Chapter 429 Congratulations, you succeeded in surviving!

Seeing the mirror avatar, many Sacred Land powerhouses are very nervous.

In their understanding, they naturally regarded the mirror clone as Fang Han’s protector.

The appearance of Fang Han’s “Daoist” was also expected by everyone.

Most people are still a little afraid.

After all, it was the existence that once easily killed the Three Tribulations powerhouse.

If it were not for the supreme Qianpojun leader, they might not dare to come in.

However, they didn’t even know at this time that the captain of this “Death Vengeance Squad” carried a handful of Qianbaojun, dignified and supreme. At this moment, they were shocked and confused.

The mirror avatar holds a wooden sword in his hand to break the evil, and Qianpojun succeeds in becoming the five scum of war.

The supreme Sacred Land, the black prison that is indispensable in the world, and how many dead bones and souls have been buried on the road to success, at this moment, is as fragile as an ant.

Qian Pojun was very frightened.

The sense of fear and powerlessness, like a tide, set off a monstrous wave in his heart.

Damn it!


What exactly is going on?

Why do I have such an incredible sense of weakness as a supreme body? It is as if the “guardian” holding the sword is the blue dragon that dominates the world, and he is the humble ant? ,

Is this an illusion?

How is this horse riding possible?

However, Cultivation Base doesn’t seem to be able to sense it, what’s the matter?

If you move your body, it seems to be in a quagmire. What’s the matter?

With a trembling body, Qian Pojun looked at Fang Han with horror, with endless bitterness in his mouth, and grumbled very hard, “This is…misunderstanding, don’t…don’t do it!”



Fang Han smiled indifferently, “It’s all here, right?”

As soon as his voice fell, the mirror image avatar wooden sword flickered, and Sword Qi spewed out, and after a short while, it blasted on Qianpojun’s body.

In an instant, the sky fell apart!

The extremely powerful supreme boss Qian broke the army, was blasted into dregs, shocking the world!

Humble as an ant, weak as a paper, like a thunder from the sky, very terribly blasted into everyone’s hearts.

It burst!


“Supreme…can’t stop a sword?”

“My god, the strength of this protector…could it be that it has reached the sky… the supreme position of heaven?”

“Damn Thousand Break Army, damn Black Prison Sacred Land, I knock f*ck!”

Many Sacred Land powerhouses were shocked and stunned. After reacting, they shouted one by one.

Some are still unbelievable, as in a dream.

Others yelled at Sacred Land in the dark prison for too much trampling on the horse.

If it weren’t for the black prison Sacred Land, or the Qianpojun, they wouldn’t dare to come in so hastily to take revenge even if the holy child was killed.

It’s fine now.

Qian*revenge squad leader*bearing handle* Supreme broke the army and was killed as an ant!

And they…


“This is a misunderstanding! What a misunderstanding!”

“The old man didn’t come in for revenge. Our Sacred Land sons are not dead, and we have a bird’s hatred? Let’s go now, let’s go!”

“All of this is what Qianpojun made his own mind. We just come in and take a look. Don’t get angry with Young Master Simon.”

The Sacred Land powerhouses decisively recognized the counsel, and pushed them to the end.

And the one who is stunned is undoubtedly the guardian.

The old guy shivered, his face changed wildly, and quickly disappeared in place, hiding.

He was terrified.

Lord Dog is scary enough. Now that Fang Han’s “Daoist” appeared, the Guardian realized with horror that he could not feel the strength of Fang Han’s “Daoist” Realm.

This is even more terrifying.

“Such a guy, you all put in? Isn’t this nonsense?”

The guardian cursed many Sacred Land, and his stubbornness became stronger.

at the same time.

Fang Han controlled the mirror clone to stand with the sword, glanced at the crowd, smiled lightly, “It’s the same sentence, it’s all here…”

Many Sacred Land powerhouses want to cry without tears.

Damn it!

What does it mean to come?

Do we deserve to die when we come?

What god logic is this?


Can you leave them alone?

Naturally, I can’t help it!

How can Fang Han just let it go when things have developed to such a point?

As long as the old Sacred Land demons who were in the sense of breaking evil, all were panicked at this moment.

The sense of powerlessness came in endlessly, and at this time they finally understood why Qianpojun didn’t dodge or hide just now, and was smashed by a sword!

Can’t avoid it!

Can’t flash it!

It seems that the gods are killing you and let you die, you will definitely die!


“My God, don’t kill me…”

“Old man, old man…”

“Ximen Chuuxue, do you really dare to kill and kill again? Are you not afraid of so many Sacred Land’s revenge?”

Begging for mercy and cursing came together, but when the Sword Qi storm passed, everything came to an abrupt end.

About 30% of the Sacred Land powerhouses remain in place. Those saint children are not dead. After all, these people are young and basically useless to break evil.

Fang Han is very satisfied. The Cultivation Base filling machine is already full.

After taking a look at the remaining Sacred Land powerhouses, Fang Han smiled slightly and said, “Why don’t you just do this first? You people, luck is good, you didn’t die. My guardian has a habit of not killing once. , I will never shoot a second time. In that case, congratulations, you succeeded in surviving.”

The remaining strong Sacred Land, “…”

Your uncle!

If you say this, do you want us to thank you for failing?

You lunatic! abnormal! Hangman!

We survived, but want us to thank you? Go and make your ghost dream!

These people couldn’t be killed. Fang Han was an eye-catcher watching him, and waved his hand impatiently, “What are you doing?

A group of Sacred Land powerhouses were silent.

Then he turned around honestly, and then as if being driven wildly by ten thousand vicious dogs behind him, he ran away.

Some people did not leave.

Qiong Yue Holy Maiden, Nether Sacred Land son Mo Wuji and several Nether Sacred Land robbers, and…Sun Transcendent and the Elders of the Demon Sect.

Sun Transcendent’s face was as pale as paper, and after struggling for a long time, he took a deep breath and said, “Master Demon…”


Fang Han spoke indifferently.

Sun Transcendent was instantly dumb, and he left with a lot of Demon Sect Elder in despair. He knew that Demon Sect was going to be finished, and there was no chance of rescue.

The powerhouses of Nether Sacred Land looked at their son Mo Wuji in admiration.

It’s better than my own son!

It seems that it is a wise move to fight against the anger and make friends with Fang Han.

Qiongyue Holy Maiden stepped forward, even if she was prepared, she was frightened by Fang Han’s slaughter. She couldn’t help but ask, “So many Sacred Land powerhouses have been killed by you, and they have become mortal enemies. Are you really scared at all?”

Fang Han stretched out and said, “Don’t worry, these people in Sacred Land are smart people and won’t retaliate again.”

Qiong Yue Holy Maiden was speechless.

If you don’t come now, you may not be looking for you in the future.

Suddenly, Lord Dog’s voice came from the Demon Soul Pond, “Master, are you finished with your work? Hurry up and continue looking for the Soul Source Orb.”

Somewhere in the secret realm, the hidden guardian has tears.

Knock on the f*ck of the immortal soul of the world, you are a real dog, really a beast, is it true that you want to wipe out my secret realm’s soul source beads, so that you are willing?

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