After all, the bigger the ship, the more terrible the drain on his resources.

"And I will help Yuming, Yuanxiang, Xiaozhai and the others complete the ship body realization before heading to the tutelage."

"After that, there was a long period of port construction, including the drawings of St. George and the big mackerel."

"So we may not be able to relax in the next period of time."

And with the addition of three battleships, Wei An actually decided to go to the Western Theater, the Whale Sea Guards.

The more battleships there were, the more serious his lack of resources was, but every improvement was huge.

It gave him some Unfortunately, he originally thought that he would be able to build at least one aircraft carrier this time, which would make it easier to control the waters around the garrison in the future.

However, if all he built were small warships, he would have to choose a more stable one. When the sea area is relatively large and he has no fixed residence, it is no problem to have small warships in overseas battles, but when he faces more defensive battles, battleships with St. George guns have an advantage. He didn't dare to think how wonderful the fleet was.

After everyone had further exchanges, Wei An returned to his room with confidence.

Now that the fleet has been built, he probably knows how much his fleet can be improved in the future. Then what he needs now is to make up for the shortcomings.

He took out the box from the bedside table in his room and opened it. There were dozens of black Kuchazi from the deep-sea transport ship, which was what he was going to use next..

He needs to improve his strength now when he has the opportunity, otherwise when he reaches the town, he will be far away from the mainland, and the supply of the town will only be replenished by using bitter tea. The method is the same as opening a deep-sea trophy. Just put your hand on it and feel it. Wei An immediately felt as if there was a big hole in the bed board.

After a long fall, when he finally opened his eyes, he saw his body floating in a boundaryless space, and there were various floating colorful bubbles around him, waiting for him to touch it. When he reached the bubble near him, some information automatically appeared in his mind.

【Italian twin 135mm main gun] Source: African conqueror Scipio, the great Pompeii.

The meaning is very easy to understand. This kind of ship uniform originated from these two ship girls, but what makes Wei An more confused.

If he remembered correctly, the main gun carried by the ship also had Giulio Germanicus, but that was not included in the information.

But at this moment, Wei An looked at the reflection of this colorful bubble, which was also a large bubble, and it was himself in the bubble.

So he had an idea, would something special happen if he touched himself?

He can feel that this is a world of data, and he is now like data. He can disconnect from this world with just a thought.

Thinking of Wei An, he touched his hand.

Sure enough, some information appeared in his mind the next second.

Connector: Security (Guardian)

Talent: [Ship Girl Transformation] (Level 1 Liberation)【???】(Level 3 Liberation)

Soul Contract Upper Limit: 13/∞ (Net) [Level 1 Liberation] 0/∞(??)【[Level 3 Liberation]

Power Rank: Level 2 (Outsiders) [Level 2 Liberation]

Abyssal Essence: 30 [Level 2 Liberation]

Affinity: (10 points out of 10) [Level 2 Liberation]

Battleships: 4 Battlecruisers:

2 Aircraft Carriers:


Light Carriers: 2

Armored Carriers: 5

Heavy Cruisers: 3

Light Cruisers: 5

Shallow Water Heavy Guns: 1

Destroyers: 9 Submarines

: 2

Heavy Gun Submarines: 1

Supply Ships: 4

? ? : ? ?

? ? : ? ? ?

? : ? ?

Wei An was speechless looking at his own information.

He had a talent that he had known for a long time, but now he was told that he could have another talent?

The upper limit of the soul contract was also very easy to understand.

The number of ship girls that each admiral could build and contract was also different, but the contracted ship girls had never been a big burden on him.

So he just felt that because he was a human being in two lives, his soul strength was relatively high, so he could contract more ship girls, but one day it would be full.

But now he was told, unlimited?

And there is another contract, which can only be released when the power level reaches the third level, but he has some guesses in his mind.

In this blue world, what else is there besides the ship girl?

Deep sea!

Low-level deep sea has no ability to think, but the higher the level of deep sea, the more powerful the warship is.

And now tell him that deep sea can also be contracted?

Not only can the admiral of justice do it, but when the admiral of justice can't do it, he can also go to sea to become a deep sea admiral?

But the premise is that he can communicate with these deep sea.

After all, in the eyes of the navy and the ship girls in this world, the deep sea is the eternal enemy, the enemy that will exterminate mankind.

And most of the deep sea that Wei An has seen so far cannot communicate.

If you want to communicate with the deep sea, what level can the deep sea be?

Gold? Red? Or higher?

Wei An also has some guesses in his mind about the several question marks below the affinity. It is only released at the third level, so it is probably something related to the deep sea. So are there any warships in the deep sea that ordinary ship girls don't have?

Airports, ports, fortresses, or coordination ships? Flagships?

However, the information this time also made him completely understand why he always built small boats.

It was simply because his small boats had a higher affinity and were more likely to be favored by small boats.

However, the only thing that made him feel fortunate was that the affinity of aircraft carriers was not bad. What frightened him the most was the suffix of power.

What is an outsider?

Isn't it another name for a time traveler?

It turned out that he had always been under the eyes of others.

So his expression had become solemn.

The time traveler was his biggest secret. Now only he and Xuefeng knew about it. He told Xuefeng because she was his wedding ship and was bound to him for life.

But here he was exposed.

Moreover, in this space, many rare ship equipment, resources, props, etc. can be exchanged.

Just like a store, the currency for purchase is the bitter tea seeds of deep-sea transport ships.

But in his own information, it became the source of the abyss.

And there are also mysteries that appeared in the deep sea of this world, and why there are ship girls.

Looking at his own information, Wei An suddenly felt as if he had fallen into a big pit.

He didn't know what was waiting for him ahead.


The 130th anniversary of the teacher's birth, plus one more update.

Long live the people!

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