At least it seems that the war situation is not very bad now. It can even be said that according to normal fighting, the navy has a little more than the ship girl alliance in terms of numbers.

The odds of victory were actually on Bismarck's side, but they were afraid of the consequences of a strong attack, so they did not launch a strong attack.

And what does it mean for the navy to have a large number of newly built ship girls? A large number of ship girls with low level of training, average ship equipment, and not very skilled in operating battleships have joined the battlefield.

Their strength is very weak, so the casualties of the ship girl alliance are basically caused by the navy in exchange for injuries.

In that case, Wei An also has an idea, at least he knows what to do.

"Now everyone is mainly unable to grasp the specific position of the navy, right?"

Vian confirmed the problem again.

"Yes, if we launch a strong attack, we will not be able to make a quick decision even though we have suffered heavy casualties because we will not have the battleships to supplement it."

"So just find them, right?"

"Yes, as long as they can find the area where the navy is stationed, they can't escape."

After all, even if the Navy wants to replenish ship girls, the prerequisite is that they must be in a location in the port area where they can build ship girls.

"Then I understand."

Wei An thought and nodded.

"So, do you prefer to fight during the day? Or at night?"

Day and night don't matter to his fleet, but it has a great impact on other ordinary ship girls.

Except when large fleets are moving, most of the time they are blindfolded lone boats floating on the sea.

Even the impact of aircraft carriers is stronger.

The battle of surface warships is still two-dimensional, while aircraft are three-dimensional, and there are more uncontrollable factors.

Even in the previous night battle with the Eastern Navy, their carrier-based aircraft often hit their teammates, not to mention the ship girls' alliance.

It's all the same. It's easy to lose track of friend and foe in the chaos of the night and become a mess.

Bismarck and Akagi didn't answer Vian's words immediately. Instead, they looked at each other and nodded.

"What do you think, Admiral Vian? We just hope to get out of the current predicament as soon as possible. Bismarck said seriously

"Is Lien Chan acceptable? After all, we don’t have the complement of battleships, so we can only fight quickly."

"Yes, as long as we can eliminate the navy here, we will have more time to prepare for the deep sea."

This time Bismarck agreed without consulting Akagi.

"Can you roughly confirm the number of carrier-based aircraft used by the Navy in each battle?"

Wei An looked at Chicheng

"I don’t know the exact number, but they have a little more fighter planes than we do now, probably around 2,600, while we have 2,450."

In a sea battle involving more than 9,000 warships in total, both sides ended up with no more than 5,000 carrier-based aircraft fighting each time.

This shows how rare aircraft carriers are.


Now that the combined aircraft carriers are at a slight disadvantage, Lexington can make up for the missing part if it wants to.

And if the quality of the fighters themselves is taken into account, the number of aircraft carriers Lexington can handle will still be there." Rising.

This would free up Saratoga to do other things, and this time he would no longer enter the battlefield randomly. Bismarck and the others would cooperate, and the most important thing was that the battle would not be chaotic like before.

The greater the number of warships invested by both sides, the longer the battle will take and the lower the success rate of a sneak attack. Since the information within the Ship Girl Alliance can be disseminated, let alone the navy , they cannot contact the Eastern Navy.

Don't you know something is wrong with them?

Why don't you be more careful?

More importantly, since you have teammates to use, there is no need to risk your own fleet to attack and behead them directly, and then defeat them as usual. Just use the air to control the sea.

After all, sneak attacks at night are the work of a villain. An upright person like him will definitely not be the sixth.

The main reason is that although his warships can fight at night, they can't fight against Lexington. They still have influence. He doesn't want to face what happened to Xuefeng and the others in the last battle.

He feels bad for them being beaten.

He doesn't want his girl to go deep behind enemy lines and fight alone, at least not until she becomes stronger. Let Xuefeng and the others get hurt again

"Then we will support 200 fighter jets to help you fight for air supremacy. Is that enough? A stronger fighter than the normal 200 carrier-based aircraft."

Wei An looked at Chicheng

"That's enough. We just have a small number of fighter planes, which makes it difficult to deal with the navy. It's not like we can't defeat them."

"But you only have two aircraft carriers, do you have so many carrier-based aircraft?"

Akagi looked at Saratoga, who was flirting with Lexington, with great interest.

She didn't know the details of Lexington, but she knew Saratoga very well.

"Don't worry, there are plenty of them. If you can't defeat the navy, you can ask me for support during wartime."

"That’s no need. We won’t lose to those aircraft carriers in the Navy. I’m a legendary ship girl!"


Weian nodded to confirm.

"As for the surface warships, my fleet will try its best to provide fire support. How long it takes to defeat the navy depends on the advancement speed of your surface warships."

"The faster the speed, the slimmer the navy's hope."

Vian looked at Bismarck.

"You have fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking. You just think that the navy can build ship girls to consume you."

"But you have forgotten that it takes time for the Navy to build a ship, and it also takes time to realize the hull."

"If they choose to provide continuous support, the number of warships they will send over a period of time will be similar."

"But if they choose to attack collectively, the time it takes for you to advance will be reduced."

"As long as the time for the front battle is reduced, the fewer battleships they can gather will be"

"If we are fast enough, we may have an advantage in terms of quantity and quality of warships when we reach their door."

"Can you bear the sacrifice? Have a quick fight"

"It was almost too late for their warship to leave the command area."

What are the advantages of this union of ship girls? There are many highly trained and powerful battleships, as well as legendary aircraft carrier girls headed by the J Joint Headquarters.

Before coming here, Wei An had already temporarily understood Akagi and their legendary skills..

Akagi is a professional anti-aircraft carrier.

Therefore, when Akagi gains air superiority, it will be difficult for the opponent's aircraft carrier to regain it because her legendary skills are simple and crude, and the same fighter 's combat performance is strong. Her hand will only be stronger, but she has a troubling problem with other aircraft carrier girls.

Fighters are easy to find, but powerful fighters are hard to find.

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