However, his ship's equipment has not been updated in large quantities, causing a generational difference in the previous equipment.

This is also where he is helpless.

If he now chooses to sell ship uniforms, he has not yet learned how to produce ship uniforms in large quantities without using physical strength.

Then the ship can only be installed manually, and the daily output is limited. Secondly, the profits must be maximized.

Among the ship outfits circulating in the joint market of ship girls, white, green, and blue ship outfits are a no-brainer. The ones that circulate the most are also the least profitable for Wei An.

The only types that Navian can choose are purple, gold and colored. The rarer the items, the higher his profits.

But the problem comes again.

Purple ship uniforms are also a bit embarrassing on the market. Although they are rare, they are no longer needed for some powerful admirals and ship girls.

But it is these powerful admirals and ship wives who are the ones with the biggest pockets.

And the circulation of purple ship-style ones in the market is still limited, so even if the price is raised, it won't be able to raise much.

The only ones that can be considered super rare are golden ship uniforms and colored ship uniforms, which can truly have pricing power.

But in the ship-mounted category that Wei An is currently planning to sell, color is definitely a no-brainer. This is now something he puts at the bottom of the box.

Then the only ones that can be taken out are gold ship uniforms, and depending on the situation, purple ship uniforms are for sale.

Then what troubled him a little was.

How many golden carrier-based aircraft does he have?

Only the A-1 bomber is gold, the fighter jets are only colored Gale Kai, and the torpedo planes are only green Swordfish.

If he wants to sell carrier-based aircraft, he can only sell the A-1. With his previous performance in the joint headquarters assessment, I believe other aircraft carrier girls will be satisfied with this ship equipment.

But it is easy to sell these ship outfits. Wei Anke has not forgotten that the admirals within the Ship Girl Alliance compete with each other.

Now a large number of admirals have chosen the idea of joining if they can't beat them, and are working hard to improve the strength of the aircraft carrier.

Once he sells this ship suit, he can quickly arm a large number of admirals.

But the harvest is definitely very rich.

He has access to a lot of resources.

The only possible hidden danger is whether he will face competition within the joint headquarters after selling this kind of ship equipment.

After all, his existing anti-aircraft guns are a bit stressful against a carrier-based aircraft of this level.

Unless he lets his aircraft carrier wife give up her bomber advantage and switch to fighter jets.

Even thinking about it, Wei An knew it was impossible.

As for the sale of large main guns, Wei An is not too worried. What he is selling must be various improved models of Clemenceau's 380mm main guns.

On top of this gun, he also has a better vv gun, as well as St. George's 460mm large tube, and he has even collected the data of Baicai's 510mm main gun.

For him the main gun of Clemenceau was obsolete.

If you put it out for sale, it will be recycling waste, and he still has the final say on pricing.

After all, he got a relatively accurate information from Hood.

The ship girl alliance has a large number of powerful battle lines with good economic strength, but the battle cruiser girl is struggling to find a better main gun.

They all use 356mm and 320mm main guns. It's not that they can't use better and stronger main guns, it's just because they can't find them.

There are also many heavy cruiser ladies who are eagerly waiting for the main guns to be ready, ready to try their hand at carrying big guns in small boats.

It can even be said that he has already monopolized the market by selling the 380mm main gun, and there are no competitors.

For Wei'an, vv's 381mm main gun and 410mm main gun are not unsaleable in the future, as long as the money is available.

And in his fleet planning, giant ships and artillery are not the core.

But one of the biggest problems is that his fleet is now at a stage of neither advancement nor inferiority.

Selling more ship equipment will greatly increase the strength of other admirals. If he cannot complete the replacement of ship equipment as soon as possible, then the pressure will be great.

After all, he is a man who suffers from severe underfire phobia.

However, he had to make this move by selling ship equipment. He had to make the other admirals and ship girls in the ship girl alliance stronger.

Because Deep Sea is so powerful, even if he already has Baicai now, there are a large number of other Deep Seas, and their thoughts may not be the same as Baicai's.

He has always been a person who is prepared for danger in times of peace.

At the same time, he really needs a huge amount of resources to allow him to trial and error, and to give him the actual use of the ship's body.

As for the issue of obtaining resources from the deep sea, Wei An has already asked Baicai.

It is possible, but there is only a small part of the deep sea that has the consciousness to gather resources and hand them over to Cabbage.

Most of them are ordinary deep sea people who only act subconsciously. They may not even know what the resources are, and the deep sea blessings are always used passively.

Wei An can get resources if he wants them, but he needs to go to the deep-sea battleship to pick them up.

But just like a ship girl who does not allow strangers to enter her battleship, as long as there is self-awareness in the deep sea, she also has this understanding.

The only way he can continuously obtain resources from the deep sea is from cabbage.

As for how to sink deep-sea warships and salvage loot to obtain resources.

During the time that Wei An communicated with the head of the construction team this month, Kokang had already sunk 17 deep-sea destroyers.

Now there is no deep-sea destroyer within 30 nautical miles of his garrison.

These trophies can only generate less than 100,000 resources at most, which is an unstable income for the current Wei An.

He has to wait for the weather to eat, and he has to wait for a large amount of deep sea to invade before he can eat a lot. As for taking the initiative to find the deep sea.

Baicai has warned him not to do it as much as possible to avoid angering the Deep Sea Flagship.

So in the end, Wei An's only way to make money was to go back to the way he made his first pot of gold, selling ship equipment.

Therefore, the series of reasons mentioned above are the reasons why he has not given his shipmates a physical appearance for so long.

It takes resources to create a ship body, resources to present a ship's equipment, resources to make a ship's equipment, resources may be needed to build a port area, and even using the second talent to protect the ship girl requires resources.

Not to mention that he also has a bottomless pit of R&D talent that requires an unknown amount of energy.

Especially after the equipment becomes more powerful, the technical content of various technologies increases rapidly, and every breakthrough may be a huge amount of resources.

For example, a big problem is now in front of him.

In order to let Guo Gan reach the legendary level as soon as possible and undergo modifications to obtain missiles, Wei An gave her all the tasks of attacking the deep sea.

But Changchun's missiles are launched obliquely, and the missiles he reserves for his shipmates are vertical launches.

But they all just left some space.

He also needs to develop the vertical launch system himself, and even the specifications of the missile need to be modified to suit the vertical launch system he developed.

As for the vertical launch system alone, the ship's equipment could no longer provide him with reference work, so he had to rely on his own research and development.

Think about it, when he developed a simpler power system, he failed every day.

Not to mention missiles and launch systems, as well as new fighter jets that are imminent in order to prevent the pressure on their aircraft carriers from increasing.

Which is not a bottomless pit for eating resources.

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