As the deep-sea flagship, she could only sigh helplessly at the failure and slackness of her men all year round.

The team is too big and difficult to lead at all.

Even when she came to the mainland and saw the positive hope of humans and ship girls, she was quite envious.

The big stage of deep sea, you can come if you are talented.

In a big deep-sea family, there are all the high-level deep-sea people who are paranoid, arrogant, irritable, depressed, have split personalities, are sentimental, etc.

There are even Silly Baitian and the others who are exclusive to the Ship Girl Alliance in Deep Sea. Often when she patrols the Deep Sea base, she can see Deep Sea looking at the little people and being bookish.

As for why humans are not wiped out, this may be one of the reasons.

If all humans are wiped out, where will they go to have fun in the future?

By purchasing a wave of human routes for zero yuan, you can get a lot of human supplies, including delicious food, fun things, beautiful things, everything.

They really like it there.

Didn't she even let the deep sea fleet retreat in order to study human beings?

As for the sudden increase in the number of ship girls, it was also very surprising to her. Ordinary deep-sea warships could actually breed ship girls who were completely unaffected by the power of the abyss.

This is something they have always wanted to understand. Why there are many talents in the deep sea is because they are affected by the power of the abyss.

Unfortunately, there is still no progress at all so far.

As for the possible impact of the contract and its binding nature on Deep Sea, she was just about to applaud.

Why do a large number of high-level deep seas develop such a temperament? Isn't it because there is no pressure and no ability to restrain them?

After being affected by the power of the abyss, his personality was no longer very good, and he further indulged himself. How could such a deep sea get better?

And as the deep sea flagship, she has always been worried about how the power of the abyss appeared in this world, and how they appeared in the deep sea.

She could always feel the uneasiness in her heart, especially when she was about to break through the last line of defense of mankind, the mainland, she felt unprecedented uneasiness.

So the deep sea retreated.

Although she didn't really believe in things like the sixth sense, it really helped her a lot during the battle, so when this uneasiness was born, she could only choose to believe it.

What's more, all the force that humans possess has always been under their noses, and they are even consuming human power on a regular basis.

Keep the dangers of humans and ship girls within a controllable range.

She also has enough time and energy to slowly understand human beings.

But now, a young child is curious about the deep sea.

Even bold enough to do things that she couldn't even imagine.

"Little brother, your question is very strange. After all, the deep sea is the deep sea, and they are not ship girls. How could you think of contracting with the deep sea?"

Taking a deep breath, the white-haired woman calmed herself down quickly.

"However, the ship girl has a mental body, and the deep sea also has it. The ship girl has a ship body, and the deep sea also has it. If the ship girl can make a contract with humans, shouldn't the deep sea also be able to?"

""Ignorant" big eyes stared at the white-haired woman.

While communicating with this woman, Wei An discovered something unusual.

Even though the woman in front of him said that her hair was dyed, Wei An observed carefully , Bai is too thorough, there is no flaw at all. So some of the questions are deliberately testing the woman in front of him. There are not many opportunities to communicate with the ship girl.

As for the woman in front of him , he certainly needs to know more.

Wei An couldn't even think about the fact that the woman was in the deep sea.

It was already unusual for the ship girl to come to the inland.

You told him to leave the vast sea alone and sneak in alone.

In human territory, they can't use battleships on land.

If they are discovered, can they escape alive? So if you think about it, it is impossible to enter the deep sea into the interior!

The hair girl felt speechless at this time.

Wei An's words made sense if she thought about it carefully.

After all, she knew that the deep sea had the same mental core as the ship girl, but one was blue and the other was black.

The ship girl is like two sides of the same thing, but even if she knows the feasibility of this matter, she cannot easily try it.

The relationship between humans and the deep sea is irreconcilable, not to mention her identity.

allow her to do this

"It makes sense, but whether it is feasible or not, you can only make a conclusion after practicing it. Rather than contracting with the deep sea, you should think about how to communicate with the deep sea, little brother"

"The most important thing is that you are still a little kid. Even if you are not an admiral, you are not ashamed to talk about contracting the deep sea. Before that, you should become an admiral first!"

Looking at the firmness of Wei An's eyes, she still did not completely refute Wei An's question.

Although humans and the deep sea are now hostile to each other, at least some people are willing to try to understand the deep sea. Isn't this a good attempt?

She started from From the knowledge in human books, she learned that the best way to teach children is to guide them.

Since Wei An wanted to try this, she tried to encourage Wei An, and at the same time, she emphasized that the prerequisite for all this was to have at least one. Only his own ship's wife is qualified to sit down and talk with Shenhai.

Wei An is not annoyed by the white-haired woman's teasing words.

Although his family knows his own affairs, he is already a commander. He has a ship girl of his own, but he just can't tell her.

After all, it's too shocking for a 6-year-old kid to have a ship girl or a wedding ship. If he doesn't think about himself, he has to think about Xuefeng.

"I will definitely become an admiral, and I am working hard to move forward on this path, no matter how many difficulties there are ahead."

Weian said firmly.

Although the white-haired woman is from the deep sea, she is like a ship girl. She can also feel the seriousness in Wei'an's words. She is not just a hot-headed child like the child who left before.

This child

The white-haired woman thought to herself that she was very serious about targeting the admiral.

"Why are you so determined to become an admiral?"

The woman asked in a sincere tone.

"In order to live with the ship girl, I want to spend the rest of my life with these elf-like girls, and the problem of the deep sea is an obstacle on this road."

"It's that simple? Are you willing to do such a dangerous thing just because it will disturb the peaceful life you imagined with your shipgirl?"

The white-haired woman is numb. What's going on in the little brat's mind at such a young age!

But Wei An is not ready to let her go.

"In fact, it’s not that simple. If we could make a contract with the deep sea, wouldn’t that be even better? You can also live with the girls from the deep sea. I heard that their bodies seem to be ice cold. It must be very cool in summer!"

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