After losing air control, the Southern Governor's face looked a little ugly, and his ship's wife did not dare to breathe.

While remaining cautious, he made full preparations for the battle with the combined aircraft carrier.

According to the original plan, there was no need for him to take action. The J-Union Department would be unable to hold on and lose air supremacy, and victory would be in his hands.

Now something unexpected happened.

He personally fought for more than three hours without winning. Now he was extremely tired, but he did not dare to rest.

I am afraid that once I close my eyes, I will never be able to open them again.

And even if he loses air superiority, he still has a chance to win. Even if the opponent's fighters are strong, does his bomber have to be strong?

What if the other side doesn’t have bombers?

The most he can do is expose a little bit of information about the Southern Navy.

He was just unlucky and met a ship girl who had stronger air superiority.

And he is quite familiar with the alliance of ship girls. They can't really kill all these simple ship girls.

"grown ups.."

Ticonderoga looked at the southern governor with a worried expression.

"It's okay. After you generate the fighter planes, you can take off directly. I will ask other ship girls to prevent the ship girls from interfering with you."

The Southern Governor waved his hand and said.

Losing air supremacy does not mean that there will be no fighter planes if there is a naval aircraft carrier.

Therefore, after the other party detects the news about the navy, it will definitely target its own aircraft carrier as soon as possible.

They will find ways to destroy the aircraft carrier. , then he would just do the opposite, wouldn't it be better if he didn't let the fighter planes of the Ship Girl Alliance get close?

Thinking of this, he waved to the naval admiral who was standing by.

"Go to the resource library and take out all the anti-aircraft gunship equipment. Next, all newly built ship girls must be installed for me."

"If some warships with anti-aircraft guns are deployed near the aircraft carrier, I don’t believe they want to control our fighter planes from taking off and not shoot them at close range."

"If there are bombers, focus on them"

"The ship girls on the front line continue to deploy mines. As long as the ship girls can be held back to advance together, our winning rate will greatly increase."

"The damaged battleship will directly self-destruct and be used as waste."

"Be careful not to join forces with the ship girls to fight a decisive battle. Our warships can be lost, but the loss cannot be too fast. We must make the construction speed here keep up."

Several orders were issued by the Southern Governor.

From the moment he lost air supremacy, the offense and defense had been reversed. Now the most important thing for him is to defend the combined attack of the ship girls.

Try to delay them before they arrive in front of him. The speed of their sailing aggravated their damage and gave the navy a chance to breathe.

There was also an order that he thought about but did not arrange, because there must be more than one ship girl deploying the mines, and not all admirals are under unified command. Then there will inevitably be accidental damage.

He will just abandon the waste utilization of this part of the ship girl. At least the self-destruction can delay the pace of some of the ship girls' combined battleships, so he will definitely win the final victory. After receiving the order, the admiral immediately took a large group of admirals who were still queuing up to build the ship girl to move the supplies.

The governor of the south is now willing to release the supplies for everyone to use, so they must be very active in the ship girl alliance. It's the ship girl. The most important thing about the navy is the admiral. As long as they don't have any problems, they will have a chance of victory. The admirals brought the green, blue, and a small amount of purple ship equipment back to the construction room and began to distribute them.

The intensity of the battle is much greater than when facing the Eastern Navy.

More importantly, the utilization of resources is also greater during the day. Although the Southern Governor above is looking a little ugly.

An order has been issued to hold on.

However, more than half of the resources that could have been used for three days have been consumed.

And the resources allocated by the southern theater headquarters have not yet arrived. A large number of fighter jets flew towards the command area, and the overall layout of the navy was exposed to the ship-girl alliance for the first time.

"Commander, a large number of islands have been discovered"

"Continue to check"

"Got it!"

From time to time, carrier-based aircraft took off from all directions to try to stop Lexington and Saratoga, but they were easily destroyed by them.

It did not cause too much trouble. At the same time, in Vian's eyes, their hasty takeoff would expose their position faster, right?

The Gale Modified J that went to all directions to block the naval fighters had discovered the number of their aircraft carriers after destroying the naval fighters.

As expected of the Southern Navy that had fought so hard with Vian for so long today, the number of their aircraft carriers was not on the same level as that of the Eastern Navy.

After Vian simply calculated the number of aircraft carriers through the report of Lexington and others, he found that there were 110 aircraft carriers. There are much more than the 70 aircraft carriers on the side of the Ship Girls Union.

If it were not for the fact that the overall training level of the navy was not so high, in this battle, as long as the ship girls were of equal strength, the Ship Girls Union would be crushed.

So when Vian told Akagi the news, they took a breath.

The navy was still too anxious.

If they launched the sneak attack a little later, they would not be able to get the Since the information of this joint assessment, they have trained such a huge fleet of aircraft carriers.

I really don’t know how many people can stop the Navy’s progress.

But there is no if, and now the Navy will pay the price for their actions.

These aircraft carriers were exposed to the eyes of the Ship Girls Union, and the coordinates and positions of these warships were spread out at the first time.

Looking at the large number of carrier-based aircraft rushing into the command area, the Southern Governor’s face was not good.

Although he knew that it was only a matter of time before he was discovered, it was too fast.

The Navy Construction Room has just moved the ship equipment over.

A distance of dozens of nautical miles and such a large sea area can be found so quickly.

Now the warships in the command area have not begun to materialize anti-aircraft guns.

So they can only stare at these fighters that rushed into the command area, watching them hovering near the aircraft carrier, ready to control the take-off and landing of the aircraft carrier at any time.

At the same time, the fighters of the J-Union are also following the coordinates sent by Lexington and others to support.

The initial combat plan has now completed the control of air supremacy, and the Navy coordinate reconnaissance

"Admiral Vian, what do we need to do next?"

The mission originally belonging to the J Joint Headquarters was completed by Wei An, and now Akagi humbly asked Wei An for advice.

At the same time, his eyes never left Lexington and the others' hull.

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