Chapter 157 I just want to play around!

In front of the Four Saints Mountain.

Fang Han came.

Master Gou and Master Ji didn’t follow, and it won’t be too late to reunite when they are safe.


The two Shoushan disciples saw Fang Han approaching, and after looking around for a few times, one of them coldly shouted, “Are there any greetings?”

Fang Han’s face sank, “Waiting? I’m looking for my brother, but still need a greeting? My brother is the son of the Head Teacher of the Four Saints.”

Shoushan disciple stunned.

The son of Head Teacher is your brother?

Yes, you are better than you.

Glancing at each other, the disciple Moriyama bent over subconsciously, and the cupped hands that had been drinking coldly before said, “My son, I’m so awkward, you can bear it, but… Since the son is the brother of Young Master Yuchen, why not contact him personally. Young Master Youchen?”

Fang Han said leisurely, “I have made friends with Youchen, but for some reasons, it is inconvenient to contact him. You can tell him, just say that the old friend is visiting, let him come to see me.”

The two Moriyama disciples looked at each other.

However, naturally I dare not neglect.

One of them stayed in place, and the other was to quickly enter the mountain gate.

After a long time.

I saw a young man stepping into the air. After falling in front of the mountain gate, he frowned and glanced at Fang Han. Then he sneered, “Good boy, you lied to the Four Sage Sects. I don’t know you. Where did the old man say?”

Fang Han squinted his eyes, then directly stretched out his hand.

The monstrous Magic power rolled out, turned into a huge palm, and directly photographed Leng Youchen, the son of the Head Teacher of the Four Sages.

The two Shoushan disciples looked stunned, and when they reacted, their faces turned pale, and then a strong alarm sounded long, resounding through the Four Holy Sects.

This is a warning of an enemy attack.

As for Leng Youchen, who had been captured by Fang Han, there was no sign of fear at all.

Where is this?

Here is the Gate of the Four Saints.

Don’t say it’s a real fairy.

Even the ancestor of human immortals, dare not be too presumptuous.

Leng Youchen stared at Fang Han with a sneer, and said with a strong killing intent, “You dare to do something here. I really don’t know what you are thinking. I will stand here and let you kill. Do you dare?”

Fang Han ignored him.

Instead, he directly took out a Medicine Pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

Leng Youchen looked furious, and after he ate Medicine Pill abruptly, he was trembling with anger, “You are poisoning me? Is it useful? Do you think you can escape? You think you really provoke me The Four Saints? Do you think…fuck!”

Is angry.


The next moment, Leng Youchen was confused.

The Medicine Pill melted in the mouth, and the power of the medicine reacted. Leng Youchen suddenly discovered that his own Magic power had increased by 30% out of thin air.

“You…you are…”

Leng Youchen looked at Fang Han in amazement, uncertain.

Fang Han smiled and let go of him, and said, “I don’t have any bad intentions, I just want to join the Four Sage Sects and make a bad move. It’s no wonder Brother Leng.”

Leng Youchen calmed down.

He looked at Fang Han with a complicated expression, and took a few steps back.

And at this time.

far away.

A strong aura, overwhelming the sky, and soon a series of terrifying figures appeared in the void.

The Four Saints Head Teacher Leng Qianshan’s face was as sinking as water, and when he saw his son Leng Youchen, he shouted, “Youchen, what’s going on? The enemy?”

Leng Youchen took a deep breath and turned around and said, “Father, there are no enemies.”

Leng Qianshan’s cheeks twitched sharply and immediately looked at the two Shoushan disciples.

The two Shoushan disciples were scared to pee, and they quickly explained what Fang Han had just shot.

Leng Youchen hurriedly explained, “Father, this…little brother, there is no malice. It was just a misunderstanding just now. Father, let’s go in and talk.”

After a while.

The Four Saints Head Teacher Great Hall.

Sitting high above Leng Qianshan, many Elders on both sides were looking at Fang Han.

