Chapter 432 God, you are absolutely playing with me!

Chen Yingcai felt that he was extremely calm.

It is said that life must go through great ups and downs in order to truly break the cocoon and transform the butterfly.

Chen Yingcai used to sneer, thinking this is pure nonsense, but now it seems…

It makes sense for a thief to step on a horse.

Although he didn’t believe in Fang Han’s promise very much, Fang Han was really good to him, not only miraculously cured his injury, but also gave him a huge sum of money.

A huge sum of money that made him almost fainted.

A full 100 million of the best fairy spar.

At this moment, Chen Yingcai’s hatred of Fang Han disappeared, and it was replaced by heartfelt gratitude.

He didn’t know how to repay, and he knew very well that Fang Han probably didn’t need to repay him at all, so he could only pray for Fang Han continuously in his heart.

A few days later, Feihe City arrived.

Not far from the city is the Feihe Immortal Gate. Above Sect, you can see a huge phantom crane, which is very magnificent.

Fang Han randomly found an inn, settled in Chen Yingcai, and left with the dog.

The mountain road twists and turns up.

Fang Han and Gouye walked to the gate of Feihe Immortal Gate. At this moment, Gouye’s body turned into a fist-sized body, and he also changed his appearance, not afraid that anyone would recognize it.

Approaching the gate of the mountain, Fang Han’s aura was revealed, and the guardian disciples was shocked.

Fang Han didn’t wait for them to speak, and smiled with cupped hands, “Little Xiu Lu Lixian wants to meet Yuan Wu senior, the fairy gate of Feihe, and hopes to pass it on.”

The disciple Moriyama felt relieved, so polite, it seemed that he was not here to ask for trouble.

Yuan Wu is Chen Yingcai’s master, the ancestor Cultivation Base, and he works as Elder.

“Excuse me fellow daoist wait a minute.”

One of the Moriyama disciples politely cupped hands, then turned around and walked away quickly.

Fang Han smiled and waited patiently. Not long after, an old man walked in mid-air with a few people and landed at the gate of the mountain. Looking at Fang Han, the old man asked with doubts, “Little friend knows Old man? Why did you find me?”

“You are Yuan Wu senior?”

Fang Han suddenly showed an expression of gratitude, then quickly stepped forward and said sincerely, “My little brother worships Yuan Wu senior. During the correspondence, I often hear my little brother say how much his master treats him favorably. As my brother, Lu Lixian, I am grateful, senior, this is not a place to talk, we…”

Yuan Wu was immediately happy.

It turned out to be a door-to-door delivery of gratitude.

This is a good thing for him, to promote a good reputation.


It was mainly due to Fang Han’s age and aura, which obviously belonged to the ranks of Tianjiao, and only then did he feel the light on his face.

With a light cough, Yuan Wu smiled, “This is really not a place to talk, go to my Immortal Cave.”

“Senior, please.”

“Little friends follow me.”

Yuan Wu spoke in a leisurely manner, leading the way ahead, Fang Han followed, and several young people were thinking about which brother’s brother this is.

Came to an Immortal Cave.

Yuan Wu kindly invited Fang Han in.


Yuan Wu said with a smile, “I don’t know which disciple of the old man is the little friend’s younger brother, the older brother is senior, I will inform him to come and see him.”

Fang Han waved his hand, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, senior, don’t tell the truth, there are seven of our brothers, and they separated long ago. During this period of cultivation, we decided to have time for each and come to see the younger brother. Senior, don’t say anything, we’re a sincere person, I’m not grateful to talk about, please take care of this senior!”

Talk about it.

Fang Han waved his hand, and in an instant, fruit after fruit appeared on the table.

These are Xianyuan fruits, millions of years old.

Of course, it’s just a copy, but it couldn’t be better to deceive people.

Xianyuan fruit exudes a dim light.

There are thirty or forty.

Falling into the eyes of Yuan Wu and several of his disciples, they were completely confused.

What’s this stuff?

Fuck, how do you look so like the legendary fairy source fruit?

In the legend, the fairy source fruit that can break through the realm of the immortal emperor and cast the immortal emperor’s background, isn’t it just this shape?


Is this really a fairy source fruit?

Thirty or forty?

What about it?


I don’t know how many top-quality fairy spars are worth just one piece of this thing. Thirty or forty pieces, the value can’t go to the sky yet?

The atmosphere was a little quiet, and then Fang Han’s smiling voice sounded, “Senior, these are small gifts, Xianyuan fruits, millions of years old. Because my master respects me more, he often gives me some and borrows flowers. Gifts, seniors don’t have to mind.”

Yuan Wu…

He was still dumbfounded.

My brain is buzzing, all kinds of thoughts are circulating in my mind, and I feel that my own brain is not enough.

Fang Han’s words were still instinctively heard by him, and for a while, he almost cried.

I f*ck!

A million-year-old fairy source fruit!

Thirty or forty million-year-old Xianyuan fruits, no matter how wasteful we are and eat them all, I can definitely step into the realm of the emperor!

I thought that in my whole life, that’s it. I’m a three-flower ancestor immortal. I never expected that there is such a surprise waiting for me!

I actually received such a good disciple, what is this? This horse riding is called happiness!

His body trembled, Yuan Wu came to his senses, and then took a breath, but his voice still trembled slightly, saying, “How dare you mind…but…but I’m really embarrassed, this fairy source fruit is extremely rare, I Ashamed!”

Fang Han looked unhappy and waved his hand, “I’m angry because of what senior said.”

Yuan Wu smiled bitterly.

Fang Han continued, “My little brother said, senior treats him kindly and treats him in every possible way. I am the elder brother, so I feel the same, senior, in fact, a long time ago, we used to find a little brother and asked him to change to a Sect, but the little brother is grateful to senior. Good, I want to stay at Feihe Immortal Gate.”

“Keep it, my little brother, the youngest, so we are used to him, he likes, we will not stop, so, this time, I want to make the senior happy, it can be regarded as A little selfish, so that the senior can treat my little brother better.”

Yuan Wu swallowed.

I’m so ashamed of this.

I don’t even remember, which disciple I have been so kind to.

But ah, don’t worry, since then, I will treat your little brother to the extreme, and I will not be so good to my ancestors!

Several of Yuan Wu’s disciples all showed envy.

It can already be predicted that “love from the respected master” will show a tendency of favoritism.

Yuan Wu glanced at the fairy source fruits again, and then said with a smile on his face, “Little friend, let your little brother come over, we are all a family, and you don’t need to be so polite. You haven’t seen it for many years, for sure. I miss it very much.”

Fang Han nodded and smiled, “It’s okay.”

“Then I don’t know who your little brother is…”

“He, this bastard is called Chen Yingcai, hehe, I really miss him.”

Yuan Wu, “???”



Chen Yingcai? Is that Chen Yingcai? That Chen Yingcai, who was expelled from his division by the old man’s rage some time ago?

I puff!

Goodness, you’re playing with me on your horse, aren’t you?

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