Chapter 103 The Battle of Overlords! Come to fight!

Fang Han is meditation feeling the own supreme bone.

Although it’s just the Xiaocheng supreme bone that has been transformed for the first time.

However, this is the supreme bone after all.

Juvenile Supreme, Supreme Dao Fa, that’s not a simple matter.

“Supreme Law [Time].”

Fang Han muttered to himself.

Some shocked.

The Supreme Law is not the same as the Ancient God Law.

Ancient gods, that is the racial talent of the ancient gods, any ancient gods may be able to use them.

However, the Supreme Dharma is rarely the same among the rumors.

The Supreme Dharma obtained by Fang Han was manifested as [time] by the system, and the effect was to control time.

“Change the flow of time temporarily?”

Fang Han’s eyes shone slightly.

This is a terrible ability.

Used in a battle, it can speed up own attacks, but the opponent is simply hard to detect.

Because it is time that changes.

The instant killing Dafa created by his master, once used, there are signs.

However, the Supreme Law [Time] is equal to the evolved version of Instant Kill Dafa, and it will be more terrifying when used with Instant Kill Dafa.

“It is rumored that the supreme bone will undergo nine transformations, and each transformation will deepen the previous ability and the second supreme method…”

Fang Han is more confident about own’s future.


The supreme bone Xiaocheng, the first time he metamorphoses, he has taken in endless resources, especially the longevity fruit, which is 900.

It is conceivable that if you want to transform for the second time, it is almost unimaginable to pay.

Fang Han is getting stronger and stronger.

Therefore, in the feelings of everyone, it will be so weak and so chilling.

Now that the supreme bone is Xiaocheng, the longevity fruit that Fang Han has obtained afterwards is simply put away, whether it is for personal use or left to the family, it is a rare treasure.

Until the longevity fruit tree, all the longevity fruit disappeared.

this moment.

The hearts and souls of everyone are trembling.

A full thousand and eight.

Fang Han had eaten 900 longevity fruits, and now he still has 108 longevity fruits.

This also means that one hundred and eight eternal giants of the secret realm of longevity.


The ring of kings disappeared.

Fang Han landed on the ground, carrying his hands on his back, his expression indifferent.

Some of the big men present could even crush Fang Han to death.


Looking at Fang Han, there was some fear that could not be concealed.

Such talent, indeed, makes too many people feel scared.

If you grow up.

The Fang family will surely give birth to an invincible supreme.

Compared to the first ancestor of the Fang family, it was terrible.

Anyway, the first ancestor of the Fang family didn’t have such a terrifying combat power countless years ago.

It’s not that no one hates the Fang family, and wants to kill Fang Han on the spot. Just thinking about the consequences, he shuddered and gave up the idea.

And soon.

The second test of Dixian Palace appeared.

“Battle of Overlords!”

Four words came out.

In the next second, a battlefield was set up.

This time, there was no Realm’s suppression, there was no ring, and some, it was just a hearty battle.

After the First World War, a current overlord was selected to be eligible to enter the main hall of the Immortal Palace.

This is a big fight.

Only the strongest can win.

Fang Han turned around, walked directly into the battlefield, stepped in the center, turned around, and faced everyone.

this moment.

Heart ups and downs.

Fang Han couldn’t wait.

Just now, when he got all the longevity fruits, he has already completed a sign-in task and can sign-in once.

[Congratulations to the host for getting all the longevity fruits, and the registration has been officially completed. 】

[Congratulations to the host, for obtaining the Great Thunder Sweep Spell”. 】

Fang Han was naturally overjoyed when he started with another great technique.

His goal.

It is to learn all the great techniques.

Once the Three Thousand Dao Techniques are all started, it is conceivable that there will be incredible powers.

Of course, this is too difficult.

But with a sign-in system, this is not impossible.


After Fang Han turned around on the battlefield, at this moment, his fighting spirit was rushing into the sky, and he couldn’t wait to make a hearty and full shot immediately.

He was already suffocated.

The growth of the ancient divine body, the diligence of the Cultivation Base, the transformation of the supreme bone, he has too much power to vent.

If ten people were defeated, or one person was completely killed, Fang Han could sign in once.

Can vent.

Can sign in.

The best of both worlds.

“Coming to fight!”

Fang Han spoke abruptly, with a voice like thunder, bursting in the void, rolling out, and falling in the ears of everyone, making their hearts beat quickly.



A figure rushed into the battlefield, who was it if it wasn’t the dog?

Lord Gou is so excited, he thinks he should be able to have a full meal today.

And this moment.

The leaders of the many big forces in the Eastern Profound Region looked at each other.

Both understand what the other party is thinking at this time.

Must join forces!

Together, we can suppress this terrible evildoer!

Many people speculate that Fang Han’s combat power may have reached the secret realm Sixth Stage realm of longevity.

This is the ceiling combat power that the Dixian Temple can participate in the test.


There are not many Realm Kings that can meet the age requirement.

In addition, that was before, now that Fang Han has awakened the Supreme Bone, his combat power must have soared, so there is no way, no move, only to join forces!

For a time.

Many bigwigs began to order.

Everyone, no matter where they come from, don’t fight anymore. In this overlord’s battle, Fang Han must first be defeated and his qualifications eliminated.

Otherwise, if everyone competes and consumes strength, wouldn’t it be a waste of Fang Han?

Boom boom boom!

One after another, the figures quickly moved forward and entered the battlefield.

Next to Ye Yuankong in charge of Qiantian University, a middle-aged man walked out indifferently.

Universe Sacred Land, also out of the realm of the king, and is terrifying three.

Dong Dragon King was expressionless, behind him, walked out of the realm of two dragons.

Ten Thousand Demons League.

White Deer Palace.

Moon worship Sacred Land.

Town Magic University Palace.

One by one, the incomparably powerful masters of the realm of realm kings, and those of realm of realm qualified to participate in the examination of the Immortal Palace, stepped into the battlefield.

They are almost the Daozi and Shengzi of the previous generation, and they have been famous for a long time.

However, at this moment, no one would regard Fang Han as Junior.

Fang Han stood in the center of the battlefield. In front of him were a series of majestic figures. Together, they could not imagine the power.


The battle has not yet begun.


Shengzi Huli, the king realm master of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance, suddenly looked at a certain place, where there were two out-of-fits standing with uncertain expressions.

“Everyone, these two Fang’s Taoists, keeping them is a hidden danger, it is better to clear them out first.”

The words of Shengzi Huli made Fang Chenfu and Fang Rusheng almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

After an instant.

Fang’s two avenues suddenly felt an aura like a mountain like a sea, rushing down towards him.

Fang Chenfu and Fang Rusheng were dumbfounded.

I f*ck!

Is it affected?

Do you want a bear face?

You unite, what are you doing with Fanghan? Can you talk about martial arts?

(Well, please support!)

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