Chapter 186 Heavenly Artifact Sect Wants Fang Han?

Not only Fang Han felt that she couldn’t understand a woman’s heart.

Yunbuqi didn’t understand it.

He did not understand.

My celestial weapon is obviously very good.

My cloud is more of a real top-level government.

My future is shining brightly, and the heavens are calling for the wind and rain, and that is just around the corner.

Why does Feiyan Fairy look down on himself?

I licked it so seriously.

In the end, it’s not as good as a stranger?

Yunbuqi was hit hard, and Fang Han’s hatred was soaring violently.

This anger, until it gradually reached its destination, ushered in an explosion.


There is a turbulent crowd in the Void Realm.

There are too many big powers gathered here, from many big worlds. Among them, in addition to the Heavenly Tool Sect, there is also an Enlightened Dao Palace in the Holy Venerable Realm who has also sent a strong.

At this moment.

Sect Leader Yunxiao Song of Heavenly Tool Sect is undoubtedly the coolest one.

Because at this time, the Void Evil Sea has not formally appeared, and it is in the process of expansion, but once the Void Evil Sea stops expanding, it means that the test of the Palace of Death has officially begun.

Based on previous experience.

The Void and Evil Sea cannot sneak in from below.

Cannot fly from above.

You can’t even walk across the sea.

If you want to safely and safely reach the legendary Palace of Death in the Void and Evil Sea, you need to rely on Magic Treasures to ride the wind and waves.

And not all Magic Treasures are available.

The type of Magic Treasures, after the Void Evil Sea ceases to expand, will emerge from the Palace of Life and will be announced.

This is undoubtedly the opportunity of the Heavenly Tool Sect.

What is the most hanging of the Heavenly Tool Sect?

Of course it is the attainments of the refiner.

Therefore, today’s Heavenly Artifact Sect has long been sold out by the leading powerhouses.

Once the types of Magic Treasures were announced, they were customized by the master craftsmen of the Heavenly Treasure Sect.


This is a crazy money-making opportunity.

Yun Xiaoge, who is a thief, asks for remuneration at a tenfold price.

Those big powerhouses were angry, but they had to pinch their noses to recognize them.


Yun Xiaoge was in the void, relaxed and content, suddenly heard a shout, turned his head and looked at it, and laughed.

The son finally came.

Yun Xiaoge only has a son, Yunbuqi, so he takes him as the flesh of his heart, and the expression in his eyes becomes very soft.

But soon, Yun Xiaoge frowned.

Because he saw Yan Feiyan.

“This kid.”

Yun Xiaoge was a little depressed.

Picking up girls is back to picking up girls, why did you bring her? This woman’s identity, even he was extremely jealous.


The Baizhan Tower approached, and after stopping, Yunbuqi rushed to Yun Xiaoge’s side.

“Father, kill someone for me!”

Yun Buqi whispered murderously.

Behind, the old guardian who followed immediately twitched his cheeks, coughed lightly, and explained in a low voice.

After Yun Xiaoge heard Fang Han’s words to retire the Void Nielong, his pupils tightened.

When Fang Han ignored the formation of the Baizhan Tower, he got on the boat with ease, his nerves tightened, and he said in a condensed voice, “This guy, his background is not small.”


Yun Xiaoge’s eyes fell on Fang Han’s body.

Yan Feiyan, who came by, saluted Yun Xiaoge, “Feiyan pays homage to senior.”

Yun Xiaoge said without a smile, “Feiyan is here too, how is your father lately?”

“My father is all well.”

Yan Feiyan said.

“Who is this…”

Yun Xiaoge quickly changed the topic to Fang Han.

Fang Han said with cupped hands, “Senior, Junior is Rogue Cultivators, Fang Pingfan.”

Yun Xiaoge’s eyelids twitched.

Fang Pingfan?

You are an ordinary ass.

Can ordinary people retreat to the void evil dragon with one word? Can you board the Baizhan Tower of my house casually? Your name does not fit your personality at all.


Rogue Cultivators?

The words of Rogue Cultivators.

Then there are not so many scruples.

At this time, Yun Xiaoge understood why his son wanted to kill Fang Han.


It’s still so close to Yan Feiyan.

You are in direct contact with my son’s two big inferior scales. Who are you not doing?

