Chapter 135 Use Brother Wei, a powerful ancient god body!

The inconceivable horror, like a tide, directly drowned the three true ancestors of the three true immortals, Fujin.

Looking at Fang Han blankly.

My mind seems to be a little blank.

At this moment, Fang Han felt too powerful for them.

They can’t believe that there is such a powerful First Stage Longevity Practitioner in this world.

What’s this?

He can be invincible as soon as he takes a long life?

I dare not write it like that in a novel.

However, no matter how outrageous.

The fact is like a slap, awakening them all.

And this time.

far away.

Several figures have appeared.

“what happened?”

“Which true fairy is angry?”

“Huh? Brother Fujin Dao, this is…”

“Something’s wrong, this kid…”

One by one, powerful true ancestors appeared one after another.

They are the enshrined immortals recruited by the Pill King Palace.

Long Xuan Zhenxian glanced at the scene in surprise.

His gaze fell on Fang Han, and he subconsciously took a breath.

There is such strength unexpectedly.

This kid looks so young, who is he?

Fujin Zhenxian’s face changed drastically.

I thought that once Fang Han confided that the Realm of the giant pit of the Heavenly Sacred Pill fell, the many true ancestors on the scene, afraid that they would join forces to erupt?

It’s not impossible.

After all, being a dignified true ancestor was fooled, who can bear it?

“Fang Han, you are looking for death!”

Fujin Zhenxian relied on the highest Cultivation Base, and at this time he couldn’t care much, and Fang Han was not allowed to speak.

With a loud shout, the figure burst out like thunder.


The void shook the power of violent violent power, and the powerful true immortal law gushed out.

Zhenxian Fujin’s eyes were filled with monstrous killing intent, and with a big wave of his hand, it was a series of earth-shaking handprints.

“Death to the old man.”

The roar of the true fairy of Fujin spreads across the sky.

The real immortal Long Xuan who was watching the battle shrank, and said in amazement, “Who is this son? How did you offend the Pill King Palace and make Fujin fellow daoist so angry?”

No one answered him.

Because at this time, almost everyone was stunned by Fang Han.

Facing True Immortal Fujin’s full blow, Fang Han just sneered, and then used the special prop “Brother Wei”.

When it comes to Magic power, Fang Han is now facing a real immortal with nothing less than nothing.


But it is not enough to sling, crush the veteran true ancestor like Fujin Zhenxian.


The special item “Brother Wei” is used, and that’s different.

For Fang Han, it would be another world.

The power of the physical body has increased wildly by a hundredfold, and the powerful ancient divine body will allow Fang Han to crush the real immortal on the physical body.

As for Calabash.

Although there is still another chance to use it, this time, Fang Han wants to do it himself.

After Fujin Zhenxian had just started to shame him.

Fang Han naturally accumulated endless anger.

He wants to personally kill the three of Fujin Zhenxian.

Hearty catharsis!

“The host has used a special item [Wei Ge].”

“Since the host possesses [Ancient God Body], your physical power Ascension is a hundred times stronger, and you can have [Ancient God Real Body] in advance.”

“Host, you, mighty and mighty.”

The increase in unspeakable power made Fang Han seem to have supreme power at this moment.


You can walk across the sky.

You can raise your hand to destroy the world.

The terrifying body that was augmented by “Brother Wei” was now used by Fang Han in advance of the real body of the ancient god, completely shocking everyone.

True Immortal Long Xuan and others saw with horror that Fang Han’s originally thin body exuded a dazzling divine light at this moment.

In the next instant, a huge golden giant appeared in front of everyone.

With gestures, the power that seems to be able to destroy the world, in the catharsis, caused the void to tremble, and the horror reached the extreme.

“Do you think you can kill me?”

Fang Han’s voice was extremely low, and his voice was loud, like thunder.

The monstrous big mudra struck by the real immortal Fujin, as Fang Han stretched his arm, a finger pierced through the air, and after he pointed it out, the sky screamed, and the big mudra was completely shattered.

Zhenxian Fujin was trembling with horror in his eyes, unable to believe what was in front of him.

“You are…”

True Immortal Fujin looked at Fang Han, who was in the real state of the ancient god, and said in an unbelievable manner, “This is the legendary… the ancient god…”


It is said that Fang’s Fang Han Daozi possesses an ancient divine body.


The descendants of the ancient temple can’t do such a scene, right?

Fang Han didn’t say a word, and the next second, a big hand was raised.

The extremely powerful ancient god’s power, with golden dazzling light.

Under the influence of the supreme law “time”, at an incredible speed, it descended on the true immortal Fujin.


The void exploded, and the boiling power almost broke everything.

Although Fujin True Immortal is an veteran true ancestor, but at this moment, he feels fragile.

Between the electric light and flint, in the distorted expression of the true immortal Fujin, he let out a low growl, bursting out with all his strength, wanting to resist the ancient gods’ star-catching blow.



Almost all of his power rolled back!

The whole figure seemed to be suppressed by the sky, as if by the supreme being, slapped casually, spewing out a lot of blood, falling from the void!

So vulnerable!

This scene stunned everyone.

Everyone’s scalp exploded and watched the real immortal Fujin who was photographed on the ground and smashed into a big hole. The extreme chill came in, and he couldn’t help shivering.

Too strong!

This is simply the ultimate power of true immortals!

With such power, who can be his opponent?

Compared to the fear of Long Xuan Zhenxian and their horror, at this moment, the Fulu Zhenxian and Fushou Zhenxian standing in the void were completely horrified.

True Immortal Fujin is their Dage, the strongest, however, he was slapped to the ground like a fly.

Apparently, he was seriously injured.

The three true ancestors of their Danwang Palace, is it really hard to escape today?

Just then.

The trembling Danwang Palace Head Teacher Wanguiliu quickly stepped into the pit where Fujin Zhenxian smashed into the ground, looking at the ancestor whose body was constantly squirting and bleeding, his face was pale.

Then Wan Guiliu quickly stepped forward and helped Fujin Zhenxian up, “Old Ancestor…”

While speaking, Wan Guiliu directly took out a kettle, and then said anxiously, “Old ancestor, drink this sip of spiritual liquid, it will let you recover quickly.”

Zhenxian Fujin was really stunned by the palm of the star’s hand.

The flesh is almost shattered.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Magic power can’t be called.

The powerful true immortal law is so weak at this time.

Wanguiliu’s kettle has been handed to the mouth.

Zhenxian Fujin’s consciousness was a little fuzzy, and he opened his mouth instinctively.

With a mouthful of liquid, entering his abdomen, his trembling body suddenly stiffened.

Wan Guiliu breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Ancestor, are you okay…Huh? Ancestor? Ancestor?”

In the arms.

Fujin Zhenxian’s eyes were wide, and there was no breath.

He could have been reborn from flesh and blood.

However, at this time, he was violently attacked by the bear kid’s kettle, and he was completely dead.

This caused the system to prompt the highly poisonous to be used with caution, just like the sickle of the god of death, easily taking the life of a powerful true fairy.

Wangui Liu was stunned, perceiving the vitality of Fujin’s true immortality, his thoughts were blank, and he couldn’t accept it at all. He unexpectedly…

Personally poisoned his ancestors!

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