
The white-haired woman now really feels that there is something seriously wrong in Wei An's mind.

The reason why the co-author is interested in the deep sea is because they have cold bodies and can cool down in the summer?

But this is indeed the case. Just like her current body, if Wei An touches it, she will find that it is cold.

"My little friend, you are really out of your mind. Don’t you be afraid that Shenhai will be wiped out if you find out this reason?"

"The deep sea, which is feared by everyone, is just a pillow to cool off in your eyes, right? And even if they have the appearance of girls, they are actually cold weapons! The weapon that destroys the world!"

The white-haired woman originally thought she would be angry after hearing this answer, but now she is just a little helpless.

Just like when she faced her subordinates in the deep sea, she originally hoped that they would have some lofty ideals, but in the end, the ultimate reason for completing various tasks Just to show off better.

The child in front of me now has all kinds of strange arguments, unique words, and different views on the deep sea. The result is just to live with the girl, and the reason is that the deep sea girl is slightly unique in his mind. Posting with the girl.

Even at this time, the white-haired woman is doubting whether it is the right choice to study human beings.

Human beings without lofty ideals and pursuits should simply be destroyed. Hurry up and let not only human beings themselves fall, but also the deep sea. A lot of people also fell

"Isn't that better? Why do ship girls have such terrifying power and may cause harm to humans, but will there still be people to protect them? Why would someone carefully protect them regardless of other people's doubts?"

"Although in the eyes of people who don't understand their situation, they are just the image of weapons. They are still weapons with their own thoughts and cannot be controlled."

"But in my eyes, they are just a group of simple and kind-hearted girls. They do not have intrigues like humans. They can be happy, cry, and feel sad. They will also fight to the death in the face of battle. Even if their death is meaningless, they Just willing to do it"

"They have their own minds, and they will also have their own lives and lives. Their own lives should not be asked by others. They could have chosen not to sacrifice their lives for mankind, but in the end they still chose to protect mankind."

"This is their kindness. As a deep sea, although most deep seas do not have their own reason or thoughts."

"But as long as some parts of the deep sea have their own thinking, they can communicate and communicate. They will have their own ideas and choose their own attitudes towards life."

"More importantly, why are KanColle and Deepsea both girls' mental bodies? Isn't it because most people originally thought that the ship was her?"

"If ship girls can get along well with humans, then there must be a way to communicate in the deep sea. As for whether they will be wiped out by the deep sea"

"I believe that the day I communicate with the deep sea, my shipgirl will be by my side. If I can be with them, it doesn’t matter if I die."

"I am lucky to have them by my side in life."

Before coming to this world, the girls incarnated as battleships were nothing more than a string of data to him, a piece of entertainment to relieve his boredom in life, but to them, he was the only one.

They were always waiting for him in the port.

But it was these strings of data that accompanied him through the dark moments in his life, because no matter how painful his life was, they would always wait for him with a smile.

The port existed because of the admiral, and the garrison existed because of the admiral.

It was also this group of angels who healed him, allowing him to persist in the darkness and fall in love with the things they loved. Because of them, he also fell in love with this world.

So even in the face of death, He was on his way to buy their peripherals before, and at the last moment of his death, he regretted that he could no longer be with them.

He was given another chance to live, with the girls he loved most, but this world was not good to them at all.

The ship girls were still as kind and beautiful as he thought, but he could only watch one girl after another lose their lives for him.

Xuefeng, who was left with pain and regret, blamed herself for taking care of him until now.

So he had to take good care of Xuefeng, build his own port, and make everyone full of laughter.

He thought about why he came here countless times.

The answer that finally convinced himself was obsession, his obsession with the ship girls.

He came here, at least I have to do something for these girls.

It is inevitable that he will come into contact with many things about the deep sea, so his attitude towards the deep sea is not as extreme as other humans who were born and raised there.

As for his parents' affairs, seeing his parents full of hope waiting for rescue, and then in despair, he has understood that people are still the same, scheming against each other.

His life was spent with the ship girls. If I have to say, he himself is an extreme, an extreme who thinks from the perspective of the ship girls.

So he will think more about the ship girls, and think about the problems of the deep sea from the perspective of the ship girls. That's why he has all kinds of bold ideas.

When they died for the first time, he regretted not being able to accompany them.

If there is still If he were to die, at least he would have them by his side this time, and the regret in his life might be that he did not protect them.

He would live his life for them.

So when he said this, Wei An was very serious and calm.

Is a person who has died once really afraid of death?

Feeling Wei An's emotions, the white-haired woman was really shocked.

She had never seen such a strange person, who was obviously just a child, but was much stranger than other humans she had seen. He was young but had no fear of death, and he had an inexplicable kindness towards the deep sea, which made her think that if the group of bad deep sea people under her command met such a young man......

A group of silly girls who have been harmed by human romance literature will probably be ruined if they meet someone who is not biased and just takes care of them like ordinary girls.

Even her cold and silent heart beat faster, and a child gave her a special feeling.

She didn't know what this emotion was, but she just felt different when looking at this young man.

They are obviously so whimsical and have no ambition. Just for that inexplicable feeling, they dare to touch even the deep sea, and they are described as invincible like a group of ordinary girls!

From the beginning of the contact, it was completely beyond her expectations, and it didn't go according to her wishes.

It even made her angry, but now she looked at the child in front of her and found it surprisingly pleasing to the eye.

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