He was afraid that the stick terrier was his own child, but he hoped that the stick terrier was his child. After all, unfilial piety has three nothings.

This is especially true for the older generation.

Therefore, Yi Zhonghai will definitely think about this matter every day.

In the courtyard, Qin Huairu went home and quickly entered the kitchen. Usually it’s her job, let alone what it is now.

Qin Huairu didn’t dare to let it go, and he worked non-stop when he came back, for fear that he would be troubled by the Jia family when he was idle. And the stick terrier did not dare to enter the house, and Jia Dongxu and Jia Zhangshi were in good spirits.

If you enter the house yourself, you may be beaten if it is not right.

As a result, the stick terrier was in a daze at the gate of the courtyard. Liu Guangfu suddenly came from behind.

And on his hands, he carried two broken shoes that could not be worn.


Liu Guangfu patted the stick terrier, and then hung a pair of broken shoes on the stick terrier’s neck!

“What are you doing!”

The stick terrier was about to throw the broken shoes, but was held down by Liu Guangfu’s neck: “You dare to take it off!” Your mother broke her shoes, and you dare to shout when she gave birth to such a wild species as you! I can tell you that this thing is necessary for parading the streets, Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian held down the stick terrier, so that he could not struggle. ”

“Just such a posture, such an action, being escorted around the street, do you know you?”

Saying that, Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian escorted the stick terrier into the courtyard, and how the stick terrier scolded them should not have heard!

“Stick terrier, don’t be anxious about this wild species, we are all for your own good!” If you don’t get used to it, what will you do when you are parading the streets? ”

“Yes, when the time comes, people will still throw stones and vegetable leaves on you!”

“Our brother is kind, don’t be ignorant!”

Seeing this scene, Jia Zhangshi, who was sitting at the door of the house, twitched his eyelids, but did not care, and directly turned around and entered the house.

“Woooo Grandma save me! Father! Father! ”

The stick terrier was escorted by Liu Guangfu and them to wander around the courtyard, and his arm hurt, and the stick terrier kept crying. But no one cared about him. Neighbors won’t care, why?

Because wild species should have paraded the streets in the first place.

Yi Zhonghai couldn’t care, if it was before, he would definitely take the lead for the stick terrier.

But not now, now they are embarrassed, so Yi Zhonghai has obviously passed by the stick terrier, and he can only pretend to turn a blind eye.

The stick terrier looked at Yi Zhonghai’s back, and his eyes were full of fierce murderous aura! This bastard! He hurt himself and was scolded by wild species, and the result? He was actually unwilling to save himself once!

The flame of hatred in the heart of the stick terrier is constantly burning.

Seeing the way the stick terrier looked at Yi Zhonghai, Liu Guangfu sneered: “See, the stick terrier?” This is Yi Zhonghai, this old immortal you! He made you a wild species, and now he is still so leisurely when you wander the streets… Alas. ”

Liu Guangfu pretended to sigh: “Tell me, don’t hate us, after all, everyone who breaks shoes has to be like this…” If you want to hate, hate Yi Zhonghai, after all, if it weren’t for this old thing of him, how could you find me? ”

Liu Guangfu’s words are pure nonsense to deceive children.

After all, the stick terrier can’t be confirmed to be Yi Zhonghai now, how can they let him cruise the streets in advance? It’s just an excuse for them to clean up the stick terrier.

But after listening to Liu Guangfu’s bullshit, he didn’t feel that there was anything wrong. He really thought that he was so miserable now because of Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu!

The stick terrier raised the lowered head of the detained Wan and looked in the direction of Yi Zhonghai’s family. He is a stick terrier, and he will definitely take revenge!

The stick terrier suffers in the yard.

Jia Zhang and Jia Dongxu didn’t say a word.

Seeing Qin Huairu enter the hall house, and then seeing Qin Huairu look at the yard, Jia Dongxu snorted coldly, and said strangely: “How?” Are you distressed about the wild species? ”

Qin Huairu’s eyes turned red when he heard this, and he looked at Jia Dongxu with his eyes: “Dongxu, I really haven’t sorry for you, he is really your son!” ”

“Fart your mother!”

Jia Zhang slapped the table!

“Qin Huairu, you put such a big green hat on my son, do you still have the face to lie here? If the stick terrier is Dongxu’s son, who is his yellow curly hair? Could it be that your mother stole someone’s space… What is inherited? ”

Qin Huairu had nothing to say, so she could only clean up crying.

“Get out!”

Jia Dongxu grabbed the broom, and Qin Huairu almost wrestled!

“Lao Tzu is still alive! Who are you crying to? Why, do you want me to die and quickly remarry? ”

Qin Huairu quickly shook his head, not daring to cry…

“No, no…”

Yang Weiwei went out today and prepared some things for marriage. I also specially brought back a few pieces of red paper.

To get married, you need a new couplet and a new happy word.

Therefore, Yang Weiwei came to ask Yan Bugui to help write.

“I bought a lot of red paper, and the rest of the paper should be used as your finishing fee.”

Yang Weiwei said with a smile.

Yan Bugui is excited! Check it out!

Zhang Shengli, this young man is still worried about his Yanbu Gui! He knows that he is still useful!


Yan Bugui touched Yang Weiwei’s red paper, this paper is really good, better than the red paper he has bought over the years.

