Chapter 185 The Legend of the Palace of Death!

As the son of the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Tool Sect.

In the top government.

At this moment, Yunbuqi’s mentality has exploded.

Fang Han’s movements were very bluffing.

With the defensive array of the Baizhan Tower, the top refining tool of the Heavenly Tool Sect, if you fully defend it, even the giants of the fairyland can be blocked.

However, Fang Han stepped forward so easily.

The defensive array didn’t even react at all.

This crushed Yunbuqi’s Three Views, so even if it was the ridicule of Lord Gou and Lord Ji, he didn’t get back immediately.


The trembling Yun Buqi looked not far away, chatting and laughing with Yan Feiyan, looking like a confidant, he became jealous.

Go crazy with jealousy.

Plus the previous face slap.

Yun Buqi’s face was blue, his eyes moved slightly, and he said to the purple-clothed old man next to him, “Old Master, I want him to die.”

The purple-clothed old man twitched at the corner of his eyes. He was silent for a while, and his voice was transmitted slowly, “…Young Master, please be clearer.”

This can also be expressed in another sentence—“Young Master, are you dreaming when you step on a horse, wake up, wake up!”

Yunbuqi was called a Huo Da, and his eyes flickered, “I just want him to die! Old, you have to help me!”

“Young Master, forgive me, this guy’s own strength is not mentioned, he just got on the boat, you have also seen…the old man thinks, it is better to be safe, after all, no hatred and no resentment…”

“He pried my corner!!!”

“Young Master, forgive me for what the old man said, you and Fairy Feiyan haven’t said anything yet.”


Yun Buqi was silent.

He knew that although the ancient person around him was his protector, but when it came to a major event, he couldn’t even move him.

His father asked Gu to protect him.

But it wasn’t for Gu to be his slave.

He is not old, he has nothing to do with him.

And the ancient and unceremonious words made Yunbuqi realize a reality, that is—

The moment Fang Han boarded the ship.

The name of the son of the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Tool Sect is no longer good.

You have to hold back if you are angry.

Even if there is fire, it must be suppressed.

You have to endure anger.

“Dammit! I have to see what your background is!”

Yunbuqi’s eyes were very dangerous, and the opposite scene made him intolerable. He simply turned his head and looked into the distance.

“I still have to thank my son for saving his life.”

Yan Feiyan was very polite.

Having said a lot of thanks, Fang Han was embarrassed.

“…Miss Yan, forgive me, where are you going?”

Yan Feiyan was about to answer.

The old woman beside her pulled her clothes, shook her head faintly, and then took the initiative to say, “This prince, where are we going, it’s inconvenient to talk more, but you, why come here alone in this Void Realm?”

Fang Han smiled bitterly, “Senior made a joke, I’m lost.”

“get lost?”

Yan Feiyan’s eyes widened, “Don’t you have a limit?”

Fang Han rubbed his hands and said with a smile, “I really don’t have it. No, I’m thinking of borrowing one and buying it with money.”

At this point, Yan Feiyan covered her mouth and chuckled, then directly took out a disc, and handed it over, “Young Master Fang, this is my portable disc. I gave it to you. I will repay it.”

The old woman beside her said helplessly, “Miss, your world is the best.”


Yan Feiyan doesn’t matter.

Fang Han took the bounding plate, and didn’t say much.

Give money.

I was afraid that Yan Feiyan would feel insulted her.

Give something?

I’m afraid that the old woman thinks he has bad intentions.

It doesn’t matter, he wants to pay back the favor, there are so many ways.

Checked the boundaries.

Fang Han was speechless.

He should be in the Void Realm outside the Celestial Star Realm, but the Celestial Star Realm is far from the Xuanhuang Great Realm… I don’t know how many big worlds it is.

In other words.

He wanted to go back in a short time, it was really useless.

Turning his head and glaring at Master Ji fiercely.

Ji Ye’s expression suddenly stiffened, but for some reason, he shook his body, and then hid behind Gou Ye.

“What are you doing?” Gouye hadn’t noticed Fang Han’s eyes just now, and was very puzzled.

“Brother Gou, save me, the master wants to catch me and make soup.”

The chicken master tremblingly spoke.

Master Gou was inexplicably excited, “Oh? Is it delicious?”

Master Chicken, “???”

Your uncle!

Fang Han didn’t want to return to the Celestial Star Realm either.

Just like that upstairs in Baizhan, they moved forward with Yan Feiyan.

I don’t know if a few days have passed, Fang Han took advantage of the absence of Yan Feiyan’s old guardian, and asked Yan Feiyan their destination, this time he got the answer directly.

“Void Evil Sea, the legend of the Palace of Death?”

Fang Han’s eyes flashed slightly.

Yan Feiyan was about to speak.

I heard a sneer, “Fairy Feiyan, please be careful, how can you tell him such secrets as an outsider? However, you don’t even know the Palace of Death? Fellow daoist came from Minor World, right?”

