Chapter 433 Hurry, hurry, get a quick-acting heart-saving pill!

Yuan Wu collapsed!

If he had known that Chen Yingcai had such a dignified brother, he would have regarded Chen Yingcai as his ancestor!

but now!

Everything is too late!

Where did Chen Yingcai go? What do you know, the kid was expelled from the teacher’s door, and even the Cultivation Base was abolished, maybe in which burp he was belching.

The immortal world is not peaceful, but there are many Demon Cultivators who block the way and rob.

What to do?

How to do?

Fuck, who can save me on horseback? Why do I feel like a catastrophe is imminent? What is the power of a young man who can produce thirty or forty million-year-old Immortal Origin Fruits and can casually reward such treasures?

“Huh? Senior, why is your face so ugly? But it’s uncomfortable?”

Fang Han spoke in surprise.

My heart is naturally very mirror-like.

This old thing is scared, but this is just the beginning. You have fallen down before I can exert any strength?

Let me give you something more ruthless.

“Lao Jin, give me a blessing and vitality pill!”

Fang Han spoke to the void.

The next moment, an old figure appeared, falling behind Fang Han, naturally a mirror image clone.

Yuan Wu was shocked, and there was an extra person in Immortal Cave, he didn’t even notice it.

Fang Han controlled the mirror clone to take out a Medicine Pill, and then it disappeared.

Looking at Yuan Wu who was confused, Fang Han smiled and said, “Don’t be offended by senior, this is my protector, a little robber, just a servant of my master, I’m too embarrassed to let him see clearly. People, forgive me.”

Yuan Wu, “???”


What do you mean by riding a horse?

I just wanted to ask, how did the four words Xiaoxiaojiexian come into being?

Before the word “Jiexian”, when is it allowed to use the small word to accentuate? This is so non-observance of the Basic Law!

But this sentence.

Think carefully!

Master’s servants are all Jie Xian, then Master…

I puff!

This Lu Lixian, he is the supreme apprentice!

I’m f*ck, I need quick-acting heart-relief pills now, because I feel like I am a pill, who can buy me some medicine?

“Senior, this Medicine Pill is the best life blessing and vitality pill. My master once said that it can recover from any injury and disease, and it can also increase a lot of life. If senior is uncomfortable, he can take it and restore it.”

Fang Han was sincere and caring.

However, this kind of sincerity and concern made Yuan Wu cry.

Don’t you!

Don’t be so nice to me!

My horse is not what you think!

I’m not good to your little brother,

I have never treated him well.

Did not really educate him.

I even beat him and scolded him.

His Cultivation Base was abolished, and I did it myself.

This is called clearing the portal.

He was expelled from the teacher’s door, it was my mouth.

This is righteous extermination!

Damn it!

Now think about it, how ridiculous I was at the beginning?

Looking at the Medicine Pill that was handed over, Yuan Wu naturally had an incomparable desire, the best Fushou vitality pill, this is the greedy play of the Immortal Emperor Capital, can he not be greedy?


He dare not pick it up!

On the table, the million-year-old Xianyuan fruit was so attractive, but he felt that he had grown wings and left himself.


Yuan Wu spoke, very bitter, but he did not dare to tell the truth when he spit out a word.

The disciples beside him were already scared to face as pale as paper, their bodies trembling, their heads drooping, and their eyes with extreme fear.

Everyone is a smart person, so naturally you know what kind of catastrophe the Master has caused!

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Wucai pushed Fang Han’s hand back, squeezed out a smiling face with difficulty, and then said, “So you are a talented brother. Closed Door Training, I can’t come out for the time being, there’s no way.”

Fang Han didn’t pass the Medicine Pill anymore, put it away casually, and smiled lightly, “Closed Door Training? This kid is still moving forward, not bad, it doesn’t matter, I can wait.”

Yuan Wu’s face changed slightly, and he asked tentatively, “Is there something urgent for my little friend? If you have something urgent, you can do it first. If you have the talent, Closed Door Training, it will take a long time.”

Fang Han waved his hand, “It’s okay, I’m okay when I’m idle.”

Yuan Wu is not good enough to say more, and if you say more, it’s not right. A sense of sorrow is rolling in his heart. He feels that he should still have a chance to be rescued, and quickly said, “In this way, the little friend should be first… I live in Immortal Cave next to me, which is the Immortal Cave where I receive my friends, how about it?”

