Chapter 120 The alliance of the worst villains in history! (Subscribe)

“My goal is not money, but you!”

After Kevin’s words came out.

The red-haired woman was stunned, with a look of surprise on her face, and looked at Kevin deeply: “You, are you sure?”

“Don’t give me nonsense!!”

Kevin said viciously, unceremoniously.

“Okay, but you have to find a place where no one else is, and you are not allowed to take my little brothers there.” The red-haired woman sighed in resignation.


Kevin almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, his expression full of anger: “Idiot, I mean, I want you to be my subordinates! Do you understand?”

“Being your subordinate?!”

The red-haired woman suddenly realized, scratched her hair, and said a little embarrassedly: “We understood from the beginning, it’s just a joke with you! Is it any good to be your subordinate?”

“Your equipment is not as strong as mine, I can take you to a big one with “663”! How?” A smile appeared on the corner of Kevin’s mouth, “And you just need to do me a favor. Specifically, I’ll talk about it after I leave.”

The red-haired woman and the other robbers glanced at each other and nodded in agreement. Among them, the red-haired woman introduced herself. Her name was Pell.


Several small robots flew from the remote, grabbed Pell’s clothes, carried them into the sky, and Kevin also launched into the sky!

“That’s Mojath’s robot army!! Actually mixed with Kevin?” Xiao Chen’s expression was a little surprised, and a bad premonition vaguely appeared in his heart.

“When these people stay together, something bad must be brewing! Xiao Chen, it’s up to you.” Tian Xiaowen said firmly.

“It’s fine if they’re together, I’ll kill them together!”

Xiao Chen let out an extraordinarily domineering low roar, raised his wrist omnitrix, and turned on the screen.

Fireman, it’s you!!

He took a picture of the omnitrix’s raised screen!

“call out!

A burst of light flickered.

Accompanied by a strong stench.

“Hey, it smells so bad, I can’t stand it anymore.”

“God, Xiao Chen, why did you become this big alien bug, isn’t it disgusting?”

Tian Xiaowen, Tian Xiaoban and the others hung their mouths and noses and kept backing away, resisting the vomiting wormhole, and asked Gliding King Kong who was standing there.

Gliding King Kong has four tentacles eyes, turned to look at his body, hung his face, and sighed: “I originally wanted to become a flame man..”


It’s ok!


The four wings of Gliding King Kong fluttered rapidly, its expression was full of firmness, and he said solemnly: “There are no weak alien heroes in the omnitrix! As long as I am strong enough, whoever becomes, can intercept these guys!”

Its figure immediately turned into a mass of afterimages, much faster than the first transformation, and flew into the sky!

“Hey? Big monster?”

Kevin in the distance was attracted by passive silence, and his eyes fell on Gliding King Kong with interest: “Xiao Chen, this time you used omnitrix to transform into another alien hero.”

“Kevin, you know everything!”

Gliding King Kong’s complexion sank, like an eagle, swooping into the sky and attacking Kevin’s side, the speed exceeded them by many times!

“Magas told me. Also, your good luck, starting today, will end!!”

Kevin’s expression was full of confidence, and an inadvertent sentence caused an uproar in Glider King’s heart!

Kevin and Mojas.

Did they join forces?!

This is a powerful alliance!

No, definitely can’t let Kevin take these people back!

Thinking of this, King Glider flapped his wings even harder, the speed was getting faster and faster, and he was about to catch up with Kevin.


Another three small robots descended near Gliding King Kong, forming a triangle-like encirclement!

Gliding King Kong had to brake suddenly, flapping the insect wings backwards, forcing the body to stop.

Detect “to omnitrix shapeshifter, start clearing!”

Three small robots raised red cannons and aimed at Glider King’s body one after another!

With their cover, Kevin and the group also escaped smoothly, and soon disappeared in the sight of King Glider.

“You guys, you succeeded in angering me!!

Gliding King Kong’s tone was intricate, as if it was infinitely cold, and the entire space was frozen.


Three red rays suddenly came from different directions!

“Xiao Chen, be careful, dodge quickly!!

“If this is hit, it will definitely be seriously injured.”

Tian Xiaowen and Tian Xiaoban clasped their hands together impatiently, shouting silently, wishing they could use telepathy to remind Xiao Chen.

after all!

Among all Xiao Chen’s transformed heroes, except for Xiao Qibing, only Gliding King Kong has the worst combat ability, not to mention that Xiao Qibing also relies on IQ to eat, and the upper limit is terrifying…

“It’s useless!

Gliding King Kong’s four tentacle eyes, looking in the direction of the southeast and northwest, observed the position of all rays of light!

Its body just swayed a little, and it brushed against the red laser!


The laser fell into the air, a terrifying explosion occurred, and it fell directly!

“Keep releasing!

The three small robots also continued to gather red light.

bang bang bang!

However, Glider King spit out a lot of green mucus at a very fast speed, and smashed it directly on the robot’s scanner, so that they couldn’t see the surroundings at all!

for a while.

The three small robots couldn’t tell their surroundings, as if they had lost their vision systems and flew around!

Between lightning and flint!

Gliding King Kong, at lightning speed, moved in front of a small robot.

that figure,

Like the king of the sky!


Gliding King Kong’s indestructible claws stretched out, like crushing tofu dregs, tearing a small robot into pieces, falling to the ground and exploding!


Its tail flicked again, and the split axe-like tail slashed the body of another small robot!!

Fighting style like a beast!

And the last battle robot was attacked by the claws and tail of the King Kong Glider, and it was beaten into a ball of scrap metal!

“It seems that even the weakest alien hero in our mouths, Gliding King Kong, has been exerted to perfection by Xiao Chen!!

Mark stared blankly at the battle in the sky.

That line of combat style, that silky feeling.

It’s a textbook fighting style!!

Even Xiao Chen didn’t find it himself, after accepting various concepts such as Baji Beng, Diamond Ares Fighter Qiao and so on..

Although he himself does not know this, his fighting consciousness has been directly elevated to the existence of the universe warrior level!

Every alien hero can gradually become stronger in battle!

This is his greatest skill!!

(Thank you Water for the reward, Xinghuo, and brothers who sent monthly passes… I won’t list them all, otherwise you will have to spend more to subscribe. In short, I can send flowers and monthly passes to everyone. Seeing it in the background, thank you very much.]

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