"Is it God's guidance? How can I wake up?"

When Wei An saw the construction time, he was mentally prepared and excited.

But when another blueprint ship appeared in front of him, he couldn't help but get excited.

"Saint George?"

"What's wrong? commander?"

"Is it really St. George?"

"Are there other St. Georges?"

The calm-faced blond sister replied calmly.

"I'm just too excited."

This is Vian's true thought. The surprises that Xuefeng brought him were bigger and bigger, and the ship girls built were rarer and rarer.

If the construction time of 6:20:00 is based on when he played the game, then there is no doubt that it must be St. George and Hutten.

No matter how these two ship girls are built, it will be a great improvement to the strength of his current fleet.

Because they are all blueprint battleships that have not been built.

So their original hulls have surpassed most of the ship girls.

What helps Vian is that these two ship girls carry ship equipment.

One carries a 420mm main gun, and the other carries a 460mm main gun.

Both types of main guns can be adapted to the hull of Clemenceau after simple modification.

St. George carries a 460mm main gun, how can he not be surprised?

He doesn't have to worry about the main gun of his battleship girl for a long time.

"Why get excited? Now that I have been awakened by God, I have been guided to stay by your side. Isn't this the result you want?"

"I will be with you, with Minato."

St. George, who is a head taller than Vian, said calmly and confidently.

Her strength is her confidence!

"My name is Wei An, welcome to join us!"

"The Holy Light is with you."

Saint George leaned over to bless Wei An devoutly. After speaking, he looked at the other ship girls around Wei An. She also roughly understood the current situation.

"Commander, do you want to continue the construction?"

"Well, wait a moment and I will introduce other partners to you later."

"Commander, you are free to do as you wish."

After saying that, she walked behind Wei An and stood next to other ship girls.

It was not obvious when compared with Wei An, but when she stood with other ship girls, she looked much taller.

After all, Wei An is already 1.8 meters tall.

The four battleships are all very good, so Wei An is also looking forward to the result of the last round.

"Sorry to trouble you, sister."

The first time is familiar, the second time is familiar, and it has been four or five times now. There is no need for Wei An to say anything, Xuefeng already knows what to do.


Seeing this construction time, Wei An's pupils were shocked again.

He also now Some rules have been figured out. Most of the ships that can be produced during Xuefeng's construction are battleships. Needless to say, Wei'an will be the best.

Using the wrench, he wanted to see the last ship girl earlier.

In the same builder, Yukikaze's construction seemed to be a little crooked this time, and the ship girl who slowly appeared in the steam was not the big one in his mind. Sisters.

On the contrary, she was still a bit petite, but from her silhouette, it could be seen that the girl was a little confused and cautiously explored the surroundings.

Wei An took the initiative to help her open the door of the construction cabin, and then she discovered the exit.

【He is a little confused and shy child, and he doesn’t know what kind of destroyer he is. Even though the cabin door was opened, she was still cautious and did not dare to come out. It was not until she tried for a long time that she took one foot out of the steam.

He held the baby in his arms tightly with both hands and looked at Wei An in panic.

【I blanch! ]

Watching the girl come out, beautiful words subconsciously appeared in Wei An's heart.

The main thing is that this girl is really different, she is a real child

"Admiral...Meow...Where did Sister Meow go? Where is this place?"

The pink-haired girl wearing electric cat ears asked Wei An in a low voice.

She woke up from her daze and found that she was here, together with her admiral brother who was very close to her in her memory.

But Sister Meow taught me She must be careful in a strange place.

Now Wei An's heart is like a roller coaster.

She originally thought that Xuefeng had tilted the destroyer, but it was a little unreasonable to build it at the right time. That's right, but the problem is.

What's in front of him now is the Beizhai.

It's the Tirpitz! It's more of a loli than most destroyers, and it's not a legal destroyer.

Maybe the mental body is like a loli.

But Xiaozhai is really an ungrown Tirpitz, a real kid.

Good news: It's a powerful battleship.

Bad news: It's not legal. Limonceau is completely different

"This is the Admiral Academy. We don’t have Sister Meow in our town hall yet. Sorry, Tirpitz."

"Wu... Wu... Wu... Sister Meow, you don't want me anymore."

When she heard that there was no Bismarck, Xiaozhai hid her face and cried. The Bismarck plush doll she was holding in her arms also fell to the ground.

"There will be Sister Meow in the future, and the Admiral will help Tirpitz find Sister Meow. Sister Meow's favorite is Tirpitz."

He patted Bismarck's doll clean and put it back into Xiao Zhai's hand, then gently wiped her tears and comforted her.

"Really? Admiral"

"Let's hook up. Brother Admiral will definitely not deceive Xiao Zhai."

"Small house?"

"Don’t you love games and comics and stay at home?"

"Of course I like it! Besides Sister Miao, my favorite thing is playing games and reading comics."

"If you want to do these things, don't you have to stay at home? You are small, so you can stay at home, right?"

"like���Woolen cloth."

When it comes to the little house in the game comics, it seems that he has changed into a different person, and all the thoughts about Sister Meow just now are thrown out of his mind.

"So is it wrong to call the admiral Xiao Zhai?"

"It seems to be okay.

Seeing Xiao Zhai's attention diverted, Wei An also breathed a sigh of relief.

"But will Sister Meow miss Xiao Zhai? Xiao Zhai came here alone. Can the Admiral really find Sister Meow?"

Arriving in a strange place still makes Xiao Zhai a little uneasy.


As he said that, Wei An held out a little finger to Xiao Zhai and pulled the hook.

Although he doesn't have Bismarck now, doesn't the G-Union Department have a ready-made sister?

At worst, he will pay some price and let Bismarck accompany Xiao Zhai. That would be great.

Or he could build Bismarck.

With Xuefeng's luck, Wei An felt that it was only a matter of time before he built Bismarck.

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