Therefore, after Wei An's fleet docked, the first thing he did was to hand over the planning drawing he had prepared to the person in charge of the construction team.

And listed the order of construction.

Because the current Whale Sea Guards House has no facilities, it is necessary to at least ensure that there is a place to live on the island.

Therefore, the first thing to be built was the accommodation area, and the second was the port terminal and the aqueduct room.

As for the reason.

Only by truly coming to this place, the forefront of the joint control of the sea area by the shipgirls, Wei An knew why this kind of place was dangerous to ordinary admirals.

On the sea surface 20 nautical miles away from the island, there are two or three deep-sea wanderings.

Even on the way to the arrival of the Vian Fleet, several deep-sea destroyers were destroyed.

The Whale Sea Guards House is where his fleet will live in the future, and he must do his best to protect it.

Then they need a complete port for their warships to return and dock, and a complete drainage room so that they can repair the warship in time.

Even the admiral's office where he works has been temporarily postponed.

Priority is given to ensuring the daily needs of the ship girl.

As for this period of time, he will definitely have to spend it temporarily on the ship girl's battleship......

Looking at the busy workers knocking on the island, Wei An finally settled one thing on his mind.

Nineteen years later, he finally returned to this place.

This garrison experienced successive owners and finally returned to his hands.

Even now, looking in the direction he was looking at, it was the sea where Xuefeng took him to evacuate the port area.

It was on this sea, protected by his parents and their ship's wife to the death, that he became what he is today.

From now on, he will guard their rest here.

"Sister, do you regret coming back here with me?"

Weian lowered his head and looked at Xuefeng, who was standing next to the battleship guardrail with him.

"If it were me before, I would definitely be afraid of coming back here...."

"I watched everyone disappear in front of my eyes, and countless deep seas were chasing me. They kept haunting me like a nightmare."

"However, I am no longer afraid. I am no longer the cowardly and incompetent me who could only escape."

While speaking, Xuefeng's eyes never left Wei'an.

"Xiao Wei is an excellent admiral. With Xiao Wei's help, I have become stronger and can protect Xiao Wei on my own."

"This place is no longer scary to me. Even if the deep sea wants to offend me, I have to see if my main gun agrees first."

"Even now, I'm somewhat glad that I obeyed your request, Xiaowei, to let you be the admiral. Otherwise, I would never have seen this day."

"You can meet them on this island and tell them about the child who was smiling happily in everyone's arms."

"Now he has grown into a towering tree and a young man that even the old admiral would be proud of."

As he spoke, the corners of Xuefeng's mouth raised slightly, with a smile.

"Just like what I told everyone in the former guard house today, Xiaowei’s first dormitory building in the port area has been completed."

"We can move in after a while."

I have to say that the construction team acted very quickly. In just one month, a two-story dormitory building that complied with the maintenance standards has been completed.

It can accommodate at least hundreds of people.

As for why it is not built that high.

Maintenance An Ze considered that in this inherently dangerous sea area, he built such a tall building for fear that others would not be able to see and aim.

"Sister, I have to say more good things about me to them in the future, otherwise what will happen if they get angry and there is a strong wind on the sea."

Wei An teased and scratched Xuefeng's little nose.

"Of course, my Xiaowei is the best."

With Xuefeng's affirmation, Wei An felt much more at ease.

Over the past month, he had watched the ruins being cleared, and then a dormitory building was built on the original ground.

At the same time, he watched every day He was also very busy.

Because he needed to seek his advice and make some special adjustments while working on the island, he spent most of his time with the construction team leader this month.

In order to build her own port area as smoothly as possible, all other plans have been put on hold. She has been looking at the necessary equipment for her hull for a long time.

It has been made for her, but there has been no time to materialize the hull.

The reason given by Wei An is that there are many construction workers on the island, and they will give her the material after the closed dock is built. But it is precisely because of this that

Wei An can complete the construction plan of the entire island with the construction leader within one month.

Now Wei An can only check it out at other times. He left the shop behind and did his own thing.

That was why he had time to watch the sea with Xuefeng today. But it was impossible to say that Wei An had done nothing during this month.

Another reason why he didn't present the hull to his subordinates was that he was adjusting the plan, which he only discovered after he had already decided to sell the anti-aircraft guns and carrier-based aircraft. Now, his existing ship equipment can no longer meet the needs of Wei An, and the cost of building the hull for him is really not small.

He can build a warship of the same tonnage that other admirals can build.

Especially one of the next plans is to modify the main gun of St. George for use on his main battleship.

The prerequisite is to realize the hull of St. George.

But the plan reserved by Wei An for St. George is 80,000. Ton-level hulls alone cost up to 100,000 yuan to build.���40W steel, not counting other resources.

And his current steel resources are only enough for him to construct two 80,000-ton battleship hulls.

Not to mention that the famous hull is at the same level as Hood, and the steel consumption is about 20W.

His resources seem to be quite large, but when it comes time to use them, they are not used at all.

Not to mention that Wei An's ship girl needs to consume more resources every time she changes her ship outfit.

Now his resources may be used to subsidize the construction of the port area.

If you think about it carefully, it's not enough, not enough at all.

He needs to start planning to obtain special resources as early as possible.

Therefore, he decided to temporarily advance the sales plan of anti-aircraft guns and carrier-based aircraft. He even thought about making a few more models of Clemenceau's main guns and selling them.

The purpose is to obtain more resources as quickly as possible.

But the results are also very obvious. The strength of the ship girl combined with other internal admirals and ship girls will be improved as a whole.

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