But Yunbuqi came over.

“Are you eavesdropping?”

Fang Han glanced at him.

Yunbuqi’s face was reddened, not ashamed, he was ashamed? He doesn’t know how to write ashamed.

He is angry.

This is really my boat, mine! From my house! The Hundred Battleship of my house!

This is my place!

What can’t I do in my place? I eavesdrop? I am the duty of an upright sailing ship owner, watching the six roads, listening to all directions!

This guy.

It really didn’t put me at all. To put in one’s eyes!

“Stop talking nonsense, fellow daoist you have been here for many days, it’s time to leave.”

Yunbuqi shouted unceremoniously.

Fang Han looked at Yan Feiyan and said, “Miss Yan, what does this guy have to do with you?”

Yan Feiyan glanced at Yunbuqi, “It’s… a friend.”

Yunbuqi’s face suddenly turned ugly.

I treat you as my fiancee, but you treat me as a friend?

Thanks to my good fortune this time, I want to take you to take off. I didn’t expect that this sentence my friend said so reluctantly.

“It turns out that it’s just an ordinary friendship… if that’s the case, then we have no friendship.”

Fang Lian stared at Yunbuqi.

Yun Buqi panicked, “You…what do you want to do?”

“What do you say?”

Fang Han’s expression darkened.

“…Huh! I’m too lazy to care about you!”

Yun Buqi was frightened, but Fang Han made the ancients afraid of existence, so he could confuse his lips.

Having said that, Yunbuqi turned around in his sleeves, and went back to the cabin with a green face.

Yan Feiyan smiled bitterly, “Young Master Fang, although Shao Yun has a bad temper, he is after all the son of the Young Master of the Heavenly Tool Sect. By the way, you are not a member of the Holy Venerable Realm, are you? Dazong, Sect is so powerful, you better leave him alone.”

Fang Han shook his head, “Don’t worry, I treat him like a fool… Uh… child.”

Yan Feiyan is speechless. You can’t explode when Yunbuqi hears these words.

“By the way, the Void Vicious Sea, and the Palace of Death…”

“Young Master Fang really doesn’t know?”

Yan Feiyan expressed surprise at Fang Han’s ignorance.

After all, there are legends in all heavens and realms in the Palace of Resurrection in the Void Evil Sea.

The frequency of appearance of the Void and Evil Sea is extremely low.

The location is even more erratic.

But every time the Void Sea of ​​Evil appears, once it is known, it will cause shocking waves.

Because in the void and evil sea, there is a palace of rebirth.

According to previous experience, once someone can complete the test of the Hall of Relapse, they will receive a huge reward from the Hall of Relapse.

After death, it can be resurrected in the Hall of Death.

As long as you died accidentally, whether you died from poison, overwork, or energy exhaustion, you can be resurrected.

This is tantamount to the second life.

Who can not be crazy about it.

Some time ago, the Heavenly Tool Sect where Yunbuqi was located, accidentally learned the news of the appearance of the Void Evil Sea.

Yunbuqi is in the second batch this time. He was outside before, and when he came back after receiving the news, his father set off and arrived.

And because Yunbuqi fell in love with Yan Feiyan at first sight, he just couldn’t lick it, so he sent out an invitation as a sign of his heart.

Yan Feiyan was naturally happy to go.

Now it is very close to the destination.

After Yan Feiyan finished speaking, he blinked at Fang Han and said with a smile, “Young Master Fang is extremely powerful, but you can try it. The legend of the Palace of Death is not fake, it is equivalent to the second life, and it is precious. .”

Fang Han thought to himself, I don’t need the Palace of Death at all.

I still have a King’s Rebirth No. 2 potion in my hand, which is useless.


We still have a few yang pills.

However, at this moment, Fang Han undoubtedly saw an excellent opportunity to pretend to be, in the Void Realm, the sign-in system was silent, and he must have stepped into a new world.

But if you sign in with forced value, it works all the time.

Fang Han has accumulated a lot of pretense value now, and hasn’t checked in. He just wants to accumulate more, so he can fly into the sky.

Mindful of this.

Fang Han smiled at Yan Feiyan, “I don’t want to miss such a scene, but if there is a chance to be rewarded, I can give it to Miss Yan, and I will return your love for the world at that time.”

Yan Feiyan was dumbfounded, then laughed and shook his head.

She didn’t believe Fang Han’s words.

The reward of the Palace of Rebirth, the opportunity for rebirth, who can give it to others? She feels that she can’t do it, let alone, we are not relatives.


He greets me…

Before she knew it, Yan Feiyan’s cheeks turned red, like a ripe red apple, which made Fang Han very puzzled.

Why are you ashamed?

I didn’t do anything.

Oops, a woman’s mind is so difficult to understand. If you want to figure it out, don’t count on it in this life…

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