Chapter 136 Pill King Palace’s True Immortal Group is destroyed!


Fang Han didn’t make another move after he severely injured Fu Jin Zhenxian with one blow.


Looking down blankly, Fang Han couldn’t help feeling that he seemed to have started earlier.

He was all scratched and manipulated by Wan Guiliu, and he was stunned.

Wan Guiliu has already drank the bear child’s kettle once.

He returned to his peak state.

At first, Fang Han felt that if the bear kid’s kettle could be pitted to death, he must be him.

But who can think of it.

It was Fujin Zhenxian who was pitted by the bear kid’s kettle.

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Just now.

Accompanied by a loud laughter with excitement.

A figure was extremely lightning fast, rushing to the top of the big pit.

Constantly devouring crazily in the void.

Who is it that is not the dog?


Gouye’s eyes lighted up, and he directly swallowed the remnant soul of Fujin True Immortal.

Gouye was watching in the hall just now, just waiting for this opportunity.

It did not expect that the true immortal Fujin did not die in Fang Han’s hands, but actually died in the hands of Wan Guiliu.

“The surname is Wan, you can do it, you know when you’re lost. This is, is there venom in this kettle? It’s very overbearing, even true immortals can be poisoned to death.”

Gouye smiled and said to Wanguiliu.

Wan Guiliu trembled all over.

The whole body felt cold like falling into the Nine Nether.

Looking at the dog master blankly, he muttered to himself, “I…I don’t.”

“It’s nothing, you did a good job, Gouye will give you a thumbs up.”

Master Gou gave a strange laugh, and then his figure flashed and fell on Fang Han’s shoulder. After a few rolls, he was satisfied to digest it.

And after the deathly silence.

In the void, the true fairy of Fu Lu and the true fairy of Fu Shou raged.


Really frantic!

Wanguiliu, Wanguiliu, even if you want to fight back when you step on a horse, it won’t be so thorough, right?

You just watched us die, and you can’t do it yourself!


Fu Shou Zhenxian roared.

Turning the hand, a huge handprint fell from the sky.

Wan Guiliu looked up blankly, unable to resist this powerful real immortal’s blow, and was directly killed by the palm of his hand.

This strike, the true fairy of Fushou, wiped out all the flesh and blood essence of Wanguiliu, and was wiped out in smoke.


What if I kill Wanguiliu?

His boss was poisoned to death.

Fu Shou Zhenxian’s body was trembling, and he already had the idea of ​​escaping.


Long Xuan True Immortal and the others worship the True Immortal, they don’t know what to do.


However, looking at Fang Han, who was in the real body of the ancient god, they felt that they had no bottom in their hearts, and they were extremely chilled.


Take people money.

Eliminate disasters for others.

Since it is already enshrined in the Pill King Palace, True Immortal Long Xuan still holds his own strength and said to Fang Han’s cupped hands, “Fellow daoist, so far, okay? True Immortal Fujin has fallen.”

Fang Han glanced at True Immortal Long Xuan indifferently, and then stretched out his palm.

He saw the bear child’s water bottle, and it appeared in Fang Han’s hand in an instant.

Such a scene stunned everyone again.

“Actually I wanted to kill him myself.”

Fang Han put away the bear kid’s kettle speechlessly, and then shook his head at True Immortal Long Xuan, and said, “Don’t interfere. This is an advice and a warning.”

Long Xuan really swallowed.

this person.

He is terrible.

He could control the Head Teacher of the Danwang Temple, willingly poisoning his ancestors.

No one knows how Fang Han did it.

But it doesn’t hinder many true immortals, and Fang Han’s jealousy.

Taking a deep breath, True Immortal Long Xuan gritted his teeth and said, “I will wait for a few people and be recruited by the Pill King Palace. How can I be alone…”

Just now.

Master Gou said with a smirk, “Looking for a fart, the so-called Heavenly Sacred Pill they gave you only has a one-month validity period. When the time comes, Realm will fall.”


Long Xian was really dumbfounded.

Next to him, several other true ancestors of Rogue Cultivators were also struck by lightning.

After a breath, True Immortal Long Xuan’s face became extremely ugly. He stared at True Immortal Fushou and True Immortal Fulu with earth-colored faces, and said coldly, “Is this true? Two fellow daoists, please Give me a reasonable explanation.”

The two of Fushou Zhenxian opened their mouths.



What can we explain?

Explain that you are actually being cheated?

Is it useful?

The anger of Long Xuan Zhenxian came up.

As a Rogue Cultivators, if he hadn’t been idle for the family of his friends, how could he join the Danwang Palace?

But now.

The miracle of the Heavenly Sacred Pill was dismantled, and True Immortal Long Xuan could already imagine the consequences.

The key is.

I was fooled.

“Your Pill King Palace, you should be crazy.”

True Immortal Long Xuan spoke indifferently, with a reduced momentum, and said coldly, “I will watch you die, fellow daoist, do it.”

The other true ancestors all had the same attitude.

Zhenxian Fushou and Zhenxian Fulu looked at each other, and the two of them were completely crazy.

His eyes fell on Fang Han.

The true fairy of Fushou rose with momentum, burned Blood Essence, devoured Medicine Pill, his strength increased wildly, and his face was distorted roared, “You are too poisonous! So vicious! Today, the old man will die with you!”

The voice just fell.

True Immortal Fu Shou and True Immortal Fu Lu set off together and dashed towards Fang Han.

In the middle of the journey, the two great ancestors of true immortals exploded in mid-air.

The powerful True Immortal Law, the terrifying True Immortal Cultivation Base, broke out completely in the face of Long Xuan True Immortal and the others.

This is the self-destruction of the true ancestor.

The destructive power is almost beyond words.

However, Fang Han didn’t move at all.

His eyes flickered, not surprised but delighted.

The powerful ancient god’s body stood in the void, like a big mountain, with a giant golden hand stretched out, and the great dragon technique gushing out.

In addition to bearing the self-detonation of the two great real immortal powerhouses, with the great dragon transformation technique, the dragon is constantly transformed into the self-detonation power.

The tiny Canglong grows from small to large.

The self-detonation force tumbling in the void kept hitting Fang Han’s real body of the ancient god, but Fang Han remained motionless.

True Immortal Long Xuan and the others who fled to the distance, their pupils tightened, and their hearts were filled with indescribable fear.

The two true immortals blew themselves up.

Can this be withstood?

How terrifying is this guy’s strength?

After a long time.

Almost the entire Pill King Palace was a mess.

Those panicked Elders, disciples, in the Palace of King Dan, suffered heavy losses.

The surviving face was as gray as death, staring motionlessly at Fang Han in the void, as if he had seen a nightmare in this life.

After everything disappears.

Fang Han put away the real body of the ancient god, retracted the great dragon transformation technique, and poured into the sea of ​​knowledge, and the supreme bones began to constantly grab the power of dragon transformation.

Fang Han felt a little helpless, and hurriedly Lotus Position was void, suppressing the power of dragon transformation in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

That is to say, the strength of the physical body has exploded by a hundredfold at this time, otherwise, Fang Han can’t suppress it at all.

at the same time.

The dog was rolling in the void, with a happy expression on his face. Its soul and body power soared, and it was already comparable to a master of the longevity Sixth Stage realm king.

After a long time.

Gouye’s eyes fell on Long Xuan Zhenxian and them in the distance.

Looking at Zhenxuan Long Xuan and others, his body became stiff, and the chill suddenly grew.

Damn it, this dog monster is looking at me? Still looking at me? Why does it look like it wants to eat us?

The soul is pale!

We are also victims…

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