Chapter 104 Powerful Ancient God Body!

Fang Shenfu panicked.

The same is true for Fang Rusheng.

If in the Overlord’s War, everyone has the same goal and confronts each other, and the two of them work together, the realm of the realm king will also have to be jealous.

But now?

It was targeted by everyone.

They are not Fang Han.

They are not invincible.

How do you fight this?

Is this unlucky?

The reason for all of this was Fang Han.


Fang Chenfu looked at Fang Han quickly, and said, “Fang Han clan brother, if you don’t join hands at this time, when will you wait?”

Fang Han glanced at this place, and then stopped taking care of it.

He is very excited now.

Also look forward to it.

The many Practitioners in front of them are all talents in the secret realm of longevity.

Although some are quite old and have already withdrawn from the contemporary stage of elegance, their background is naturally extremely high and extremely terrifying.

Fighting with these people can greatly temper his invincibility.

“Come on!”

Fang Han knew that they were all waiting for their own shot.

In that case, it is as you wish.


After an instant, Fang Han’s body was full of surging weather.

Immediately afterwards, people were like thunder, rushing directly towards Shengzi Huli.

“You’re so presumptuous, so you dare to find me directly? Then let me try your fineness first.”

Shengzi Huli’s eyes flickered.

There is no such thing as Fangshi Daozi in Guan Fang and Fang Rusheng.

With a low roar in his mouth, Shengzi Huli suddenly leaped forward, and then, in the void, the majestic Monster Qi burst out.


“Demon God Handprint!”

With a burst of shouts, the holy son of Tiger Li opened his hand to play a Yaozu Dao technique.

The terrifying big handprints of the demon god scrolled frantically, and the pressure pouring down seemed to hold the Sky Universe tightly for an instant, crushing against people.

You must know that Tiger Li Shengzi is a realm king master.

Longevity secret realm Sixth Stage, the realm of the king.

Cultivation produces the power of the world, and the body is like casting to produce the Minor World.

The power of this world is extremely useful. It can even assimilate the attacking power of the opponent when fighting against a low Realm.


The Tiger Li Shengzi is extremely arrogant.

Just then.

Fang Han’s figure stagnated, and then, the extremely stalwart Magic power appeared.

“The Hand of God.”

Fang Han also used Dao Art.

But today’s Hand of God, when it is in the Five Elements domain, is far too powerful.

Full two Tenth Stage divine power aura.

The transformation brought about by the world and the law.

The void in front of Fang Han seemed to be torn open the sky by a supreme being.

A golden gleaming palm came instantly.


The hand of God pressed down, and the terrifying force quickly vented and impacted.

Shengzi Huli’s face changed slightly, and he immediately sensed the collapse of the Demon God’s handprint, and his heart secretly said that it was not good.

However, without waiting for him to issue a second blow, the next second, the hand of God unexpectedly came on top of his head in an instant.

Supreme Law [Time]!

Attack speed up!

Shengzi Huli was shocked immediately.

Why is it so fast?


There is no time for him to consider this, and the hand of God crushed his head fiercely.

The Huli Saint Child who was photographed just now, the hostility in his eyes has long since disappeared without a trace.

Instead, there is infinite fear.

His body, the powerful Demonic Beasts body, quickly disappeared and burst open under the terrifying power of the star picker.

And this time.

The dog rushed out.

“Hahaha, mine, mine, all mine…”

For an instant.

A sword-armed praying mantis appeared, and the dog master quickly merged into it.

This is the flesh and blood puppet of Lord Gou.

It controls the sword arm praying mantis to shuttle through the blood fog, and every time it takes away a bit of power, it merges into the flesh and blood puppet.

Those Tianjiao who had reorganized their bodies quickly noticed that their own flesh and blood essence was directly weakened by at least 10%.

“what happened?”

“My strength has dropped!”

“Damn it, that mantis!”

Many Tianjiao who had reorganized their bodies roared again and again, furious.

However, Lord Gou sees the situation badly, and returns quickly, not greedy at all.

Fang Han’s face was expressionless, and the power of the ancient gods broke out again, and the ancient god’s [Power of the Great Dao] was beaten by Fang Han.

The right fist seems to be able to penetrate everything.

The stalwart power once again swept everyone like a storm.

The Tiger Li Shengzi, who had just been resuscitated by flesh and blood reorganization, was immediately black before his eyes, and was stunned again.

“Ho Ho Ho Ho, Shuang Shuang Shuang!”

The Gouye was overjoyed, and continued to devour the flesh and blood essence of many Tianjiao, and the strength of the sword arm mantis was in the crazy Ascension, and it seemed that there was no upper limit.


Beyond the battlefield.

The faces of many big influencers were cold.

When Ye Yuankong was in charge of Qiantian University, there was even a roar.

Although the younger generations haven’t completely died, but every time the body is destroyed, what is lost is the foundation.

How can they tolerate it?

And such a scene.

On the other side, Fang Chenfu and Fang Rusheng were watching, their scalp was numb, their eyes were dull, and their bodies trembled like a sieve.

Fang Han at this moment is so terrifying, like an invincible God of War, no one is his opponent.

(Thanks to [Knife fans] brothers for 588 rewards, thank you all for your monthly ticket support, thanks!)

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