Chapter 428 Sacred Land Powerhouse Sends Vegetable Group to Secret Realm!

“This guy almost killed me. I also escaped. He wants to provoke discord. Don’t be fooled!”

Cangwu quickly got rid of the suspicion.

Many Saints didn’t really doubt it.

After all, the relationship between Sacred Land and Fang Han is well known.

The middle-aged holy son sneered, and quickly stepped forward, looking at Fang Han who had stepped into the air, and sneered, “Ximen Chuuxue, you are arrogant, arrogant, and domineering. I will disdain to take care of it, but you have to be bold Committing public anger without scruples, I can guarantee that you will die miserably!”

Fang Han stopped and said leisurely, “Oh? I’m scared by this, who are you?”

The middle-aged Shengzi’s face sank, “Moyuan Sacred Land, Wu Zutian!”

At this moment, Fang Han’s shoulders, the dog master suddenly stretched out his head and opened his mouth, “Eat me and pretend to be compared!”

In the next second, the Soul Extinguishing Arrow burst out and appeared in front of Wu Zangtian like lightning.

Contempt flashed across Wu Zangtian’s eyes.

As the Son of Demon Abyss Sacred Land, the Cultivation Base of the Three Flower Ancestor Immortal Peak, he was only one step away from the immortal emperor’s realm.

A mere demon pet, dare to be presumptuous?


Immortal power surged, forming a protection in front of him, the next second, Wu Zangtian’s face changed wildly.

The soul-killing arrow came through directly!

As if his protection didn’t exist at all.

Cangwu watched this scene from the side, and shouted with hindsight, “Brother Wu, be careful, this is a soul-killing arrow, ignoring defense!”

Damn it!

f*ck batch!

Don’t say anything early!

Wu Zangtian cursed in his heart, but his soul was a little horrified. He wanted to dodge, but when it was too late, Soul Destruction Arrow plunged directly into his face!


Only Wu Zangtian knew that the Soul Extinguishing Arrow had not disappeared, but appeared in his Sea of ​​Consciousness and went straight to his soul!

In the depths of the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Wu Zang Tian Divine Soul was trembling, and the Soul Extinguishing Arrow soon struck, and the Divine Soul exploded with powerful soul power.

But in the next instant, Wu Zangtian’s soul was blasted into dregs by Soul Destruction Arrow.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wu Zangtian’s body swayed in place, and his expression was dull.

Gouye was overjoyed. He flashed and jumped gracefully before landing in front of Wu Zangtian. Then he laughed strangely, and his figure disappeared.

Awesomely occupied Wu Zangtian’s physical body.

“Haha, so powerful!”

Gouye moved his limbs, the powerful and terrifying Xianyuan rolled, and the Xianyuan condensed by the law of the Three Flower Ancestor’s peak, was actually really terrifying.

Everyone is stunned!


What’s the situation?

Wu Zangtian, could it be dead?

What did that dog monster do? How could it feel like taking away the martial burial heaven?

Fang Han squinted his eyes, of course he was pleasantly surprised, his eyes flashed with killing intent, and he shouted, “Dogzi, let’s kill!”


Gouye laughed, manipulating Wu Zangtian’s body, and stretched out his palm to Cangwu for the first time.

“Asshole, the dog has been holding you back for a long time.”

As he spoke, a black light burst out of the palm of the dog’s palm, which turned into a long sword that was dark and enchanting, and the light of the knife flashed into Cangwu’s body.

Cangwu was confused, knowing that he was bound to die, and suddenly became somewhat self-pity and self-sorrow.

I am finally dead!

And still died in the bastard’s hands!

I really regret to fight him. Since I started to fight him, Daddy has never won.

In the next second, Cangwu’s flesh and blood was sucked clean by the blade, and he couldn’t die anymore.

at the same time.

Fang Han acted vigorously and broke into many holy children.

A group of saints were scared to pee.

“He really dared to do it!”

“My God, he is really crazy!”

“Run! Run away!”

“Wu Zangtian was robbed of her home. I was shocked to hear that Sacred Land will not spare you!”


The saints disappeared, Fang Han’s figure flickered, followed behind the dog to make a knife, and then killed the three saints.

