Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 880


Chapter 880 The first battle strength under Quasi-Saint

Seeing that Sun Wukong did not neglect his invitation, For a while, Yang Jian's feelings of shame in his heart could not help but deepen.

Following the Tianjun to attack Flower Fruit Mountain, the person he most sorry for is probably Sun Wukong in front of him.

If it weren't for compelled by circumstances, Yang Jian didn't want to take action. Rather than fighting with him, what he wanted more was to be friends with Sun Wukong.

Unfortunately, the reality is really cruel.

If Yang Jian doesn't give his all, his parents will suffer and suffer.

As the Son of Man, he also had no choice.

"I'm sorry Sun Wukong, after this matter, the true monarch agreed and will let you handle it."

Yang Jian laughed, lightly said this sentence.

Afterwards, he didn't hesitate any longer and charged towards Sun Wukong with a three-pointed two-edged sword.

I saw Yang Jian swing out a shocking knife with one arm, and the space within the high sky was as if it was boiling, trembling and twisting violently.

Then, the thin, mysterious power suddenly condensed on the tip of the three-pointed two-edged knife, and after slashing directly, it carried an incomparable energy of Armageddon and poured out. out.

Seeing this scene, Jingzhen, who was rescued from the deep hole by Sun Wukong, could not help but let out a bitter cry with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Be careful, junior brother, that Erlang Shen has already comprehended the mysterious Rule Power, destroying the power, which is not under the shattering rules of this boy at all."

Just finished reminding him After speaking, the blood from Jingzhen's throat couldn't hold back any longer, and then collapsed to the ground, staring at Sun Wukong and Yang Jian in the mid-air in exhaustion and worry.

He absolutely did not expect that Yang Jian had just stepped into the Great Firmament Golden Immortal not long before he had already realized the power of Heaven and Earth Rule, and it had already begun to take shape in a short period of time.

Coupled with the special cultivation technique of her main body cultivation, and her innate talent Battle Divine Ability, Jingzhen was unable to defeat Yang Jian, who was making rapid progress every minute and every second.

Jingzhen couldn't imagine what it was that made Yang Jian fight so desperately.

He always felt that Yang Jian seemed to have a very deep bond that was bothering him endlessly.

Even though at this moment, the opponent's cultivation base battle strength is progressing extremely rapidly, but Jingzhen, who has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years, feels that.

Yang Jian's cultivation realm in this life may eventually stop in the Great Firmament Golden Immortal realm, and he will never be able to step into Quasi-Saint.


Just as Jing Zhen was thinking about taking off, shouting loudly, he was so shocked that his eyes went straight up, moved towards the airspace where the two were fighting and forgot about the past.

It's just that it doesn't matter. After watching it, Jingzhen's whole person's spirit has some signs of Dao Heart's collapse.

Above in the air, Yang Jian's incomparably fierce slash slashed away, and the power was enough to split the mountains and rivers Divine Vein and Armageddon instantly.

But it is such a formidable power of endless slashing and slashing, his junior brother Sun Wukong, but just casually stretched out the Golden Cudgel forward, without any bells and whistles, not even any magic power. , just like that, blocked it directly.

Such a jaw-dropping and shocking scene, let alone Jingzhen's scalp tingling, Dao Heart almost collapsed and dissipated.

Even the Pagoda Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing, who was watching the battle from a distance, also saw his feet move, and then he fought with Sun Wukong and Yang Jian in the airspace, opening a distance of several hundred li, and his face Not to mention panic, the Exquisite Pagoda fragments that he held in his hands were also shaking and almost fell to the ground.

It was unimaginable, the Great Firmament Golden Immortal Erlang Shen, who was almost at full strength attack, but with one move, even the demon monkey Sun Wukong's desire to fight was not aroused.

Erlang Shen, who was stronger than him just now, was still trying to defeat him. Right now, even himself, after slashing with a knife, began to frown with some self-doubt, and took a deep look at the person in front of him. After Sun Wukong.

Yang Jian mentioned it again, Heavenly Eye between his eyebrows suddenly lit up, and he wanted to display a stronger and more ferocious attack again.

In the face of Yang Jian's spare no effort, Sun Wukong, who couldn't even mention the slightest desire to fight, did not say anything to attack the opponent, but stood quietly on the spot, holding a Golden Cudgel. , waiting for Yang Jian's attack again.

It's just that, when Yang Jian was ready to go, he wanted to try again to wrestle with Sun Wukong.

In the deep mountains in the distance, a thick and indifferent voice spoke out faintly.

"Enough, Erlang Shen, at present you are not the opponent of this monkey.

Step back first, go and help Xiao Nezha, here, leave it to the old man to deal with it. ."

As soon as this sound came out, Yang Jian, who had just returned the fighting intent, immediately retracted the three-pointed two-edged sword with relief, and immediately became discouraged, his power suddenly diminished and wilted.

Then, Yang Jian said nothing, turned around and flew away in the direction of the battle between Nezha and Jingxuan.

It's just that, before going further, a secret sound transmission came into Sun Wukong's ears.

"Be careful, Brother Wukong.

Next, you may face the most powerful opponent yet.

If not, There is no need to force each other with death.

The Jade Emperor has already said that he will not, and he will really take your life, so please think twice before doing it.”

After the sound transmission, Yang Jian He also disappeared from Sun Wukong's sight without looking back.

His mission has been completed, and he has done what he needs to do. After this, Yang Jian only needs to wait for the end of the expedition that made him extremely uncomfortable, and then go to Sun Wukong to apologize.

It's just that, by then, it's not whether Sun Wukong can resist that person's personal shot.

"Hope, nothing will happen."

Yang Jian finally meditated in his heart, and then he pretended to be about to lose, but he refused to admit defeat. In the battle between the two of Nezha, after they were able to defend against Jing Xuan's attack, they did not fight again.

"The guy hiding in the dark and peeping, is he finally going to show his face?"

Sun Wukong stood in the air with the Golden Cudgel in his hand. In the Flower Fruit Mountain jungle that came, on the contrary, it looked towards the distant sky again, as if in the layers of clouds, there was a person who was worried about him.

At the same time, a sound transmission that made Sun Wukong familiar, and the corners of his mouth inadvertently showed a smile, suddenly echoed in his mind.

"Wukong, be careful, that guy is the Great Firmament Golden Immortal with the best battle strength under the Three Realms Quasi-Saint, and the True Martial Great Emperor Ancestor Master too.

The strength should not be underestimated, but there is no need to worry too much, big brother has a rare treasure here, which can help you."

"Hey, big brother, let me say a few words.

cough cough, Great Saint, second brother.

hehe, I'm the younger brother Tianpeng received by the big brother at Celestial Court, yes, it's your younger brother.

haha, this marshal also has a magical thing here, which can temporarily help the second brother."

One after another, the sound transmission came one after another, which made Sun Wukong's heart warm. .

But then, he raised his arm and waved his cloak lightly said with a smile: "It's okay, Master Ancestor, my old Sun Zhengchou doesn't have a better character to practice his hands."

(end of this chapter)

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