Fang Han smiled and cupped hands, “Thank you senior, then, I have been on the road for several days, and I am also exhausted, so it’s okay to take a break first.”

Yuan Wu was overjoyed.

He personally took Fang Han to the Immortal Cave next door.

When he came out of this Immortal Cave, Yuan Wu’s face turned into a white paper color, and he gritted his teeth to several disciples and said, “You call that idiot Liu Xuan to the Head Teacher Great Hall!”

After speaking, he hurried to the Head Teacher Great Hall.

It didn’t take long.

Under Yuan Wu’s narration, Gu Feng, the head teacher of Feihe Immortal Gate, was dumbfounded for a long time, and his heart was knocked by 10,000 f*ck beasts.

The impermanence of fate is so wonderful.

Gui Ta Ma knew that he had only expelled a little Sect disciple and caused such a disaster!

“Head Teacher, it’s all my fault, but now, it’s about the safety of Xianmen. I hope that Head Teacher will put the overall situation as the top priority and send people quickly to get Chen Youcai back!”

Yuan Wu cried bitterly, and he couldn’t help it. “As long as we get Chen Youcai back, we will have room for change.”

Gu Feng’s cheek twitched.

He squeezed his fist tightly, wanting to hit Yuan Wu’s face with a punch.

But he resisted.

Yuan Wu was right. The most important thing now is to find someone!


“No, I have to hurry up and order to block Chen Youcai’s affairs, otherwise, if his brother knows the truth, nothing will stop…”

Gu Feng’s face changed drastically, and then he quickly issued orders.

Soon, the entire Feihe Immortal Gate, from Elder to the little slave who was sweeping the floor, received an order, and everything was about Chen Youcai.

Chen Youcai?

Isn’t this Sect’s rebellion some time ago? The one who was expelled from the division?

Head Teacher actually ordered not to mention everything about Chen Youcai’s rebellion and expulsion, but to promote Sect’s importance to Chen Youcai?

What the hell is this?

Many people are at a loss.

However, when the order was issued, the words were extremely heavy and the consequences were even more serious, so everyone instinctively remembered it.

at the same time.

Feihe Immortal Gate news frequently came out, looking for Chen Youcai’s traces, and offering high-priced rewards, which were placed on various well-informed forces.

After finishing his busy work, Gu Feng had the intention to deal with Yuan Wu and…

At a loss, the disciple Liu Xuan who had been slapped more than a thousand by Yuan Wu.

Looking at Liu Xuan, Gu Feng said with a sneer, “Chen Youcai’s matter was brought out by this son. I don’t care about what happened before, but afterwards…this son must be handled by Chen Youcai himself.”

Yuan Wu nodded solemnly, “This is natural.”

Liu Xuan, “???”

Hit f*ck!

Head Teacher and Master, is this crazy? Master beat me, Head Teacher hated me, but what did I do?

“Head Teacher, Master, I…”

Liu Xuan was full of resentment, and as soon as he spoke, he was stunned by Yuan Wu’s slap.

Yuan Wu cursed, “If it weren’t for you, daddy would expect the immortal emperor in the future, if it wasn’t for you…”

The more I speak, the more my heart hurts.

Gu Feng was also speechless.

Knowing the meeting ceremony Fang Han gave, he was so greedy, it’s a pity…

Fortunes and misfortunes are unpredictable!

In case, the deeds are revealed, with the supreme background of the other party, it may be a member of Sacred Land. It is not uncommon for Feihe Immortal Gate to be implicated in the destruction of the sect.

Just now.

A figure walked in quickly, with excitement on his face, facing Head Teacher Gu Feng’s cupped hands, and said ecstatically, “Head Teacher, great joy, there is a young man named Lu Lixian, young, unexpectedly With the ability of the Alchemy Grand Great Master, he has refined a lot of pill of rules, and even pointed out several masters in the alchemy hall, who are regarded as seniors and head teachers by several masters. Who is this person? It is so powerful!”

Gu Feng, “…”

Damn it!

Don’t say anything!

Don’t ask too much!

Hurry up, give me a whole quick-acting Jiuxin pill, I really need to save…

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