“You and Victory are too polite! We are all neighbors, just write a little. What a polishing pen! Saying that, Yan Bugui had already ordered his son to grind himself quickly. ”

“You don’t know, I used to write Spring Festival couplings in the New Year, I used to use ordinary ink! That thing put, it fades easily. ”

Yan Bugui pointed to his research platform: “This, but my grandfather passed down from generation!” Good ink and good research, I am easily reluctant to use it. ”

Yan Bugui dipped his ink in distress and began to write couplets.

This is also no way, this is Zhang Shengli marriage. I can’t bear the child can’t stop the wolf!

If you want to have a good relationship with Zhang Shengli, how can you do it without paying something. Thinking so, Yan Bugui endured the distress and wrote.

This paper is so good, Yan Bugui wrote that his heart is beautiful again.

After writing the couplet and then cutting the joy word, then the rest is at least enough for a pair of spring couplings!

I have to take advantage of this ink to write quickly, after all, such a good paper with good ink is a stupid pillar sitting at the door, he was taken away by the people who guarded the section today, and then the defense section was scolded for a while. Say that he is too impulsive, even dog men and women can’t fight like him or something.

Silly Pillar listened to one head and two big.

He is real now, looking at Yi Zhonghai and wanting to fight! At this time, Yang Weiwei came out of Yan Bugui’s house. Carrying a pile of written red paper.

Silly Zhu knew that Yang Weiwei and Zhang Shengli were going to get married. Thinking of this, Silly Zhu couldn’t stand it with distressed jealousy! Why is that?

He He Yuzhu is in his thirties, and he is still a boy chicken…

But what about the courtyard?

Xu Damao, a beast, found a beautiful and rich daughter-in-law like Lou Xiao’e.

Yi Zhonghai, the old immortal bastard, has Aunt Yi at home who serves him every day to eat and drink, and he actually dares to look at the most awesome Zhang Shengli with Qin Huairu!

This beast, after entering the factory for more than a month, has changed from a first-level worker to a sixth-level worker, and from a sixth-level worker to an eighth-level worker! What makes people even more jealous is that the daughter-in-law married by Zhang Shengli is still so good-looking!

Why did Zhang Shengli find such a good woman as Yang Weiwei! Silly Zhu felt uncomfortable panic when he thought about it.

At dinner time, the front chest of the stick terrier was pressed against the back. But at the dinner table, he still didn’t dare to shout.

I can only uncharacteristically wait quietly for the meal to open.

“I… Mom, I want to eat steamed buns too. ”

Seeing that Jia Zhangshi gave herself and Jia Dongxu white-faced steamed buns again. He also gave Xiaodang and Huaihua a two-in-one noodle steamed bun.

And when it came to himself and Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu only had a bowl of stick noodle porridge. And he is still half a bowl of stick noodle porridge…

“Grandma… I’m hungry… I want to eat steamed buns…”

The stick terrier couldn’t help it, he was really hungry and panicked.

But Jia Zhang just looked at him in disgust.

“Why are you looking for me when you’re hungry? Isn’t your dad on the other side? If you can’t eat enough, you will roll! ”

Qin Huairu quickly pulled the stick stalk over and handed him her own stick noodle porridge!

As a result, the stick terrier pushed her bowl away!

“Rotten goods! I’m not rare of your stuff! ”

Seeing the stick terrier scolding Qin Huairu, Jia Zhang’s heart felt much better, this rotten thing, hurt his own son to cuckold!

“You two slut, shut up for me! Lao Tzu eats! ”

Jia Dongxu roared, and the stick terrier and Qin Huairu did not dare to speak. The stick terrier hates it even more!

If it weren’t for Yi Zhonghai, how could he be scolded by his father?

The stick terrier remembers, Jia Dongxu has never scolded himself!

“Something that thunders that day! Yi Zhonghai, this old thing, must not die well! ”

Jia Dongxu ate the white-faced steamed buns, drank the porridge, and then glared at Yi Zhonghai’s family fiercely.

“Old Wang bastard, why doesn’t he die!”

Jia Dongxu’s scolding stick terrier listened, and suddenly felt that this was what he should do! Don’t talk about killing, but he can take revenge!

He didn’t dare to kill, but he dared to set fire!

Yi Zhonghai, this dog thing, let himself be hungry and beaten, but he eats fragrant and spicy at home! The stick terrier thought so and decided to take revenge on Yi Zhonghai!

Winter in Sijiu City is dry and cold.

After everyone had eaten and washed, they all quickly went into the bed. One to keep warm.

Second, go to bed early, save energy and electricity bills.

Everyone slept, and no one noticed that the stick terrier was still sitting in the courtyard.

The stick terrier saw that the sky was getting darker and darker, and his mood became more and more nervous, and when there was no light in the entire courtyard, the stick terrier deliberately waited a little longer. After all.

Turning off the lights doesn’t mean you’ll fall asleep right away.

So, the stick terrier sat in the cold wind for a while longer. The stick terrier looked at the Jia family.

If Jin’er dealt with Yi Zhonghai, would he be praised by his father and grandmother? The stick terrier is still too naïve, if it really proves that the stick terrier is someone else’s child.

Then Jia Dongxu they will never be nice to him, no matter what he does. The stick terrier stood up and walked towards Yi Zhonghai’s door.

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