Chapter 121 Dangerous Situations Before You Transform! (Subscribe)

Glider King landed on the ground with a hurried look: “Grandpa, according to reliable information, Kevin and Mojas have joined forces!!”


Mark showed a horrified expression: “How did you know?”

“When Kevin left just now, Morjath’s mechanical unit took the initiative to help him break off, and he also knew about my watch. There are indications that he must have joined forces with Morjath!”

Glider King said solemnly.

The two “people joined forces, it’s really a powerful alliance, it’s very difficult to deal with!” Mark’s pressure also doubled for a while, and his expression became worried and anxious.

Let’s “let’s go back to the hotel first. Staying here is just a living target. Who knows when I will be transformed and released?”

To be on the safe side, Glider King said cautiously.


Tian Xiaoban looked at the old broken car and said in a low voice, “Xiao Chen, if you get on the old broken car with us, we will be crowded together.”

He was embarrassed to say what happened later.

“I understand what you mean, is this the head office?”

Glider King reluctantly flew to the roof of the old broken car, lay on it, and asked the three of them.

The expressions of the three of them clearly showed a touch of relaxation, Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and the originally wrinkled nose also relaxed.

It is really,,

So stinky!

Mark, Tian Xiaoban, and Tian Xiaowen, the three quickly got into the car and drove towards the hotel with Gliding King Kong.

When the omnitrix pattern on the glider started to flicker, they hurriedly stopped, so that it could settle down safely and return to the car in human form.

In this way, it was delayed for a while.

When the old broken car is driving again.

Xiao Chen and others did not find it.

A gangster in a helmet, riding a motorcycle, trailing behind!!

When they got to the door of the hotel, the old car stopped and the motorcycle also stopped. After reporting a few words on the mobile phone, the gangster followed Xiao Chen!

Come to the hotel.

Xiao Chen was walking when suddenly a waiter came across the face, holding a plate, turned around to talk to others, and accidentally bumped into Xiao Chen’s body!

“Please, be careful when you walk!”

Xiao Chen was knocked back two or three steps, rubbed his face, and complained to the waiter.

“Yes, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.

The waiter put down the plate in his hand and said apologetically.

“it does not matter.

Xiao Chen didn’t make things difficult for him either, his eyes fixed on the flawless, clean silver plate.

The silver plate reflects his body, including the hotel behind him…

And a thug who pushed in from the front door!!

That bastard with a green cockscomb head, wearing a prickly leather armor, was obviously out of tune with the hotel environment, and his eyes looked towards Xiao Chen from time to time!

“Someone is following me!!

This thought popped into Xiao Chen’s mind, but he wasn’t 100% sure yet.

After apologizing, the waiter also bypassed Xiao Chen and walked towards the gangster.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Xiao Chen turned his head back suddenly, and his eyes fell directly on the gangster!!

Face to face!

The gangster’s eyes moved away directly, and he stopped unnaturally in place, showing embarrassment with his nose.

Shouldn’t it be discovered?? It can only be replaced!

“Waiter, please inform the cleaning staff at the front desk, remember to come to clean our room in the afternoon, the room number is xxx Xiao Chen smiled, looked at the waiter, and said politely.

“La la, okay, no problem.” The waiter hurriedly took note and nodded in agreement.

The little bastard breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, I didn’t find it.

After Xiao Chen turned around, he continued to follow Mark and the others.

Tian Xiaowen suddenly lowered his voice and asked in a low voice, “Xiao Chen, you turned your head back, shouldn’t you be asking the cleaners?”

“Huh? How did you know?”

Xiao Chen’s face showed a hint of curiosity, and asked with interest.

“The room was cleaned by the cleaners in the morning, I think, according to your personality, you won’t forget this kind of thing?” Tian Xiaowen showed a chuckle and guessed very intelligently.

A look of admiration crossed Xiao Chen’s face: “Xiaowen, you are very adaptable.”

Hear Xiao Chen’s praise.

Tian Xiaowen’s expression was obviously a little shy, and he was very happy, and said softly: “No, I’m just taking a guess.”

As if nothing happened, Xiao Chen kept his original pace: “When I speak next, no matter what I say, don’t be surprised or make weird behaviors.

“Someone is following us! I found out!!”

Although he received a vaccination, Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen were still stunned. Fortunately, they reacted quickly and continued to keep up with the original rhythm.

“What’s going on? Are you sure? Xiao Chen?” Tian Xiaoban asked nervously.

“It’s confirmed. It should be the person sent by Kevin and the others! The reason why I don’t point it out, because even if I point it out, they will find new people, and it will be difficult to find out later, it is better to grasp the known person. , hold on, and see what he wants to do!”

Xiao Chen speaks his mind, his words and deeds, full of tricks against Kevin’s conspiracy!

Mastering the whereabouts of the enemy, isn’t it better?!

“Huh, we have to be careful, there is someone behind us staring at us!” Tian Xiaowen took a breath, not daring to make his voice louder.

The four of them pretended that nothing happened, and went to the elevator as usual, but at the moment when the elevator door was closed, everyone saw the bastard’s appearance!

Go upstairs.

Go back to the room.

At the moment when the door closed, except for Xiao Chen, the three of them couldn’t help discussing.

Xiao Chen, on the other hand, was lying on the door, observing every move in the aisle through the cat’s eyes.

One second, two seconds, and ten seconds passed, and it seemed that there was no movement?

“call out!!


An eyeball appeared opposite the cat’s eye, with white eyes, black pupils, and twisted bloodshots!

Xiao Chen abruptly retracted his head, and his expression became a lot more cautious. Fortunately, people outside can’t see the internal situation through the cat’s eye 663!

After the little gangster lay outside the door and watched for a while, he cautiously lurked near the corridor.

“Huh~ Now it seems that Kevin and the others must have a lot of money in their hands, otherwise how could that bastard get in the corridor!” Xiao Chen took a deep breath, calmed himself down, and his brain was racing.

“What should we do now?”

Tian Xiaoban asked helplessly.

Dealing with stalkers…they’re inexperienced.

“I go out and lure him away, his target is me, and if I’m alone, I’ll definitely show it!”

Xiao Chen recounted in a very calm manner.

“Xiao Chen, no, you are in a human state now, it’s too dangerous!” Mark was firmly opposed.

“Grandpa, please believe in my ability! I won’t have anything!” Xiao Chen continued to persuade, with a very insistent expression, and only then did he persuade the three of them.

But before going out again.

Tian Xiaoban regarded himself as a treasured air gun and placed it heavily in Xiao Chen’s hand!

“Xiao Chen, grab it, I’m already loaded. Whoever troubles you, just do it!!”

Tian Xiaoban said this sentence with great domineering, full of deep friendship!

“Okay! I will definitely come back safely!” No nonsense, Xiao Chen said these words heavily, holding the air gun in his right hand and hiding in his pocket, opened the door with his left hand, and walked into the corridor!

The bastard hid at the corner of the corridor, and when he heard the sound, he nodded carefully, and when he saw that it was Xiao Chen, his expression was full of surprise!

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