Taking a deep breath, Yun Xiaoge said, “Young man, with all my respect, this great good fortune, this sect will naturally not allow an outsider to participate. Feiyan is my Junior, and you can take her with you. …”

Fang Han squinted his eyes and said, “That’s it, then I’ll withdraw from the team.”

“It’s done too.”

Yun Xiaoge laughed, but soon, his smile faded, and he said solemnly, “It’s okay to separate, but you have to lose money.”

Yan Fei frowned, “Senior, where do you start?”

Yun Xiaoge waved his hand, “Feiyan, it’s none of your business.”

Just as Yan Feiyan was about to speak, Fang Han interrupted, “Senior, it’s okay to lose money. What’s the reason?”

“You ruined my Hundred Battle Tower.”

Yun Xiaoge pointed to the Baizhan Tower not far away.

Yan Feiyan still couldn’t help it, “The Baizhan Tower is good, where is it broken?”

“Fei Yan, you haven’t learned craftsmanship, you don’t understand, this kid forcibly boarded the ship before, destroying the formation core of Baizhanlou, I know he is your friend, but one yard goes to one yard. I have to pay.”

Yun Xiaoge’s face is not red and heart beats and lies.

As for the face?

What is the face? Can you eat it?

Yan Feiyan was very angry.

Yun is not on the side, but the excitement cannot be added. The previous suffocation, anger, and anger, at this moment, have been vented.



My father shamelessly cheated you on money.

How can you drop it?

No money?

Don’t even want to leave without paying.

Not enough money?

Don’t want to leave if you don’t have enough money.

In short.

Today, our Heavenly Artifact Sect has decided you.

Fang Han was silent for a while and said, “Senior, to be honest, we have no grudges and no grievances, or… just forget it? I can take what senior said just now, I haven’t said it.”

The words came out.

Yun Buqi laughed presumptuously, “Idiot! Is this threatening my father? Are you afraid that you don’t know how terrible my Heavenly Tool Sect is?”

Yun Xiaoge glared at his own son, and then said indifferently, “It’s right to have no grievances and no enmity, but if you broke our things and don’t lose money, the old man really can’t let you go easily.”

Just now.

Yan Fei Yan said with cold frost on her pretty face, and said in a deep voice, “Young Master Fang, you follow me, I want to see it, the Heavenly Talisman Sect dare not move me!”

Yun Xiaoge’s expression froze.

In all directions, many good deeds came over, facing this scene, secretly sighing, this saintly world cloud laughter, is worthy of a typical black palm, it is so shameless to this point, there is no one.

“You lose money, right? Yes! Let’s talk, how much?”

Fang Han patted Yan Feiyan on the shoulder, then said blankly.

“It doesn’t need to be too much, look at Feiyan’s Face, um, one billion spars, okay?”

Yun Xiaoge squinted his eyes, his eyes flickering coldly—he didn’t go crazy? This kid is very tolerant and hard to deal with.


Fang Han quickly threw out a storage ring.

Then he turned around neatly and walked to the empty space on the side.

Yan Feiyan snorted softly, “Young Master Fang, wait for me.”

Having said that, she followed, her guardian old lady shook her head slightly, took a deep look at Yun Xiaoge, and then left.

“Old man, you have a seed.”

The dog master shook his head.

“You are this.”

The chicken master stretched out his own chicken paw and raised a chicken foot.

After talking about the two goods, he chased Fang Han in a hurry, and undoubtedly sentenced Yun Xiaoge to death in his heart.

Yun Buqi was a little unwilling, “Father, just forgive him like that?”

Yun Xiaoge curled his lips, his face was gloomy, and he looked at Fang Han’s back with a deep look, and said, “You fucking boy, what are you anxious, want revenge, there are so many opportunities, but you…”

“Why did you recruit Yan Feiyan? How many times have I told you? You and her, it’s impossible, why don’t you be obedient.”

Yunbuqi was a little bit depressed, and sighed, “I can see it now, I don’t have a temper with her.”

Yun Xiaoge sighed softly in her heart.

Is it just a bad temper?

What a bad temper.

The biggest gap between you and Yan Feiyan is your face.

Having said that, daddy is not bad, and your mother is also beautiful Celestial Immortals, why is it so ordinary when I get to you? It looks like upgraded…

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