"Sister Meow, are you really going to leave?...."

Xiao Zhai just wanted to wipe his tears with his hands, telling himself to be strong and not to cause trouble to Sister Miao, but a pair of warm hands wiped them away in advance.

Looking up, it’s Sister Meow with slightly pale hair.

"Of course, my sister will stay by Xiao Zhai's side."

Bismarck's voice was a little choked up, and her eyes were red.

She had made a mistake once, and she couldn't push her sister into that fire pit again, when she could obviously become a better person.

Every tear shed by Xiao Zhai was like boiling magma pouring on her heart, causing her heartache.

As for Bei Zhai's helplessness, wasn't it just her indulgence and connivance as a sister? It was just a remedial measure to make up for Bei Zhai, otherwise why was Bei Zhai so special in the entire G-League?

She was the strictest flagship of the KanColle Union!

She hoped that Tirpitz would become a battleship that could stand on its own, but not like Bei Zhai now.

So what could she do with this spoiled, crying, sensible and distressed sister?

The sister control was defeated on the spot by the tear offensive.

He could only obey his sister's idea.

"Really? Sister Meow? Aren't you trying to trick Xiao Zhai?"

Xiao Zhai's little hands tightly grasped the hem of Bismarck's skirt, and he asked uncertainly.

"Of course, when has my sister ever deceived Xiao Zai? He left suddenly before, didn't he?"

The look of Xiaozhai worrying about gains and losses also made Bismarck's tone much firmer.

"It seems so!"

Xiao Zhai thought about it and found that the facts were indeed as Bismarck said, and she immediately became happy.

Children's emotions change so quickly, as long as they are made happy.

Seeing Xiao Zhai happy, Vian and Bismarck breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

What gave them the most headache was that Xiao Zhai was a child who cried easily, and now she is finally cured.

It also made Vian, who had been watching this pair of sisters' deep love, start to think about a problem.

At present, it seems that Xiao Zhai really likes Bismarck, and this Bismarck obviously has Xiao Zhai's memories, so it is difficult to say goodbye before.

Xiao Zhai follows him, and he spends most of his time with Lexington and the others, and spends very little time with Xiao Zhai every day.

And Xiao Zhai always says that he misses Sister Meow, even if other destroyers and Xiao Zhai are It is not easy for Zhai to play together.

They are fake lolita, but Xiao Zhai is a real lolita, and there are some differences in their minds.

Not to mention that Xiao Zhai is the only G country warship under his command, and there is no one with the same culture as her. He is not proficient enough in taking care of children.

Even Xuefeng has some difficulty taking care of her.

He and Lexington have even discussed Xiao Zhai's ship body many times, whether to let Xiao Zhai materialize the ship body.

He is really worried about Xiao Zhai. After all, she can still follow other ship girls without materializing the ship body. After materializing the ship body, she will have to drive the warship herself.

The possibility of encountering danger is also rising sharply.

And now Xiao Zhai Vian, who is with Bismarck, can feel that she is really happy.

His Saratoga can be so obsessed with Lexington, and as a Xiao Zhai with a more immature mind, Vian doesn't have to think about it. Knowing will only make him stronger.

So now he is considering how to talk to Bismarck.

He is leaving, and Xiao Zhai can either go with him or with her, there are only these two choices.

Bismarck is not Hood, she is already his ship girl. If he entrusts Xiao Zhai to Bismarck, how should he talk to her?

After all, Bismarck is usually very busy, and he doesn't know if Bismarck will agree.

As for whether Xiao Zhai will stay for a long time and never want to come back.

In other words, just think of it as Vian sending Xiao Zhai out to do a mission, and Xiao Zhai is willing to do this mission.

She is essentially Vian's ship girl, and this cannot be changed. This can also be regarded as Vian thinking for his own ship girl.

Although the ship girls will have a certain affection for their own admirals, they also have their own thoughts and their own lives.

In terms of their positions, they are Standing by his admiral without hesitation, just like when Wei'an was busy with work, Xiao Zhai was sensible and didn't cause any trouble.

But in normal times, why does he still impose his thoughts on them?

How is this different from the admiral of the navy? Forcing them to do things they don't like.

This group of kind and silly girls must stand by your side without hesitation, so he also needs to consider them.

He and Xuefeng have been together for so many years, and there is only each other between the two sides. There is no need to say more. Their feelings cannot be described in words.

Why did he let his other ship girls know that Lexington is already a wedding ship even if the proposal was simple?

Rather than saying that his relationship with Lexington was planned for a long time, it should be said that Lexington has been trying to get closer to him and has been supporting him.

She has taken 99 steps, and he must turn back for the last step to be worthy of her efforts, using a proposal and a vow ring to tell everyone that this is his wedding ship.

They are truly in love, and it is not only Lexington who is paying. Maybe his wife, who is full of his eyes, doesn't care about these.

But he needs to live up to his wife's love. No matter how much his wife loves to torment his waist, he will never look back, although he is indeed sweating and exhausted every time.

His love for them is not to impose his unilateral ideas on them and restrain them, but to respect their ideas.

He wants to be the Lord of the Rings, so he has to cultivate feelings with the girls. Although he seems to be a scumbag if he doesn't take the initiative, they will show their emotions and he will respond.

If it's just a relationship between him and the admiral and the ship girl, he also respects the ship girl's ideas.

Now letting Xiao Zhai and Bismarck leave is the most in line with his ideas, and it may also be the best result for Xiao Zhai.

She will grow and learn by Bismarck's side, and she is still his ship girl. When Xiao Zhai is sensible, he will give her the body of the ship.

So Wei An is thinking about how to tell Bismarck about this.

After all, there is basically no such thing as an admiral suddenly pushing a ship girl in the history of the Ship Girl Union.

Not to mention bringing a sensitive child.

Is she really willing?

While Wei An was thinking, the two sisters finally hugged each other happily.

Bismarck finally had time to look at Wei An, and at the same time, she was thinking about how to tell Wei An about the little house.

She was already worried about her older sister, and now the younger one made her even more worried.

"Can I entrust the small house to you?"

"Can I take care of Xiaoti for a while?"

The two people, who were tangled in thought, raised their heads and spoke at the same time as if they had a clear understanding.

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