Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 870


Chapter 870 Let’s dance together

Because of this, Ye Chen can’t let the fairies around him mess around , otherwise, only they will be injured.

And Ye Chen is cool at best.

"cough cough, don't think about it so much, it's crucial to get rid of the current trouble as soon as possible."

Ye Chen, who no longer thought about it, turned his head and looked towards more Fairy's flying towards him.

At the moment, Ye Chen also came up with a good idea, which can not only solve the current situation perfectly, but also make a fuss about it and turn the queen mother into a king.

I did it when I thought of it, Ye Chen laughed and then beckoned. Afterwards, more than a dozen fairies jumped into Yao inside the pool with him.

Not long after that, a heavy fog suddenly floated over the water of Jade Pond.

Then the two women looked back at each other and looked at each other.

After a while, a dignified and majestic woman appeared all over her body. She was dressed in elegant clothes, and her beautiful eyes said frivolously.

"Stupid Bai He, look at it, where does that kid have any sincerity?

You follow him so resolutely? Is it really worth it?


But that kid, completely ignoring your feelings, knows that he is having fun in that jade pond and indulging in the youth of a hundred fairies.

Imagine, when you first met, Could it be because of his rhetoric that he deceived your appearance and deceived your heart."

The woman said a lot in one breath, all of which were angry words that were unwilling for others, but among them, But it was also slightly revealed, mixed with some inexplicable emotions.

It's like, it's complaining, and it's like envy.

It seems that she resents why Ye Chen is so easy to accept the dedication of Baizhong Fairy, why she can't accept the little request of her queen mother Empress.

Could it be that she is the co-owner of the dignified Three Realms and the queen mother of the first generation, can't she compare to Fairy in Yaochi, who can make them rush with just one word?

She was dissatisfied, really dissatisfied from the bottom of her heart.

On the other side, standing at the window to watch Bai He Fairy inside the pool of Yao, the whole person's expression did not change much under the constant questioning of the Queen Mother.

I was still very shocked, and at the same time, in my mind, I began to recall the scene of my Ye Chen battle.

Immediately, a very strange thought appeared in Mo Ming's mind, a thought that made him feel too terrified, that is...

"Xiao Bai Crane, what are you thinking about? ?Why are you not angry at all, but apologetic?

Who do you owe?

No, it's not Ye Chen, right?"

Some turned pale in fright looked at Bai He Fairy, the Queen Mother was shocked, and more, she became more and more confused.

She couldn't figure it out at all, what was Bai He's expression on at the moment?

Shouldn't she be furious when she sees her man enjoying another woman's enjoyment?

Now that Yao is inside the pool, let alone Bai He should rush down to vent her emotions, even her queen mother has a feeling of wanting to go down and drink to stop Fairy, stop and Ye Chen's nonsense.

Then, pull Ye Chen out again, and fiercely teach her a lesson. Only in this way can she relieve the anger in her heart at the moment.

Although, even the Queen Mother herself didn't know why she had such impulsiveness, she couldn't bear it.

Soon, the Queen Mother blinked her eyes with expectation and stared at Bai He Fairy, waiting for her to take the lead before she followed and went out to teach Ye Chen directly.

This plan was made by her, and the purpose was to test the depth of Ye Chen's feelings for Bai He.

At the same time, give yourself an answer.

She also wants Ye Chen to pursue herself and complete the trial cultivation of the Great Way of Mind.

As long as Ye Chen falls, it means that the other party has no reason to reject him, so he should chase after her and help her complete the important transition to Saint Realm.

"Ah? No, Queen Empress, don't look at Bai He like that, I...I believe Ye Chen, even if he can't hold it.

That's because, he It's a man, and as Ye Chen's partner, I can't meet all the other's needs.

How can I be disappointed and angry with Ye Chen like this? Should I rise, Ye Chen he Do you really know that I am in the Jade Pool Palace, so indulge like that?"

After two rhetorical questions, or self-talking questions, Bai He Fairy's face was horrified, and then he was surprised. He was so calm that he couldn't see any disappointment and anger towards Ye Chen, let alone go down and teach Ye Chen a lesson.

It's just that Bai He's words and expressions, but all the Queen Mother who watched on the side was about to go crazy for Bai He. She really couldn't imagine that Bai He, who was just immortal, was actually in love. to this point?

I believe in a person unconditionally, but Ye Chen, does he deserve this trust?

Thank you (Shang Shan Ruo Shui) for your reward and support~(^з^)-

(end of this chapter)

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