Now Wei'an was also glad that he didn't make Saratoga generate bombers too aggressively.

Otherwise, he would be in trouble now.

This was not only a test for the J-Union, but also a difficult battle for him. This was the first time he encountered a challenge in the battle for air supremacy since he established the fleet.

But it also made him a little excited. A strong opponent appeared! This was the time to test the upper limit of his current aircraft carrier capabilities.

Needless to say, Kaga used his legendary skills as soon as he rushed into the battlefield!

【Fleet Attack]: Improve the overall performance of your own battleship by 10%.

For its own strengthening, of course, it also counts on the carrier-based aircraft.

However, due to the enhancement of his own battleship, it is still slightly inferior to his Akagi's legendary skills.

Kaga, who also had a large number of purple-quality fighters mixed with a small number of golden fighters, took a lot of pressure off Akagi as soon as he entered the battlefield.

Not to mention that there was Saratoga with her.

As Wei An's ship maidens, their ship attire can only be described as luxurious.

The Gale Kai J's original performance is much stronger than that of most ship girls' fighters. Even without the blessing of legendary skills, it can be suppressed by numerical values.

Not to mention that they are still disturbed by Akagi's legendary skills, which is equivalent to not being strengthened.

Although Saratoga, which also uses legendary skills, is currently relatively weak compared to other legendary skills, it will wait until Wei An has more aircraft carriers.

She is the real numerical monster. In the real late stage, if the number of Vian's aircraft carriers exceeds 50, Saratoga's strength will be doubled by then.

To say whether you are strong or not, you can only know when you fight.

Now Akagi feels it.

Navy carriers are feeling it.

The naval aircraft carrier, which had suffered slightly heavy losses, suddenly found that its pressure was suddenly relieved a lot.

Then we saw the naval carrier-based aircraft that we had just fought and were enjoying.

Bang bang bang!

There were a series of explosions, and before they could react, they saw many strange fighter planes flying faster than their fighter planes rushing into the naval fleet.

Why is it difficult to maintain an aircraft carrier?

I couldn't tell it at ordinary times, but now I know what the difference is after comparing it.

The shipboard of ordinary aircraft carrier girls is mediocre to begin with, and the opponents they encounter are basically deep-sea aircraft carriers with poor combat capabilities.

An ordinary fighter jet is enough with careful control.

But now that the two major aircraft carrier parties have begun to show off, ordinary aircraft carriers have completely become a foil.

Especially when the number of carrier-based aircraft on both sides does not bring a particularly big advantage, it is just that the quality of the carrier-based aircraft is slightly better and the performance is stronger.

The differences brought about are terrifying.

Not to mention shocking other people.

The first to bear the brunt were Akagi, Kaga, and the Southern Governor who were in the middle of the melee.

The aircraft carrier Lexington and the others in other war zones only temporarily helped relieve the pressure, but their main targets were the legendary ship girls who had newly joined the battlefield and the aircraft carrier of the Southern Governor.

We can't let them fight ordinary aircraft carriers. That would be crushing them. When they are outnumbered, it will be difficult to fight easily.

If ordinary aircraft carrier girls only feel a decrease in pressure, then what Akagi feels is a sudden decrease in pressure.

What Kaga saw was the unsightly fighter jet that flew with her before. It rushed into the naval fleet and started killing everyone. The fleet surrounding her sister was directly dispersed by a wave.

It's so fast!

Moreover, the assistance between fighters is not comparable to other aircraft carriers.

Even closer than the cooperation between her and Akagi.

At Vian's place, Lexington and the two of them used to sleep together no matter what, let alone fight together.

Even the ship equipment is uniformly produced by Wei'an, and there is basically no difference in the performance of the fighter planes.

Compared to Akagi, the ship equipment they use is completely different in terms of what is good and what is useful.

The two Lexington sisters fully understand each other's fighter capabilities, not to mention Wei An, who has always regarded the aircraft carrier as particularly important.

Let them practice cooperating with each other.

Whether it is the fight for air supremacy, or the cooperation of one battle and one bombing, or even the assignment of bombing tasks, there is basically no need for security to have to say it now.

Both sisters already understood most of Wei An's instructions.

As for why Lexington and the others dispersed the fleet so quickly?

Isn’t it easy to use the cooperation of two brains to defeat the cooperation of 6 or more brains?

Sometimes the more people the better, especially when coordination is important.

Everyone has their own different thinking, so there will be more flaws.

After the naval fleet was scattered, they may have been stunned.

As the aircraft carrier under the Southern Governor, it has basically never suffered a defeat.

The Governor's Fleet, which has 6 aircraft carriers, has always been able to fight surface warships with ease. Even when it comes to admirals who also use aircraft carriers, they are not as strong as him.

There is no one stronger than him in the entire southern navy, and the aircraft carriers of the combined fleets mostly fight independently.

Not to mention that under the trend before the union of ship girls, the worship of cannons was unique to Wei'an, the aircraft carrier party.

It is unique to all admirals in this world, a unique aircraft carrier concept and a unique battleship.

No matter how strong the Southern Governor's aircraft carrier fleet is, he only has his own initial legendary aircraft carrier, and the rest of the aircraft carriers are built one after another.

Even after taking the position of governor in the later period, his fleet rarely went to attack the deep sea, and basically left it to the people below, who was responsible for harvesting the admirals.

So now this is the first time in all these years that he has suffered a loss in using an aircraft carrier, and the loss is at the hands of Wei An, who also uses an aircraft carrier.

How about saying that Wei An is a pervert?

The combined number of hangars in Lexington and Saratoga is equivalent to 6 legendary ship girls.

For every additional aircraft carrier in Wei'an, the original number is increased by 3.

Even the growth rate of its aircraft carrier is not comparable to other aircraft carriers. It has more carrier-based aircraft, stronger strike capabilities, and faster improvement in training.

Not to mention a perverted ship uniform.

Akagi, who was used to seeing Wei An win and crush surface warships with a huge number of carrier-based aircraft, finally knew what the gap was.

She used to dislike the idle and lazy Saratoga, but now he is someone she looks up to.

The conflict between her and Saratoga can only be said to be that she goes her own way. The undisciplined Saratoga likes to act according to her own ideas.

Saratoga, who is not very amenable to management, is okay in the U-league department, and everyone's atmosphere is relatively open.

However, in the case of J and G Wings, where flagship command was more important, Saratoga was used to being lax and had to cooperate with J Wing.

A small friction occurred. At the same time, in a deep-sea battle, some surface warships suffered unnecessary damage.

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