But now that he has lived out his second life and has the company of ship girls, it is already a good thing for Wei An.

Whether it is the deep sea or other possible dangers, as long as they dare to come, Wei An will let them taste the power of his ship girls.

Although the information given to him by this space makes him a little worried, it is not without good points.

At least he does not have to worry about the upper limit of his ship girl contracts now. How many ship girls he can have depends on how many he can support.

Thinking of this, Wei An shifted his attention away from himself.

After all, he came here to find out if there are any equipment or props suitable for his ship girls to use now.

【Let's see if there is a suitable main gun first. ]

An idea just flashed through Wei An's mind, but this space seemed to be conscious.

The colorful bubbles floating around Wei An quickly moved backwards. When he came back to his senses, only part of the bubbles in front of him remained.

When he looked over, he discovered that they were all main guns used by gunboats. Whether they were small main guns or large main guns, they were all included in the colorful bubbles in front of Wei An.

But after he finished observing the bubbles in front of him, he frowned.

There are problems with the ship equipment that can be realized in this space.

These main guns are all derived from the data of the ship girl.

Wei An went directly to observe the large main gun.

There is no 533mm main gun, no 510mm main gun, and no 480mm main gun.

There are 460mm main guns, but there are only three types.

One main gun carried by his St. George, one carried by Famous, and a single 460mm main gun carried by Lord Fury and Clive.

As if something had occurred to him, Wei An immediately focused his attention on the bomber.

As expected, the colorful bubbles in front of him began to change rapidly, and they all turned into bombers.

After a period of observation, he finally understood how the ship uniforms that could be realized in this world came from.

The ship equipment data held in this space are all the equipment carried by the ship girls who have awakened in reality.

Because he saw the B25, the bomber he had been thinking about before, now in front of him.

It's a pity that even the modified ship girl's ship outfit is not available.

Wei An, who had no intention of giving up, immediately turned his attention to other ship equipment in the next second.

Look at them one by one.

He still only develops his own missiles, not even rockets.

The only thing that might make him feel relieved is that there are VV guns here and B25s here.

But he also discovered something special. Behind St. George and the famous main gun were the words"Level 2 Power Level".

【Because I am at level 2 and can only see the outfit of the blueprint ship? And now there are only these two blueprint ships? ]

Wei An held his chin and thought.

Then he dispersed the bubbles on the ship's suit and replaced it with reinforced parts.

Not surprisingly, the Oscar brought by Bismarck and the ginger fish cake brought by Hood are both on top.

There are also 91 armor-piercing bullets used by Nagato, which are also in the bubble in front of Wei An.

【So is there radar? 】

This thought flashed through Wei An's subconscious mind, but the bubbles in front of him did not change at all.

Wei An also had an answer to this.

The radar he produced was not included in the ranks of shipboard equipment.

However, he also discovered the existence of the battleship core in space.

Special battleship core.

Destroyers, aircraft carriers, light cruisers, battle lines, battle cruisers, heavy cruisers, light carriers, armored carriers, submarines, etc.

Wei An was still very moved when he saw the expulsion core.

Want to know who is included in his expulsion?

Be brave!

After the transformation, there will be missiles.

However, the current level of Guogang is only 11, which is still far from the transformation level of 100, and it cannot be converted into combat effectiveness in time.

And one battleship core costs 20 Kucha seeds.

Wei An also knew that he had no other choice.

There are only three ship equipment that can improve the strength of his fleet.

【B-25 (Doolittle)] Source: Bumblebee

【Italian triple 381mm gun] Source: Veneto

【91 armor-piercing bullet] Source: Nagato.

When Lexington and the others use the B25, there is basically no need to change it until a jet-type carrier-based aircraft is developed.

The 381mm main gun was prepared for Yixian and Shropshire, which was a decision he had already made before.

And although the ammunition is also very rare, compared to the first two, which are impossible to encounter at all, there are still opportunities in the trading area.

So he has only two choices, b25 and VV main gun.

Both ship outfits consume 10 Kucha Seeds, so he has the last 10 Kucha Seeds left that he has not used.

Wei An also read about the torpedoes used by submarines.

Not surprisingly, there are only three types, and they can also be purchased in the trading area of the Ship Girl Alliance.

Fortunately, Wei An's last ten bitter tea seeds have been distributed.

【Ring of Oath]

When Hood told him about the Ring of Oath, he was already interested in it.

He doesn't have to change his outfit, or his ship's uniform, but he has to change his rings.

Whether it's to ensure your own safety or to become the Lord of the Rings.

The function of the Ring of Oath is very practical for him now.

The special ability of spiritual communication similar to radio will appear between the wedding ship and the admiral who has accepted the Ring of Oath.

Moreover, a Ring of Oath only costs 5 Kucha Seeds, which is a very beautiful price.

There must be one person in Xuefeng who is not unexpected, and of course the other one has already been selected.

His wife's help to him cannot be explained in a few words.

Because he has a wife, he can shut himself up in his room to make ship decorations without any distractions, without worrying about delaying other things.

Usually the wives coordinate with other ship girls.

Moreover, his wife is an aircraft carrier, so this ring of oath will further improve his fleet.

Especially now that he has a sub.

Once he and his wife have the means of spiritual communication, he can completely become an underwater villain without affecting the whole life.���fleet command.

As long as he can communicate with Lexington, he is integrated with the entire fleet.

And he's much less dangerous underwater than on the surface.

Wei'an had two rings, but three rings appeared.

One of them, after touching his hand, was put on the ring finger of his left hand.

The remaining two fell safely into his palm.

What he wanted has been obtained, and Wei An has no intention of staying here any longer.

【leave. ]

As soon as his mind moved, Wei An felt his body rising rapidly.

By the time he came to his senses, he was already back in the quiet room.

At the same time, light began to emit around his body, and the two ship suits and rings he chose appeared one by one.

The box I was holding in my hand was already empty.

Looking at the two ship equipment, he did not hesitate and collected data immediately.

He had always coveted the Hornet's carrier-based aircraft when he was in the academy. Now he also has one, and so do his girls.

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