Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 881


Chapter 881 As a mount?

The general Great Firmament Golden Immortal powerhouse, Sun Wukong can be completely ignored.

Since the big brother gifted him the creation of the lotus seed fusion cultivation, Sun Wukong only felt that he was far more powerful than the cultivation base of the Immortal God in the ordinary Great Firmament Golden Immortal realm.

Even, he had already planned to abandon the way that the demon cultivator became stronger before.

Peace of mind breeds the growth of the creation lotus seed, and the cultivation base keeps pace with the times. It is moving towards Quasi-Saint cultivation realm and keeps moving closer.

Sun Wukong has a feeling that as long as he continues to cultivate the growth of lotus seeds, it is estimated that he will not need to spend much effort, and the realm of Quasi-Saint can almost reach the general level smoothly.

This feeling is very strong, Su I tried so hard and even felt that I was now at the critical moment of entering the Quasi-Saint realm, with most of my feet stepping into it.

It won't be long, Quasi-Saint, he will surely be promoted.

Nowadays, the arrival of the True Martial Great Emperor makes Sun Wukong extremely excited. He needs such a powerhouse to oppress him and give him an opportunity. One, he can be promoted. The perfect opportunity for the quasi-Saint Realm world.

Sun Wukong was thinking, that long and deep voice was resounded again.

"Haha, what a monster monkey, this Great Emperor is very happy that you have such courage.

You are also strong, strong enough to make this Great Emperor serious. ."

After the True Martial Great Emperor Ancestor Master said a word, the mighty and tall body also appeared in the mid-air of Flower Fruit Mountain, standing upright in front of Sun Wukong, with bright eyes. came looking at each other.

It's just that he just appeared on the stage, and the word with enough doubts, but it instantly showed the arrogant character of the swaying demon Ancestor Master.

After all, Sun Wukong just had an easy blow, and he easily defeated Erlang Shen, who was already able to defeat Jingzhen's late Great Firmament powerhouse.

With such a good performance, the True Martial Great Emperor still revealed that he was not serious enough to fight Sun Wukong.

Words are not very harmful, but can be very insulting.

Fortunately, Sun Wukong's character is much calmer than before, otherwise, Sun Wukong would have smashed the Golden Cudgel on the True Martial Great Emperor's forehead long ago.

"You are the Ancestor Master, the legendary Number One Person under Quasi-Saint?

There are even more rumors, the Three Realms demon, can't match your sword? Even some Quasi-Saint powerhouses may not be able to defeat you, True Martial Great Emperor?"

After asking many questions, Sun Wukong also looked at Master Ancestor with great interest. .

The True Martial Great Emperor facing the front face, wearing a loose and heavy black daoist robe, young and middle-aged, with messy hair, looks quite a sense of vicissitudes, like a soon-to-be It is common for uncle to pass through middle age.

There is absolutely no majesty of the True Martial Great Emperor, the legendary Ancestor Master of the Three Realms demon nemesis.

But even so, Sun Wukong could still feel the monstrous aura of one after another from the seemingly ordinary True Martial Great Emperor, which was very strange.

But Sun Wukong could also sense that the monstrous aura of demonic power was not the power of the True Martial Great Emperor at all.

On the contrary, the majestic, powerful aura of demonic power that is close to the Great Firmament realm powerhouse is only attached to the surface of the True Martial Great Emperor's body, completely binding the objects outside the body.

However, with such a terrifying Monster Qi Binding, Sun Wukong also has slightly frowned eyes, showing a serious look.

Those powerful Monster Qi are attached to, I am afraid, they are all Three Realms demons killed by the True Martial Great Emperor in front of me.

But to be able to form such a majestic amount, it is obvious that in this Three Realms, there must be thousands, even hundreds of thousands of demons, who are being swayed by this demon in front of them. Ancestor Master obliterates beheading.

After seeing this face to face, Sun Wukong also immediately understood that the rumors in Three Realms were not false.

It seems that when the Three Realms demon was in chaos, the Ancestor Master in front of him, I am afraid that with the strength of oneself, he killed all the Great Demons of the Three Realms at that time completely. .

Leaving only some weak monsters to survive in the world, no one species was left, and the family was completely wiped out.

However, in the face of Sun Wukong's questioning, Master Ancestor did not reply immediately, but after carefully observing Sun Wukong, he slowly opened his mouth and laughed.

"Monkey, you are very good, you are worthy of the Great Emperor's shot.

I really didn't expect, it has only been tens of thousands of years, and in the world, you have appeared again. A Great Demon King, the loud voice of strength, actually makes it difficult for this Great Emperor to distinguish the depth.

Not bad, you are really good."

The True Martial Great Emperor looked at Sun Wukong and said with a smile, and then he didn't mean to do anything. He raised his eyebrows slightly, stared at Sun Wukong and continued talking.

"Sun Wukong, right, to be honest, with your potential, even the Great Emperor can't bear to kill you.

Well, so, this Ancestor Master hasn't It is not easy to find a good mount, and it is not easy for you to survive as a cultivation base.

Let's not waste time here, follow this Great Emperor and be my mount.

Since then, I will bear all the great sins you have committed before.

In the future, you can just rest assured and cultivate beside this Great Emperor and be promoted The quasi-Saint Realm world is just around the corner.

Alas, Heavenly Dao Samsara cause and effect.

Although I am strong, in the end, I was punished by Heavenly Dao because I almost completely blood-washed all the demons of Three Realms. In view of this, the cultivation base has already been established and sentient beings cannot go any further.

If your aptitude is strong enough, Sun Wukong, after you are promoted to Quasi-Saint, you and I will release the master mount.

Moreover, the title of this Ancestor Master True Martial Great Emperor will also be inherited by you.

From then on, you can also ascend to the skies with a single leap in the Celestial Court and achieve the five parties. Wu Lao nothing difficult.

It is even possible, go one step further, by then, all the resources of the Three Realms will be deployed by you to impact the Supreme Saint Realm, it is not impossible.”

After crackle said a lot, the True Martial Great Emperor seemed to appreciate Sun Wukong's cultivation talent.

At the moment, he did not hesitate to make a heavy promise to let him inherit his True Martial Great Emperor.

All of these are full of fatal temptations for any demon.

Celestial Court, the five elders of the five parties, and the co-owner of the highest level, everything sounds so desirable.

Only, acting as a mount

Sun Wukong frowned, and when he opened his mouth to say his answer, the True Martial Great Emperor suddenly interrupted Sun. Wukong's words are enough.

"Aiya, I almost forgot, the most taboo thing for you demons is to be someone else's mount.

In this way, if you are also taboo, the Ancestor Master can directly accept it. You are a disciple, and let you inherit the Legacy of this Great Emperor, how about it?"

The True Martial Great Emperor's words have completely filled the loopholes in the previous words.

But just at the corner of his mouth with a smile, naturally any demon of the Three Realms, or even the Great Immortal gods, will not refuse to accept this favorable condition.

Sun Wukong, who was standing in front of the True Martial Great Emperor, immediately replied as soon as his words fell: "Old bastard, come and be a mount for my old grandson. Almost, but with some qualifications.”

(end of this chapter)

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