Taking advantage of the inseparable moment of the battle between Dante's fleet and the navy, with Saratoga under constant surveillance.

Lexington and her bombers directly bypassed the waters where the Navy sailed, arrived at the Navy command area very safely, and completed the locking of most of the area targets.

So what the Navy is seeing now is up to 340 bombers forming a raid team, and they are still bombers that have completed target locking.

"quick! Assemble the fighters and come back! hurry up!"

The sudden situation made Borg panic.

But what was more panicked than Borg was his admiral.

"Bring all the battleships back to me! There is no room for error in the command area, and I'm still here!"

The fat on the round-bellied Admiral's face trembled up and down because of his emotional excitement.

At the same time, he glanced at the other admirals and ship girls around him who were also in a panic, and he felt cruel in his heart.

"Now hurry up and build a new ship girl. We must ensure our safety before the command area is breached."

"Yep! Let's hurry up and build a new ship. There are only so many planes in this round. We must go back to resupply. As long as we go faster, we can build up a good defense force."

"We can't die, as long as we are still alive, sooner or later we will consume them"

"right! right! right!"

"Then hurry up."

His words were recognized by most of the admirals.

It happened that many of their admiral's warships had sunk, and now the quota for the contract has been vacated.

For a moment, the heads in the command area were rushing, and they were all heading towards the surrounding naval port area.

At the same time, the planes in the sky had entered a dive posture. Was n't it just for this moment that Wei An risked Xuefeng's injuries?

How could the navy's fighter jets have a chance to return to the front line ? The combined aircraft carriers saw the scattered formations of naval fighter jets and the unusual movements of a large number of surface warships.

"Lord Dante, there seems to be something wrong with the navy! Their warships are all retreating, and the pressure on the shipgirl at the front is much less."

"Could it be a conspiracy by the navy to lure us in by showing weakness to the enemy?"

"But with such a good opportunity, it would be a pity if we don't pursue them. We really don't agree to fight here."

"Yeah yeah."

The ship girls following Dante cast their eyes on her, waiting for her instructions.

"Chasing, whether it is a conspiracy or a conspiracy, the navy has already suffered a lot of losses. Even if they build new ships, how many of them will be able to form combat effectiveness?"

"Normally, they can rely on their small fleet to outnumber us, but now, even if I sink, I will destroy this group of navy."

Dante's eyes were burning with anger. She watched the ship girls who laughed and talked with her sink in front of her eyes. How could she calm down?

The reason for all this was this group of invading navy.

They deserved to die.

They ignored the threat of the deep sea and dragged innocent ship girls into this unnecessary battle.

All the benefits were taken away by their navy, but what was lost was the kind life.

"Revenge for the sunken ones!"

"In order to avenge the admirals and ship girls who lost their lives because of the navy, the accounts over the past few decades should be settled today!"

"right! revenge!"

""Garibaldi! You died miserably!"

Everyone who had been able to hold back at first, because of Dante's words, thought of their comrades who had fought side by side with them dying in front of them.

How could they control their anger?

On the sea filled with smoke, there were countless wreckages of warships.

At this moment, all the warships that had not been seriously damaged started to chase the navy without hesitation.

"Unite for the shipgirls! For everyone’s laughter in the future!"


Although they are independent individuals, they have the same belief at this moment. Just like the navy regards the ship girls as consumables of war, they have never been afraid of death.

Sacrifice is not terrible, but meaningless sacrifice. Their death is worthless.

Even if they sacrifice now, there are thousands and thousands of people who will stand up!

If you want to describe them in one word.

Killing red-eyed.

The navy's warships are running at full power and want to leave this battle area quickly, but they are forced to be entangled by the ship girls of the ship girls alliance and fight with them.

It is impossible to fight if you do two things at the same time. Focus.

Not to mention that the morale of the Ship Girls Union is even higher now.

The distance of 30 nautical miles from the command area now seems unusually far away.

The navy, which could only win by numbers, lost its fighting spirit, and the casualties of the fleet suddenly increased.

The number of sunken warships is still rising rapidly.

And the carrier-based aircraft of the Sky Ship Girls Union did not consider the loss of carrier-based aircraft at all, and must leave the navy's fighter planes behind!

Since the navy can rush back so anxiously, there must be a problem in the rear. Regardless of conspiracy or open conspiracy, this part of the results of the battle must be eaten first.

This can also ensure their current advantage.

10 ships, 100 ships, 300, 400, the number of naval warships lost is increasing step by step.

However, the losses of the Ship Girls Union are unusually small, at least much less than the previous head-on battle.

What happened in the command area that made the navy anxious?

"Commander, the target has been determined!"

"carry out bombing"


The roaring bombers were aimed at all the aircraft carriers in the command area.

The smaller light carriers were assigned 2-3 bombers, while the larger aircraft carriers were assigned 6-7 bombers.

Now the ship sticks in the command area The aircraft carriers were like helpless girls being baptized by Saratoga and Lexington bombers on their flight decks.

The prerequisite for beheading them was to abolish the opponent's air superiority, as long as their own ship's control was guaranteed. Air supremacy.

No matter how many warships the navy builds, it will only add nutrients to the sea. At this moment, the A-1 bombers, which are more terrifying than the navy's aircraft carriers, showed their fangs.

Dropped like rain.

Continuous explosions sounded in the command area, and the first wave of bombings directly caused the naval aircraft carrier to lose the ability to launch carrier-based aircraft. According to Lexington and others.

Given the bombing care, it would take at least 2 hours for even the smallest light mother to repair such damage.

Their flight deck was now as tattered as Yukikaze and the others before, or even worse. The flight deck was directly blown through, and there was a lot of damage to the internal areas of the battleship.

Without other interference, Lexington and Saratoga relied on superb fighter control to destroy all 70 aircraft carriers and even the light carriers. Some battleships have begun to take in water.

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