Fang Han was still feeling a little bit, and glanced at the Demon Soul Pond. At this time, there was no figure in the Demon Soul Pond, so he simply landed and absorbed it.

On the other hand, Lord Gou had escaped from Wu Futian, wandering in one of the demon soul pools in the state of his soul body, and was extremely happy.

The guardian has a panoramic view of everything.

In his capacity, everyone felt horrified.

Fang Han’s style is too unscrupulous, this is not a Sacred Land To put in one’s eyes.

Especially when facing the Demon Abyss Sacred Land Shengzi Wu Fangtian, he was unceremonious and wiped out the other party’s soul, which was a shock to the sky.

The key is.

The guardian saw that after Fang Han had consumed the energy in the Demon Soul Pool at an incredible speed, he had begun to destroy the Demon Soul Pool again, looking for the Soul Source Orb.

“Damn! Damn kid!”

The guardian cursed, his angry soul trembled, and said viciously, “You kid wait, you will feel better later.”

After all, the guardian directly transmitted the previously burned screen to outside the secret realm.

outside world.

The strong Sacred Land shakes!

Even feel horrified!

The scenes of the falling of the saints are like thousands of thunderbolts in their hearts, making their scalp numb.

Then there was a shocking fury!

Demon Sect Elder’s grandson Transcendent almost burst into tears, even if Sect was finally rescued, he was still afraid.

Thanks to the capsizing early.

Otherwise, if the ship didn’t capsize, he was still in the same boat with Simon Demon. In the state of many Sacred Land powerhouses who are now furious, he would have the heart to kill himself and then whip the corpse.

Soon many Sacred Land powerhouses poured into the secret realm.

Now the guardian of the secret realm has opened the upper limit of combat power, even the black prison Sacred Land Supreme Thousand Broken Army, they are crazy and generally enter the secret realm.

at the same time.

Within the secret realm, the other saints gradually received news. For a while, there was no intention to find the Demon Soul Pool, and they gathered one after another and looked for other people.

The Guardian knew everything and simply used his methods to gather the others together and teleported to the strong Sacred Land who came in.

He appeared and looked at the many Sacred Land powerhouses with a gloomy expression.

There were a lot of Sacred Land powerhouses present, almost breaking a thousand, with murderous aura, and naturally terrifying aura.

The supreme powerhouse, only the black prison Sacred Land Qianbaijun, Cangwu’s death completely annoyed Qianbaijun. He looked at the guardian fiercely and said, “Why didn’t senior stop that fanatic?”

The guardian gritted his teeth and said, “That kid has my nemesis by his side… You can only do it yourself if you want revenge.”

Sacred Land powerhouses are all surprised.

The strength of the guardians has been verified by their ancestors.

Such a strong person, how strong is the nemesis?

The guardian smiled bitterly when he saw it, “Don’t worry, it’s just a small soul demon pet. It’s easy for you to deal with it.”

Qian Pojun took a deep breath, turned his eyes, and suddenly landed somewhere, where there were Sacred Land holy son Mo Wuji and Qiongyue Holy Maiden.

What he saw was naturally Qiongyue Holy Maiden.

Qian Pojun narrowed his eyes and said coldly, “It is said that you are that kid’s fiancee? Little girl, offended!”

After all, Qianpojun waved, and the terrifying Xianyuan captured and photographed Qiongyue Holy Maiden with a cold face and was caught by his side.

Mo Wuji had no expression on his face, as if turning a blind eye, but in his heart was a moment of silence for Qian Pojun.

It didn’t take long.

Fang Han, who was wreaking havoc with the dog master, searching for the Soul Source Orb, immediately found that the sky was covered, and a number of figures appeared.


Fang Han was a little surprised. He flew out of the Demon Soul Pool and looked at the many Sacred Land powerhouses, “You actually came in?”

The guardian sneered in secret, boy, this horseman is called a surprise.


Fang Han suddenly laughed, squinting his eyes and said, “It doesn’t matter if you are here, just to replenish my Cultivation Base body filling machine, um, let’s start with you.”

Reached out and pointed to the Supreme Thousand Break Army.

The next second, the mirror clone flashed out, without the slightest aura like a mortal body, but holding a wooden sword…

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