Since it was decided to consume the physical strength of the Southern Governor, the best way was to prevent him from resting.

Gradually advancing towards the front line, the distance for Lexington and Saratoga's carrier-based aircraft to return would also be shortened, and the time for replenishment would also be reduced.

At the same time, Lexington and Saratoga continued to play high-altitude combat with naval carrier-based aircraft. When the ammunition was emptied, Lexington and her carrier-based aircraft were obviously fewer.

However, the crashed fighter planes were more naval, and most of them were carrier-based aircraft of other admiral aircraft carriers summoned by the naval admiral.

Vian had been observing the battle between Lexington and Saratoga, and when he found that the two of them were struggling, he directly spent his energy.

The two people who were originally tense in calculations were obviously much more at ease.

The price was that Vian lost 2W of energy.

But compared with the current results, it was worth it.

Moreover, the improvement of Lexington's and their mental upper limit was not only redundant in computing power, but also greatly increased the number of carrier-based aircraft that took off at the same time.

But now it is obviously not worth it to control more carrier-based aircraft, which will squeeze the total computing power of the two.

Akagi Kaga, who was fighting with Lexington, was sweating profusely.

The intensity of the battle was too high.

Compared to Lexington, who had security to help them raise their upper limit on the spot, it was obvious that such a high-intensity battle was a torture for other aircraft carriers. The exciting air combat duel now consumed not only the computing power of both sides, but also the spirit of the ship girls.

How could they not be nervous?

If they lost, they would have no air control at all, and they would have to wait for the planes to not be able to fly.

Not to mention the ordinary aircraft carriers that were now Lexington's opponents. In the tense battle, they obviously made many more mistakes in coordination.

There were even light carriers that beat themselves into ship sticks and could only wait for the carrier-based aircraft to spawn.

12 o'clock.

Three full hours.

Now the mouth of the Southern Governor was a little white. He could stand before, but now he was sitting on a chair waiting for his ship girl to wipe his sweat.

It was too difficult.

He didn't know how he survived these three hours.

At the beginning, the two sides fought back and forth, and he even had the advantage.

But suddenly, the admiral of the other side seemed to have opened his talent. The performance of his ship-based aircraft did not change much.

But the flight maneuvering, evasion, attack, and other operations suddenly made a qualitative leap.

The already powerful fighter planes plus the super operation ability, the effect is immediate.

He directly doubled the pressure, and the fighter planes of other admirals began to crash in large areas.

But if it is like this, at least dozens of admirals of the Southern Navy often hit their own people in such a high-intensity battle. It is obviously in sharp contrast with the ease of operation of the opposite aircraft carrier.

So the three-hour battle has changed a lot.

Lexington and Saratoga's fighters have already shot down 900 planes, and Akagi has started to release carrier-based aircraft every 10 minutes. She and Kaga have become ship sticks.

The navy is not much behind. Since an hour and a half later, the intensity of the battle between the two sides has dropped a lot.

Most ordinary aircraft carriers have become ship sticks.

Akagi and Kaga became ship sticks after 2 hours.

They couldn't fight with high intensity, and one of them was absent-minded and lost a fighter.

It was at this critical point that the ship girl of the Southern Governor also had the problem of mental fatigue.

Wei'an raised the mental limit of Lexington and others, which made the navy feel good.

It was at this time that the battle ushered in a turning point, and the carrier-based aircraft of the Southern Governor's aircraft carrier crashed in a large area.

For the first time, the number of fighter planes lost by Wei'an was less than that of the Southern Governor.

Among his aircraft carriers, only 2 were aircraft carriers and 1 was a carrier, and the remaining 3 were all light carriers.

Now two light carriers were directly beaten into ship sticks.

The activity space of the remaining ship girls' carrier-based aircraft was further compressed, and they were slowly eaten away by Lexington and others.

Until now, the Southern Governor has been completely ship stick, and now all the ships are sent to the front line.

It's terrible.

This is the understanding of Lexington and others by the carrier girls of both sides.

Before, they just thought they were very strong, but now they can only feel the difference between heaven and earth.

Lexington and her team launched a large number of aircraft, and the quality of the aircraft was high, and the hangar was unusually large.

As a result, it has become a protracted war, and they were dragged down by the two of them. Even Akagi and her team were forced to let the J-Union aircraft carrier join the battle and the battle ended in a fight.

As a result, Saratoga and Lexington still had spare strength.

However, Wei An knew his own business, and it was not easy for them to win this battle.

If he had not asked Lexington and her team to prepare a hangar of carrier-based aircraft in advance, they would have been emptied.

Especially in the first hour, Lexington and her team sank 500 aircraft directly in pursuit of the fastest efficiency loss, and began to use spare carrier-based aircraft.

Fortunately, they had generated 180 aircraft waiting at this time.

It was also this round of attack that completely emptied the ordinary navy ship girls and the ship girl joint ship girls, and entered into a game with the Southern Governor.

Until Akagi's ship was in trouble, Lexington and her team actually had doubled the pressure, after all, the navy's carrier-based aircraft no longer had the suppression of [surprise attack].

During this period, there were only 100 fighters left in their hangars, and the navy couldn't hold on any longer.

They gave them a break and completely reversed the situation, and at the same time the hangars were full again.

"Commander, are we next?"

Lexington watched as Vian wiped the sweat from her brow.

"Madam, please do your hard work again. Now the J Joint Headquarters can no longer send out fighter planes, so we can only rely on us for reconnaissance."

"But I didn't expect that even though we had sent all the warships to the front line, they didn't dare to take the risk and attack the warships."

This made Vian a little helpless.

If the Governor of the South knew what Vian was thinking, he would probably vomit blood.

How dare they directly attack Lexington and her warships? They were surrounded by Vian's other ship girls in the center, and Shropshire was on guard at any time. It's not like he hadn't seen Shropshire's ability to be immune to attacks. Even Bismarck, whose fleet was sailing slowly, transferred Eugen to support Lexington and her.

Everyone present knew that this battle for air supremacy would determine the direction of the final outcome.

And now air supremacy completely belongs to Lexington and her.

The remaining 430 Gale-modifieds had their flying speed fully utilized, and began to conduct sweeping reconnaissance along the direction of the return of the naval carrier-based aircraft.

At the same time, the Gale-modifieds in the Saratoga hangar stopped being generated, and were replaced by the B25 with a terrifying wingspan.

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