When Wei An came, he was only accompanied by Xuefeng. Now when he left, his left hand was held by Xuefeng, and his right hand held Xiaozhai in his arms.

Xiao Zhai was still a little scared when he arrived in a strange place, so he hugged his neck and wouldn't let go.

However, their group is also very eye-catching.

The other admirals knew his strength and couldn't help but shudder when they saw Wei An getting a few more ship girls.

Especially this time Wei An created three little girls.

They didn't need to think about it, they were all destroyers, especially the admiral of the J Joint Headquarters, who was filled with hatred when he saw Wei An's little ship girl.

Shimakaze is so annoying.

But Wei An seemed to have discovered the uniqueness of Xiao Zhai. When they walked out of the hall and encountered the sun, Xiao Zhai put on his hat and hid his little face in the shadow.

She doesn't like the sun.

Compared with the introverted Xiaozhai, Dreaming is obviously much bolder. When following Wei An, he kept looking around, looking here and there, and looking here and there.

I am very curious about the various scenery along the way.

Youming and St. George were walking at the back, talking to each other.

The equally lively big mackerel wrapped Wei An's coat tightly, which was too cool for her.

And now it's winter!

The other ship girls who knew that Wei An was going to build a ship girl today were already in the villa ready to welcome their new partners.

So before Wei An opened the door, the door of the villa opened automatically. Shropshire and Saratoga ran out at the same time and started throwing flowers on Wei An and the others.

"Welcome, new partners to join!"

"Ala~ The commander has such a cute child"


Other ship girls also came out to welcome them back.

"Okay, let’s go in and talk, and I’ll introduce it to you."

Having been prepared for a long time, Shropshire served flowers tea to everyone sitting in the hall, and brought out the desserts and snacks that Yixian had prepared for a long time.

Looking at the unfamiliar big sisters, Xiao Zhai was a little scared. Huddled in Wei An's arms

"Admiral, are these sisters all the Admiral’s shipgirls?"

"Yes, they will all be Xiao Zhai's sisters in the future, and will help the admiral protect Xiao Zhai."

Weian gently patted Xiao Zhai's back and comforted him.

"But Xiao Zhai is also a ship girl, and I can also protect the admiral! Sister Meow said that Xiaozhai is very powerful!"

Of course she's awesome. Even though Xiaozhai is so small, she is a real battleship girl."

"Haha, then the admiral will have to rely on Xiao Zhai for protection from now on!"

"Leave it to Xiao Zhai."

Even the shipgirls still have different views on choosing friends.

The bold, the island style, the dreamy, the big mackerel is already sitting at the same table, and at the same time, they are constantly attacking the snacks on the table. We have become familiar with each other happily.

��The exceptions were Xuefeng sitting next to Wei An and Xiao Zai sitting on his lap.

The elder sisters have been looking at each other for a long time.

In the end, Lexington was the first to speak out.

"Lexington, U.S. aircraft carrier, currently serves as the commander's secretary ship and fleet flagship"

"Saratoga, the second Lexington-class aircraft carrier, I am my elder sister’s biological sister, and I am very strong~ Just call me when you are stressed on the battlefield."

"As long as my sister and I are here, there will never be another carrier-based aircraft in your skies."

No matter what time it was, as long as she wasn't with Vian, Saratoga was always attached to Lexington.

"Xuefeng, emmm, I am a bit special. I am Xiaowei's sister and also the initial ship, a destroyer. I come from the same country as J country and the famous lady."

While Xuefeng was talking, she picked up a bunch of sugar-oiled fruits from the table and handed it to Xiao Zhai's mouth.

She is the only one who has experience in taking care of children here, followed by Shrop who has been formally trained. county

"Shropshire is the commander's maid and a heavy cruiser. My mission is to protect the safety of the admiral and the two aircraft carriers. I am from country E."

"Yixian is responsible for everyone's three meals a day, and the cruiser is responsible for frontline operations."

After being transformed by Wei An, Yixian is obviously much more confident now. She proved her strength in the last battle.

"Clemenceau, the only battleship in the current fleet, comes from country F just like Utopia."

Climenceau has never left her eyes since the moment she dreamed of the dream.

She finally has a sister she can talk to. She has always been the only ship girl in country F.

"The two who played with Kong Xiang and Da Hua Yu were Kogan and Shimakaze, both destroyers, responsible for escorting the fleet and also for direct combat. Don't underestimate their strength~"

Seeing the four people who had already run to the side to play, Wei An could only introduce them personally.

The rest of the eyes also turned to St. George and You Ming.

"St. George, battleship of E."

"Famous, J country battleship"

"Does country E have a battleship named St. George?"

Hearing the St. George registration number, Shropshire had no memory in his mind and could only look at Wei An.

"St. George and Youming are a little different from you. They are warships that have never been built."

"It's a blueprint ship"

"Drawing ship! Can a warship girl be born from such a battleship?"

Vian's answer made Lexington and the others exclaim.

No matter Shropshire or Saratoga, they have never seen a blueprint ship, let alone a blueprint ship, for so many years. Damn it

"Yes, and their hulls will be more powerful than your original hulls. After all, this is an unfinished plan."

"Originally, when I was building Famous, I wanted to say that Clemenceau had your main gun, but I didn't expect that St. George also appeared in the end."

"Next, we won’t have to worry about the powerful main gun ship equipment, Clemenceau 460MM main gun~"

Wei An said and suddenly remembered something

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am a new admiral. I will soon build my own garrison. My talent is making ship equipment. I can copy and manufacture any ship equipment you have.

Seeing the doubts of St. George and the others, Vian answered them promptly.

"What do you mean, Admiral, can my main guns be used on other sisters' battleships?"

A famous person asked

"Yes, but the more suitable one now should be St. George, her main gun is more powerful"

"Is this God's guidance? You are such a special commander. May my power help you drive away darkness and evil."

Saint George closed her eyes and said devoutly.

If she wore a nun's uniform at this time, it would not feel out of place.

At the same time, when Saint George was speaking, Vian felt that he could see a dazzling holy light behind her.

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