The changes in the navy immediately made the ship girl alliance nervous.

Legendary ship girls always have a variety of special abilities. Some make themselves stronger, and some make the fleet stronger. But with the appearance of legendary ship girls, their strength cannot be compared with ordinary ship girls.

Because everything about them is unscientific.

But now that Lexington and the others saw the appearance of these carrier-based aircraft, they knew that the opponent was a legendary aircraft carrier that could make the fleet more powerful.

This is not good news for Wei An.

Although I knew that there were still admirals who were part of the aircraft carrier party, I didn’t expect to meet them here, and they turned out to be legendary ship girls.

Thinking of this, Wei An also knew that Lexington and the others could no longer hide.

When a carrier-based machine that has been blessed with the opponent's legendary skills encounters Akagi and the others, who are already at a numerical disadvantage, their own air superiority may be torn apart. as expected.

When Vian gave Lexington the first strike.

The most cutting-edge carrier-based aircraft have already clashed, and this time the aircraft carrier girls of the J Joint Headquarters suddenly felt a different pressure.

Obviously the opponent's carrier-based aircraft is only a little faster and a little more flexible, but sometimes just that little difference can break the camel's back.

The aircraft carriers of the J Joint Department were obviously losing their aircraft much faster.

But fortunately, Akagi, who is ready to take action with all his strength, is not a vegetarian either.

【Surprise attack]: The overall performance of enemy aircraft carrier units within one kilometer of your own carrier aircraft is reduced by 15%. (As long as it comes into contact with Akagi's carrier-based aircraft, it will affect the performance of the enemy aircraft carrier, including the carrier-based aircraft.) The carrier-based aircraft with the same blue light quickly enters the battlefield and is entangled with the navy's carrier-based aircraft. together.

After all, the range of influence of her legendary skills is centered on her own carrier-based aircraft, so fighting in the air is the best choice.

Scattered into the area where the J Joint Headquarters was most heavily engaged, they relieved the pressure on other aircraft carrier girls.

But it's just relief.

Because when Akagi joined the battlefield, he was also focused on by the navy's aircraft carrier.

After such a long battle, it was not the first time that Akagi used legendary skills. They had already figured out the scope of influence of Akagi's legendary skills.

She has long understood that when Akagi takes action, she will be the first to attack.

This is one of the reasons why Akagi and Lexington didn't take action early on.

Just like Eugen didn't reveal his legendary skills in the previous battle, isn't the Navy also hiding its clumsiness?

As a result, Eugen's legendary skill was used and directly dealt a major blow to the navy.

The navy has clearly wanted to consume the ship girl alliance before, and it also played all its trump cards at once. If this happens again and again, won't it be very easy to be targeted?

Just like now, the Navy's sudden exposure of its legendary aircraft carrier suddenly tipped the scales.

The ship girls jointly chose to shake people, and now the navy also waved people, but the navy joined their governor.

Fighter planes flew over the battlefield, countless machine gun bullets tangled in the air, and fireworks bloomed in the sky from time to time.

In this confrontation, J United was at a disadvantage.

The space Akagi can affect is only the position of the 70 carrier-based aircraft she can fly. However, she has no way to do anything about the naval fighters in more spaces.

If the quality of the carrier-based aircraft of the J Wing aircraft carrier was not better than that of most naval carrier-based aircraft, it might have been defeated long ago.

Originally, the number of carrier-based aircraft was only a fraction of that of the Navy, but now the quality is made up for by the Navy's legendary shipmates.

The J-Union Headquarters was not the only one who was surprised.

Even the admiral who had an aircraft carrier in the Southern Navy was very surprised.

They had always watched the legendary ship girls join forces to kill everyone, but they didn't expect that today they would also be able to feel the power of the legendary ship girls.

I didn't understand why the Governor wanted to group their aircraft carriers together.

Now they understand.

The blond girl standing on the flight deck was surrounded by a blue halo. From her own battleship as the center, other aircraft carriers within a radius of 5 nautical miles were also enveloped.

All battleships are emitting gleaming blue light.

This is her legendary skill

【[Air Dominance]: The performance of the fighters of the aircraft carrier units within a radius of 5 nautical miles is increased by 7%, and the improvement is doubled in the case of air superiority.

So to be honest, in the current battle between the two carrier-based aircraft, the navy is temporarily in the air superiority, and the improvement of her legendary skills is 14%! It is almost offset by the legendary skills of Akagi, which is purely the advantage they have established with more carrier-based aircraft.

However, being able to create air superiority now is the result she wants. As long as it continues like this, victory will eventually belong to them.

Just like the support is in waves, the carrier-based aircraft in the battle are of course not limited to the current ones.

Because the navy aircraft carrier launched the attack first, their subsequent fighters also arrived first.

This time, the fighters that joined are no longer ordinary admiral fighters, but also aircraft carriers under the Southern Governor.

The gap is clearly pulled out!

A large number of [F6F Hellcats] appeared in the air, and there were even many fighters of higher quality mixed in.

This is also the Southern Governor's choice. Usually, he does not have high requirements for air dominance, so most of his energy and resources are used to collect bombers.

But now there is no way. If he doesn't get rid of the fighters of the Ship Girls Union and ensure air superiority, can he bomb with peace of mind?

Now that the already strong fighters have joined the battlefield, they have completely crushed most of the carrier-based aircraft of the J-Union's ordinary aircraft carriers.

Not to mention that this is a fighter that has been strengthened by the legendary skills of Ticonderoga.

As the flagship, Akagi certainly has many gold-level fighters, but now it is not a problem of one fighter.

She can't beat four hands with two fists.

Even the navy aircraft carriers are very unethical and aim at Akagi as soon as they enter the battlefield.

After fighting for so long, Akagi's fighters finally ushered in a large-scale fighter crash.

The number of losses has exceeded 30, and she has begun to do two things at the same time, launching new fighters while maintaining the battle situation.

Fortunately, Wei'an had already made arrangements before the war.

This time, the aircraft carriers of the Ship Girls Union were all advanced together with the surface warships.

It is to prevent such a situation from happening.


Kaga is here!

A total of more than 440 fighters came to support her!

Lexington and Saratoga standing beside Vian were already serious.

When fighting the first wave, they would definitely use fighter jets to scout and clear the way before bombing.

Otherwise, would they just wait to be attacked by the enemy's fighter jets and die?

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