Chapter 156 The Predicament of Ten Thousand Flower Valley!

Both Yun Chuchu and Yun Xiaoxiao were terrified.

Xing Wanxie died.

Soul Eater Head Teacher will definitely not let go.

If found on the head of Wanhuagu.

They are the sinners of Ten Thousand Flower Valley.

At this moment, the eyes of the two girls showed a touch of sadness, and they looked at Fang Han in a very complicated way.

Is Fang Han to blame?

How can it be.

If it weren’t for Fang Han, the two of them would end up miserably.

To blame, I can only blame myself for being weak.

And Fang Han’s decisive killing and decisiveness, regardless of the consequences, also made Yun Chuchu and Fang Han have the heart to retreat. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “Gongong, you saved our life. We have nothing to pay for it. Give En Gong a god position, worship day and night, pray for peace…”

“We have something to do, we are leaving.”

Fang Han’s cheek twitched suddenly.

Give me a god position?

Do you want to worship day and night?

It sounds okay, but why does it just feel bad?

Fang Han was a little Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, as soon as the two girls were about to leave, he said quickly, “Two girls, there’s actually nowhere to go down there. Or, I’ll be with you?”

Yun Xiaoxiao was about to refuse.

Yun Chuchu stopped her and glanced at Junior Sister Own as a warning.

Just out of the wolf den.

But don’t want to enter the tiger’s mouth again.

It is not a joke to provoke such a senior.

Yun Chuchu squeezed a smiley face at Fang Han and said, “My dear…we are going here to meet the elders of Sect. Ten thousand flowers valley are all female cultivators. It is inconvenient. I hope…senior forgive me.”


After Yun Chuchu finished speaking, he cupped hands, pulled Yun Xiaoxiao’s hand, and flew away.

Fang Han was a little helpless and couldn’t keep up with his face, so he sighed loudly, “Two girls, I am a sincere person, a gentleman, and we will meet people’s hearts over time. We will definitely meet again.”

Yun Chuchu and Yun Xiaoxiao didn’t reply, but the speed was even faster.

Master Gou shook his head and said, “Master uses the word [日] well.”

The chicken master came over sternly, “Shameless! Indecent! The chicken master despises you.”

The dog master was furious, “I just said casually, you are a little brother, how do you talk to Dage?”

“Ha ha.”


Fang Han shook his head and stepped forward.

Behind, a dog and a chicken began to pinch each other.

The so-called “Ji Fei Gou Tiao” is about that.

Fang Han’s forward direction was naturally the direction that Yun Chuchu and Yun Xiaoxiao left.

He has left a mark on the two of them, sow quietly without being discovered.

And an hour later.

Yun Chuchu and Yun Xiaoxiao have stepped into a cultivator city.

This city occupies a very large area.

It is called the “Four Holy Cities”.

The reason why it is called the Four Sages is because behind this city are majestic peaks, where there are the four sages of the top of the star realm.

There are four ancestors of the Four Saints, whose background is extremely terrifying.

Yun Chuchu and Yun Xiaoxiao also came to the Four Holy Cities many times, and those who were familiar with the road found the meeting point.

In the inn.

With the arrival of Yun Chuchu and Yun Xiaoxiao, many Hundred Flower Valley female cultivators suddenly joined together.

This time, the leading female sister from Baihua Valley to the Four Holy Cities is Elder, a realm king of Baihua Valley.

Although he is a realm king realm powerhouse.

However, this female nun still has the charm.

Compared with the immature little female cultivator, the mature female Elder is the most lethal to certain male cultivators.

“Everyone is here.”

Female Elder Nalanfang was dressed in a red dress, stepped on a pair of hollow crystal shoes, a purple Ribbon with long hair, and a plump body sitting on a large chair deep in the room, and said solemnly, “This time the Four Saints The ten-year-old banquet of the five-generation great-great-grandson of Zong Qidong’s ancestor is extremely important to us in Baihuagu.”

