Sign In The Goddesses From Douluo Chapter 869


Chapter 869 is about to break the avatar

In the holy water of Yaochi, the scene became extremely chaotic for a while.

Ye Chen never imagined that his idea of getting Yao inside the pool actually had such a huge plot against it.

Now, what to do?

Looking at the fairies of lithe and graceful red fruit, they rushed forward without reservation, and all of them had the posture of swallowing Ye Chen alive.

Under such circumstances, any man, a real man, would not know how to deal with it.

That is Ye Chen, who can still control himself at the moment, and enjoy the joy of all the fish without entering the water as much as he wants.

"Ai, that's all, I'm a family man anyway.

If it really degenerates like this, I am afraid that Bai He Fairy will misunderstand it.

In addition, these Fairy, the unfathomable mystery in front of them are so obvious that they are rushing up, willing to sacrifice their lives, and there must be fraud in them."

Although Ye Chen can't deny that , He is outrageously handsome and has an unparalleled temperament, and it is not too much to be the dream lover of tens of billions of girls.

But the problem is, this is the Immortal Palace Celestial Court, the Fairy who can achieve immortal position, how can temperament be so unstable.

In addition, this is still in the Jade Pool Palace, where the Queen Mother often bathes.

Huh? The Queen Mother's Bathing Place!

Seems to have caught something, Ye Chen suddenly realized that all the fairies would be so active, desperately rushing towards him, wanting to enjoy the situation.

In today's world, only the owner of the Jade Pool Palace, Empress, the queen mother of the Three Realms co-owner, has the ability to make all Fairy obedient.

Even if it is to sacrifice their pure body, sisters serve a man together.

Who else can make Fairy so obedient except the Queen Mother.

But, what is the queen mother trying to organize this fleshy body feast?

Could it be that you want to disrupt the relationship between him and Bai He? Let Bai He Fairy see clearly that Ye Chen is someone who can't stand the temptation? What does this prove?

In other words, the Queen Mother has her own plans, and the main purpose of inviting him to the Peach Banquet is to let these fairies, the beauties who don't want me, corrupt his spirit.

Ye Chen seems to remember that before breaking up with Lao Jun and the Queen Mother, Queen Mother Empress seemed to want to sign a contract with him.

But what exactly, did Ye Chen forget?

Is this holy scene related to that incident?

Just as Ye Chen was thinking a lot, a cold, soft and greasy little hand approached Ye Chen at some point, and touched his chest with one hand. The stimuli that came from the array simply made Ye Chen, who was already in a state of fluffy hair, more invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

I don't know why at the moment, on the pool surface under Ye Chen silhouette, a long and narrow shadow suddenly looks like the setting sun, and it stretches forward for a constant distance, which is extremely terrifying.

"Respect Fairy Qing, if you have any difficulties, this Ye will help you solve it, but please don't continue like this.

Otherwise, when will I wait? If you can't hold it anymore, it's only you, Fairy who will be hurt."

Ye Chen looked down at the owner of the little hand who was groping his chest, and immediately caught sight of it, it was earlier A light-hearted little Fairy with a face.

It's just that at this moment, the Immortal Cloth on the other party's body has long since disappeared, and the soft, light, white and red lovable body is sticking tightly to his body.

The peaks and peaks that have begun to take shape, although plain, have a unique flavor.

One hand is full and full of temptation, so Ye Chen's big hand can't help but want to try it.

In the end, it is possible to have a grasp of it, or it is a bit of a surplus.

"Young Master, whatever you want, Xiaoxian has full authority to do whatever you want.

Don't bear it anymore, I have already all the Fairy elder sister younger sister in Yaochi, today At this moment, it all belongs to you, Master Young.

Also please, Young Master Ye favor Xiaoxian and the others."

Little Fairy with an elegant appearance, keep on saying these baffling words.

But even so, Ye Chen maintained a certain level of sobriety.

Soon, Ye Chen discovered the little Fairy who was messing around under him, her delicate and white hands already trembling with her body.

As if she was too nervous, Ye Chen didn't say anything yet, she already had some kind of Extreme rush, but her uncontrollable face was flying red and her chest was ups and downs. continuously.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen, who wanted to get rid of Little Fairy's grinding hands, couldn't help thinking in surprise.

"No way, No way, No way.

Could it be that the Fairy elder sisters younger sisters in Yaochi are all just sweet and salty chicks?

The Queen Mother's handwriting, isn't it so big?

Sacrificing so many female Fairy, what is she trying to do?"

Found little Fairy's After overreacting, but still insisting on taking the initiative, Ye Chen couldn't help but wrinkle his beautiful eyes.

He believed that the Queen Mother would only send some fairies who had experience and ability to arouse Ye Chen's heart.

In this way, Ye Chen feels that it is not harmful to play, especially if it is a one-night style.

But now, looking at the lithe and graceful Fairy who are rushing around, all of them have not started their hands with real things, they are like little Fairy, their cheeks are as red as a monkey's butt .

Even after seeing Fairy's daring behavior, one by one, the lovable bodies couldn't help trembling with fear, their eyes dodged, but they continued to move forward very resolutely. Retreat means.

But Ye Chen, who found this state, has no idea about them.

Although he is not a good person, if it is because of such lust, that he has harmed the reputation of dozens and hundreds of Fairy, then Ye Chen is really not a thing.

You must know that in this Celestial Court, a ruthless cultural tradition prevails.

If he Ye Chen broke the current group of Fairy avatars, how can they continue to survive in this Heavenly Palace in the future?

Of course, this matter is led by the Queen Mother, and it will not be executed or even beaten to the mortal world because of being broken avatar.

How could Ye Chen not know the truth that a death penalty can be avoided and a living crime is inevitable?

Once the avatar is forced, Ye Chen believes that even Queen Empress will not really punish the Fairy too much at this moment.

But, this Heavenly Palace Jade Pool, this Celestial Court Immortal World.

They can't stay any longer.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it with words that are completely ruined.

Thanks to 'Wuyao' for your reward and support(`) Bixin

(end of this chapter)


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