Therefore, under such circumstances, when facing Akagi, the enemy needs to spend more aircraft carriers to target her.

Otherwise, the location of the battleship itself would be discovered, and the carrier-based aircraft would not be able to take off.

During this period of fighting, Akagi was held down by the navy. She was the first one to be consumed in every battle.

"What kind of sacrifice is needed?"

Bismarck looked at Vian with a heavy heart.

"Prevent the naval surface warships from returning for reinforcement until our aircraft carriers report victory."

"We must hold them back before then."

"Moreover, the aircraft carriers of the J Joint Headquarters will try their best to move to the front line if necessary to ensure that carrier-based aircraft can quickly re-take off and fight."

"It may cause the aircraft carrier to suffer a lot of damage, and many ship girls on the surface will also suffer unnecessary damage."

Wei An answered them patiently.

"In this case, we can defeat the navy?"

The sacrifice of the ship girl made Bismarck very sad, but she knew that the more important thing now was victory and preventing more sacrifices.

"Aren't there examples of actual combat? The Joint Department assessment, air control of the sea, my strong point, I think Miss Akagi should have a deep understanding of it"

"How you dealt with the J Joint Admiral at the beginning, now you can deal with the navy as well. Fight a stalemate on the water surface, fight an all-out air battle, and then quickly control the opponent's aircraft carrier."

"While controlling the aircraft carrier, the surface ships attack quickly. As long as you attack quickly enough, it may not even take the next day."

"As long as there is no aircraft carrier, the navy is just a replica of the J-United Commander, right? Just wait to be beaten."

Vian's words made Bismarck and the others very tempted, but they still couldn't get rid of their worries.

"I forgot to mention that the only aircraft carrier in our J Wing that has bombing capabilities is Kaga. The others are all fighter jets. The G Wing is almost the same."

"Therefore, if bombing is to be carried out, only Kaga can pose a threat to the naval aircraft carrier, but after all, there is such a large span of sea area, and the risk is too high."

Akagi said helplessly.

"Just leave these to me. As long as you can gain air superiority and detect the position of the navy, leave the bombing to us. We are professionals in this field."

"But don’t you already want to support 200 fighter jets to ensure our air superiority? Do you have other aircraft carriers?"

Akagi said doubtfully.

"Um? Did I say that my aircraft carrier can only accommodate 200 fighter jets?"

"Is not it?"

Akagi asked

"Is it so?"

"But it is outrageous for you to release 200 fighter jets from two aircraft carriers!"

"Ah, the 200 fighter planes are just for Lexington to support you, Saratoga is not included. Wei

An said modestly.




Except for Wei An, all the other ship girls in the conference room had little question marks on their heads.

What outrageous thing is Wei An talking about?

What do you mean it's only supported by Lexington?

One aircraft carrier supporting 200 fighter jets?

What kind of thing can only happen in dreams?

Although most of the ship girls know that Wei'an's aircraft carrier is relatively large, no matter how large it is, it must be reasonable, right?

Everyone can accept 100 planes, but you tell them 200 planes?

Can that hangar accommodate 200 aircraft?

Akagi couldn't accept this answer, and neither could Kaga, who was standing behind her.

"Admiral Wei An, I know you are very strong, but this joke is not funny at all. It can fit into a hangar of 200 aircraft."

"Although your aircraft carrier is indeed large, it is not ridiculously large. 100 aircraft are already very impressive!"

"Don't be complacent about some achievements, which will affect yourself."

She has come into contact with a lot of admirals. Some admirals like to brag about themselves after they are more powerful.

Especially those who are weaker than them can't refute, after all, you can't beat them.

In her eyes, Wei An now is like Dazzled by the honor, the other ship girls also nodded along with Akagi's words. They could accept that Wei An's battleship was a little outrageous, but they couldn't accept it. This completely changed their usual perceptions.

Just like Hood and the others, they had never seen a battleship reach 42 knots easily without using legendary skills.

This was beyond their original knowledge.

Looking at the disbelieving expressions around them, Wei An could only do it. He sighed secretly

"Since Miss Akagi doesn’t believe it, then just follow me. It’s better to take a look for yourself than just talk about it."

"Also for better cooperation in the future."

With that said, Wei An went out with his ship girl.

Because it was already late afternoon when Wei An arrived today, and now the sky has turned red.

The sun is about to go down.

After coming out, Akagi Only then did she see two huge battleships docked in the port area. Even the battleship in Saratoga in her memory had undergone earth-shaking changes.


Looking at the two battleships, Akagi was shocked and speechless. The expressions of the other ship girls coming out of the house were similar to hers.

Because most ship girls have never seen such a huge battleship.

At the same time, they were also thinking, can such a warship really hold so many carrier-based aircraft?

After all, the Lexington's hull is less than twice the size of a normal aircraft carrier. How can it be possible to accommodate as many as three times as many carrier-based aircraft?

"Didn’t your aircraft carrier fly more than 100 carrier-based aircraft before? This is relatively normal, just tell the truth."

After Akagi was surprised, he quickly compared the gap with his own warships, and then briefly estimated the number of his carrier-based aircraft.

He asked in a firm tone.

Although Bismarck, who finally walked out, was a little surprised by Lexington's The ship's hull, but more attention was paid to Xiao Zhai who was sleeping in Wei An's arms.

Everyone still looked at it in disbelief.

"Miss Akagi, you choose one, I'll ask her to show you some planes."

Wei An gently patted Xiao Zhai's back and said to Akagi.

"Then let's go to Saratoga. I just want to see what changes there will be after so long."

After comparing Akagi who couldn't see any obvious difference, he raised his eyebrows at Saratoga.

Looking at Akagi's face full of disbelief, Saratoga didn't know why he was so happy now.~

"Hum~ You stinky fox who likes to be prude, just watch it! Gaga, I changed after having a commander! You can never have this in your life!"

Saratoga said with great air, but forgot that she didn't like Vian when she first saw it.

Carrier-based aircraft took off from the flight deck one after another, and most of the ship girls could still remain calm in the front.

Quantity After more than 100, they became serious.

This number was already very large!

But the number of Saratoga flying did not stop,

100, 150, 170, and Akagi's expression on the other side. It's like a drama in Wei An's hometown in his previous life.

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