“You are all disciples who have cultivated the Succubus of this generation. We will practice the Succubus Dance together at that time. If we can please the ancestor Qi Dong, we won’t come in vain.”

“It will soon be the day when Murong Qinglian Holy Maiden came out of the pavilion. Due to the disaster of our ancestors, all the sects have been eyeing each other recently, but if we have the support of the Four Saints, our Hundred Flowers Valley can be calmer.”

“So, your mission is very important. When the time comes, you must work harder and perform well, you know?”

The faces of Yun Chuchu and others were solemn.

They all agreed in a low voice.

Na Lanfang asked a few more gossips.

This allowed many disciples to leave.

Yun Chuchu and Yun Xiaoxiao did not leave and stayed. After the others had left, Yun Chuchu and Yun Xiaoxiao directly knelt on the ground.

Na Lanfang was startled, “Chu Chu, Xiaoxiao, you are…”

Yun Chuchu trembled, “Elder, we… got into trouble…”

Na Lanfang’s pupils shrank, stood up, and said solemnly, “Speak carefully.”

Yun Chuchu didn’t conceal a single bit, and told about the encounter with Xing Wanxie and Fang Han’s rescue in the end.

Na Lanfang heard that Xing Wanxie was killed.

Just trembling violently.

There was a wave of ups and downs in his chest, and he sat back on the chair in a daze, “How can I be so bold…”

Yun Chuchu pursed his lips and said, “Elder, if…if Soul Eater really finds out on us, Xiaoxiao and I will…we will die.”

Na Lanfang looked complicated.

After a long silence, Na Lanfang sighed, “What’s your fault in this matter? Chu Chu, Xiaoxiao, don’t worry too much, maybe… the Soul Eater won’t find out at all. After all, no one else was there at the time. …Don’t worry about yourself, study the succubus dance and complete the mission of the Four Saints, do you know?”

Yun Chuchu and Yun Xiaoxiao looked at each other, and there was a bleak color in their eyes.


The two of them also knew that they had nothing to do, not even Ten Thousand Flower Valley, if the Soul Eater Sect came to the door, there would be no second way out of Ten Thousand Flower Valley apart from destroying the sect.

This is not difficult at all.

Because at this time, the Practitioners in the Four Saints City talked the most about the ten-year-old banquet of the Little Great-great-grandson of the ancestor Qi Dong of the Four Saints.

as well as.

The Succubus Dance about to be born in Wanhua Valley.

It is said that the succubus dance in Wanhua Valley makes any male cultivator “excited” when he sees it.

“The legendary succubus dance, it’s a pity that our status is humble and we have no chance to enter the Four Sage Sects and get what we wanted.”

“Hey, it’s okay to think about it, anyway, just two words, great.”

“Wan Hua Gu really moved this time. It seems that the recent passivity of Wan Hua Gu has made them impatient, and they can’t wait to get the friendship of the Four Saints.”

“There is no way, who made the Ten Thousand Flower Valley ancestors cross the immortal calamity failure, so that there are only ten years left to live.”

“Fortune-telling if you don’t die.”

“If the Succubus Dance can please the ancestors of Qi Dong, and the giants of human beings support it, the crisis in the Valley of Flowers will not be broken.”

In the restaurant.

Master Ji and Master Gou are sitting honestly, why are they so honest? Naturally it was smoked by Fang Han.

Fang Han is listening while drinking.

Soon I knew it.

After dinner, Fang Han took the dog master and chicken master, and went straight to the many mountains in the distance.

There is the gate of the Four Saints.

What Fang Han wanted to do was naturally to join them.

Isn’t it just to please the ancestor Qi Dong, the immortal giant of the Four Saints?

What’s the matter with this.

There is no difficulty.

Not only can he please the ancestor Qi Dong, he can even make the ancestor Qi Dong treat himself as a small ancestor…

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