The expressions on the two people's faces right now are very exciting. Just a second ago, everyone was still struggling with how to speak to each other.

As a result, the next second their thoughts came together.

So the two sides could only stare at each other until Xiaozhai made a sound

"Admiral, Sister Miao, what are you talking about~"

Xiao Zhai's big eyes looked back and forth between the two of them. She was just immersed in the joy of meeting Sister Miao and didn't hear clearly.

"It’s nothing, I’m just saying goodbye to Sister Meow. Didn’t we say we’re leaving Xiaozhai tomorrow?"


Weian and Bismarck looked away in agreement and responded, but the redness of their ears showed that they were uneasy in their hearts.

"All right, then, goodbye, Sister Meow."

When Xiao Zhai heard that she was going to say goodbye to Sister Meow, her originally happy mood quickly dropped. Reluctant to leave, she walked to behind Vian, looking back every few steps, and stayed there obediently.

Seeing such a sensible Xiao Zhai, Vian also made up his mind in his heart, and even if he was sad, he tried hard to hold back his tears.

On the other side, Bismarck was also determined in his own thoughts. Compared with the big account that had been trained to pieces and was not obedient at all, it was obvious that the small account was much more sensible and had more of the style of the G-United Forces, and always obeyed orders. Xiao

Zhai, who was immersed in her own sadness, didn't know until she left that when she didn't know, her dearest sister Meow and the admiral brother had communicated a lot with their eyes.

She understood his thoughts, and he understood her, and everything was self-evident.

She only needed to wait for their arrival tomorrow.

"Does Xiao Zhai like Sister Meow?"

Wei An held the depressed Xiao Zhai in his arms and asked softly.

"I like it~"

When it comes to Sister Meow's little house, her mood obviously gets much better.

"Then let's come to see Sister Miao again next time, okay?~"


Xiao Zhai answered obediently.

Until dinner was served in the evening, when all the ship girls were present

"Ahem, I have something to announce today."

Wei An sat in the position that belonged to the admiral and spoke loudly to attract the attention of the other ship girls.

"Tomorrow we will leave the southern theater and return to the E headquarters, but before that our fleet will undergo some changes."

As he spoke, Wei An's eyes scanned all the ship girls, and finally landed on Xiao Zhai who was working hard.

"After discussion with Miss Bismarck, I decided to ask her to take care of Xiao Zhai for the next period of time, so Xiao Zhai will temporarily leave the fleet. As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes turned to Xiao Zhai.


Xiao Zhai, who was working hard, looked at Wei An in surprise, with bread crumbs still on the corners of his mouth in surprise, not to mention other uninformed ship girls.


Xiao Zhai, who came back to his senses, pointed to himself in disbelief.

"Yes, Xiaozhai, don’t you like Sister Meow?"

Weian asked Xiao Zhai with a smile and a gentle tone.

"But...but aren't we leaving? And doesn’t the Admiral not want a small house?"

After returning to Xiaozhai and understanding what happened, she suddenly panicked.

Although she likes Sister Meow very much, she also likes Admiral brother very much, and shouldn't the ship girl stay by her Admiral's side?

"Xiao Zhai is still a part of the big family. Xiao Zhai can come back whenever he wants, but hasn’t it been a long time since you last saw your cat sister?"

"She also misses Xiaozhai, right? So Sister Meow specifically asked me to ask Xiao Zhai to go to her today."

"Would you like that small house?"

Today, Wei An and Bismarck didn't explain it clearly in person, just to come back to ask for Xiao Zhai's thoughts.


But obviously the weight of this news was too huge. Xiaozhai's mind went blank and his heart was in a state of confusion.

In the end, he didn't even finish his meal, so he ran back to his room and hid.

No matter how many times Wei An and the others knocked on the door, they wouldn't answer.

Wei An and Lexington were preparing to rest until late at night, telling Bismarck that they might not be willing to leave the small house tomorrow.

There was a knock on their door


"Admiral, it's me."

Xiao Zhai's voice came from outside the door.

"Xiaozhai, come in and tell the admiral if you have anything."

Xiao Zhai walked to Wei An with his head lowered.

"Admiral, Xiao Zhai can't understand."

"Xiao Zhai likes both Admiral and Sister Meow, but now I can’t choose."

Xiao Zhai put his fingers in front of him and moved them in circles.

"Neither the Admiral nor Sister Meow can interfere with Xiao Zhai’s thoughts~"

Wei An said unhurriedly.

"Can the little house be chosen by both Admiral and Sister Meow? Xiao Zhai wants to stay with Admiral and Sister Meow forever."

The noise in the small house is like mosquitoes, sorry.

But in this quiet room, both Wei An and Lexington heard it clearly.

【Ah this. 】

Looking at the bold kid in front of him, Wei An began to think about it.

As for whether Xiaozhai can stay with him and Bismarck forever?

It's still ok.

As long as Bismarck is the same as Hood, wouldn't it mean that they would be together forever if they became his ship's wife?

Xiaozhai no longer has to worry about Bismarck leaving.

So Xiao Zhai's idea also made Wei An bold.

Bismarck, a whole G-Union Department.

In addition, Hood is also his ship girl now, not to mention that Akagi has a good relationship with him, and the power behind him in the ship girl alliance is quite strong.

As for whether Bismarck can be leveraged, the ready answer is right in front of him, the sensible and obedient Xiao Zhai.

"Is it not possible? Then I..."

Seeing that Wei An didn't answer, Xiao Zhai immediately replied in a low voice.

"No, not only can it be done, but only Xiao Zhai can achieve such a result."

"But in this case, Xiao Zhai has to stay with Sister Meow~"

Wei An, who came back to his senses, immediately replied

"Is that so?"

Xiao Zhai asked doubtfully

"Yes~ Come to the house and let Sister Lexington tell you."

Lexington, who knows the person next to her best, rolled her eyes at Wei An. She understood his little plan after a second thought, and at the same time, she felt that it was not good to let Wei An speak.

After all, she was a real example, which was more convincing.

"Xiaozhai, you see, isn’t Sister Saratoga always by my side and by the commander’s side? As long as Xiao Zai's Meow Sister comes to our port area, won't Xiao Zai be able to be with Meow Sister and the Admiral forever?"

Lexington leaned over and said in Xiao Zhai's ear. Xiao Zhai's eyes lit up as Lexington spoke.

"Admiral, Xiaozhai has decided! I want to go to Sister Meow!"

After saying that, Xiaozhai ran out of the room.

She looked at the relationship between Sister Saratoga, Sister Lexington, and the Admiral.

In this relationship, she was just like Sister Saratoga. , wouldn’t it be great if Sister Meow became the Admiral’s brother’s wedding ship?

It can only be said that Xiao Zhai understood it, but he didn’t fully understand it. In any case, Xiao

Zhai immediately made up a huge battle plan in his mind!

The text-based love game you play is guaranteed!

This is the love battle between Sister Meow and Brother Admiral!

Bismarck, who is far away on the other side, does not know that his beloved sister has already missed him.

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