Borg was not blinded by anger, although she was very angry about the duck flying away.

But now they have lost more than 400 fighters at once, and they don’t know how many fighters the other side has.

For safety, they only need to deal with the fighters on Yukikaze’s side and concentrate on facing Dante and the others.

Even Borg himself operated his carrier-based aircraft to take off.

The entire naval command area became lively, and the lights were lit up.

One after another, the warships that quickly pulled up anchor began to rush to the large fleet where Dante was.

At the same time, the aircraft carriers that were resting before also began to start their own carrier-based aircraft, and the fighters first swept in the direction where Yukikaze was.

But they didn’t know that there were countless pairs of eyes in the sky silently observing their actions. At three o'clock in the morning, all the warships in the command area had set off.

Under the eyes of Saratoga. There were 1,100 fighters and 210 bombers. There were 2,230 warships.

Only 70 aircraft carriers were left near the command area.

"Commander, is it okay?"

After telling Wei An the information, Saratoga asked


Hearing the navy's strange movements, Wei An's eyes lit up.

He knew that now the opportunity had come.

"Sister, you should take a good rest in the next period of time. The battle is over!

Wei An comforted the tired Xue Feng.

"It's okay, but I didn't expect the battleship's protection to be so good. Thank you, Xiaowei."

"You are my sister, thank you for what you said. Just follow Clemenceau and the others. When we reach our destination, we will repair the canal."

"Got it~"

When the navy's carrier-based aircraft arrived at the sea area where Yukikaze and her team were, they found that the battleship with damaged power system had disappeared.

When they were fighting with Lexington and her fighters, they finally found out what the reason was.

Following the three battleships, there were two battleships of the same style, traveling with them.

The largest of them was towing the battleship that had lost power.

The anti-aircraft fire was more intense than that of Yukikaze and her team, coupled with the fighting of fighters, it was very difficult for the navy's bombers to hinder Yukikaze and her team for a while.

In the end, they could only destroy all the bombers and lose more than 400 fighters to deal with the last 240 fighters left by Lexington and Saratoga.

When they wanted to continue chasing, they could only be forced to watch Yukikaze and her team go away.

Because the aircraft of the ship girl and the frontal fleet The pressure on the vanguard fleet was too great, and they needed to support the front.

These five warships were not the most important. At

3:30 in the morning.

Clemenceau and the others took Xuefeng to the island that had been found long ago and docked.

Help them boil water for bathing and put it into the canal. Among them, Shimakaze was the most seriously injured and needed the longest time to repair, which took 3 hours.

After Xuefeng and the others began to enter the canal, Clemenceau and Yixian started to guard the surrounding area.

After breaking through the front fleet of the navy, the Dante fleet began to drive straight in, and successively completed the battle against the vanguard fleet of the navy and supported the first support fleet.

Until 5:30.

The Dante fleet met the fleet of the naval command area. There were 1,843 ships.

The navy had 2,230 ships.

The two sides had just encountered each other and started a fierce fight, with artillery fire pouring back and forth.

Even Dante used his legendary skills at the first time!

【Fleet Triple Alliance]: When the target is a fortress, airport, or port, the overall performance of the warship is increased by 20%. When it is the flagship, the artillery performance of its own capital ship within a radius of three nautical miles from itself as the center is increased by 5%. If it is country I The effect of the battleship is doubled until the legendary skill is turned off.

With the battle array in the center of Dante, the battle patrol seemed to be on drugs, and the artillery fire was much more intense than usual.

The only pity is that she is the only battleship of the I Alliance Headquarters here.

Under Borg's death order, the navy was not to be outdone, and a large number of damaged warships rushed out of its own fleet.

They are going to blow themselves up!

Faced with these desperate ship girls, the ship girl alliance had to devote most of its energy to targeting them, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous if they didn't wait for them to rush into the fleet.

Therefore, the two sides fought very anxiously, and even the aircraft carriers of the combined ship-girl alliance sailed out of the area of the garrison.

Just so that I can support Dante's fleet as soon as possible.

In such a battlefield, as soon as a submarine approaches, it will be swept out and take a lot of deep shots.

Borg looked a little ugly.

She didn't know why the ship girl alliance was going crazy tonight, and she was timid in fighting them before.

She was so desperate tonight, and now she had no time to worry about Xuefeng and the others.

The pressure placed on them by the ship girl combined with the aircraft carrier is too great.

When they went against Yukikaze before, they lost a lot of fighter planes, and they were even at a disadvantage when facing the combined force of ship girls.

For this reason, many ship girls who usually use bombers are now forced to use fighter jets.

The ship girl alliance has control of the air. The command area is the back garden of the ship girl alliance. If you want to see it, their admiral will be in danger.

"All on top, we must not let the ship girls unite to break through our sky!"

Borg was operating the battleship while commanding, and all the aircraft carriers were already in motion. It was 6 o'clock before the sun rose.

In the fierce battle, the aircraft carriers of both sides had already spawned a fighter plane and sent it to the front line.

The ship girl The combined loss of battleships has exceeded 800.

The navy has even reached 1,200 ships.

The temperature of the entire sea surface has been burned by the flames.

Even if Dante is protected by other ships, she has been damaged. But she was very excited.

After being disgusted by the navy for a few days, she finally saw hope today. Now as long as she eliminates the group of navy in front of her, she can end this sin.

Why did the ship girl she led fight so hard tonight? Crazy...

She didn't know if she would have such a good opportunity next time. If she missed it, she would be slowly consumed by the navy's blunt knife.

Success or failure depended on this.

The round-bellied admiral stretched his body comfortably. It was a good night's sleep, and Borg was obedient and didn't disturb him.

But what puzzled him was that Borg didn't come to help him wash up today.

When he found Borg, he saw that the ship girls in the command area were working hard. battleship

"what happened?"

"Admiral, the fleet girls are attacking in a big way. In order not to disturb you, I have arranged for the fleet girls to intercept them."

"The battle situation is still quite tense now, but now that you are awake, Admiral, you can arrange for other Admirals to build ship girls to supplement tonight's consumption. Victory must be ours."

Listening to Borg's report, the round-bellied admiral nodded happily.

Ship girls are good creatures and can do whatever they say. The only pity is that they can't have negative distance contact.

This is a common situation in their navy.

But just at this moment

"Oh no! Oh no! A large number of unknown aircraft have already arrived over the command area!"

At dawn, there was light in the sky, and the fangs hidden in the darkness were revealed!

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