Leng Youchen sat there very excited, looking at Fang Han, hesitated to speak.

quite a while.

Leng Qianshan said slowly, “Who are you? Come to my Four Sacred Sects, why?”

Fang Han smiled, “I am a Rogue Cultivators. I come to the Four Sage Sects, not for anything else, I just want to join the Four Sages.”

Leng Qianshan was a little confused.

Want to join the clan?

If you want to join the clan, go through the process.

You just called my son out and did your hands. What’s this? Is it in place in one step?


A purple-clothed Elder said contemptuously, “Boy, I want to join my Practitioner of the Four Saints. Looking at the stars, there are countless. Do you think that if you meet us directly, we can recruit you into the sect? It’s just a dream.”

“The Sect assessment is outside. If you want to join the clan, you can wait until the assessment day to participate in the assessment.”

“As for now.”

“Where did it come from? Go back.”

These words made many Four Saints Elder nod their heads one after another.

Leng Youchen couldn’t stand it anymore, and quickly got up and said, “Father, Elder, this Fang Han brother just ate me a Medicine Pill, my Magic power… instantly skyrocketed by 30%!”


Leng Qianshan and many Elder gasped.

What strength is Leng Youchen? Longevity Third Stage cave sky realm.

Why is Medicine Pill so fierce that directly caused his Magic power to skyrocket by 30%? And still instant?

Fang Han held his hands on his back and smiled faintly, “Yes, the one I served to Brother Leng is called Wanfa Dan. Naturally, it is not an ordinary Wanfa Dan, but after I improved it. It’s Alchemy Great Master, with this status, joining the Four Saints Sect, isn’t it a discredit for the Four Saints?”

Fang Han looked at the purple-clothed Elder with a faint smile.

Ziyi Elder’s body shook wildly.

Subconsciously squeezed the armrest of the seat and slowly got up, “Alchemy Great Master…this is a lie. If you are really a Great Master, where can’t you go? Why do you have to come to my Four Holy Sects.”

Fang Han shook his head, “It was a coincidence that I came here, but my participation should not be a bad thing for the Four Saints, right?”

Leng Qianshan took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “If you are really Alchemy Great Master, why don’t the old man let you join? It is the honor of my Four Saints, but… how do you prove that you are Alchemy Great Master? ”


Fang Han smiled slightly.

Afterwards, a pill of storage ring, empty pill refining, shocked eyes.

After a while.

Fang Han has already refined a large number of new versions of Heavenly Pills and threw them to many Four Saint Sect Elders.

There are many true fairylands in the four holy sects Elder present, but there are also many under the realm of kings.

Hearing Fang Han’s words, the heart beats rapidly for a while, and one after another took the Medicine Pill in front of him.

Leng Qianshan was frightened and said in a condensed voice, “Take a look.”

No one would think that Fang Han would dare to play tricks in such a situation.

With Elder of the Four Holy Sects, after taking the new version of Heavenly Pill, Magic power skyrocketed by 30%.

Leng Qianshan and others were shocked.

What kind of pill is this special?

What kind of character is it that can refine such Medicine Pill?

Alchemy Great Master?

No need to be.

Standing up, Leng Qianshan walked down, stood in front of Fang Han, with a touch of respect, and said, “Fang Han Great Master, old man Leng Qianshan, represents the Four Saints, welcome you to join.”

Fang Han squinted and smiled, “You don’t need to be polite, Head Teacher. I’m not doing anything. I want to join a Sect for fun. I hope Head Teacher and Elder, don’t bother me.”

Leng Qianshan was directly speechless.

It’s okay to be idle.

Join a Sect for fun?

You are Alchemy Great Master.

Is it so casual?


My four holy sects are fortunate for the three lives.

Alchemy Great Masters in the Celestial World are so rare, there are only a few.

Don’t you want to play casually?

From your identity as a Great Master.

Our four holy sects allow you to play casually, just say hello to whatever posture you want.

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