"Is what you said true?"


After hearing what Yorktown said, all the ship girls present took a breath, even Hood, who knew Vian's strength, was no exception.

What did they hear?

Vian not only controlled the two islands, but also confidently dispatched his gunboats to a place 20 nautical miles away from the aircraft carrier.

As for why it was this distance, it was because this was the distance that Lexington and her radar could cover most of each other.

But in the eyes of others, Vian was too confident.

Not only did he not stick together and gather the strongest forces together, but he dispersed them.

At the same time, he was also a bit reckless.

"Hood, you have been hiding for so long. Now can you tell me what your admiral is going to do? Can you look down on other admirals like this?"

"Any admiral who enters his reconnaissance range will be bombed by him, but he has not yet encountered the large force of the J Joint Headquarters. Has he gained confidence by fighting a small fleet?"

"Now that the J Joint Headquarters has found his fleet, there will be a fierce battle tomorrow. Isn't he still spreading firepower like this waiting to be pushed forward by the large fleet?"

Everyone focused their attention on Hood, where she had the deepest understanding of Wei An.

"I also really want to know what he is going to do. This decision is too rash and I can't figure him out."

After hearing the report, Hood was full of doubts. She knew that Wei An was very strong, but such behavior of not taking others seriously was not advisable in her opinion.

The lone battleship Even with the support of other aircraft carriers, it shouldn't be such a big deal, but all the questions in their minds can only be answered the next day.

"Commander, everyone is ready"

"Well, I have to work hard tonight for you guys."

The sea shrouded in darkness was dark, with only three battleships still illuminated by lights.

"Xuefeng, Kogan's position remained unchanged, and continued to use radar to detect the approaching warships. Clemenceau also stayed put."

"Shropshire, follow Yixian to fill in the blank area of the radar after the upper island wind leaves. Even if our eyes cannot see it, the radar must scan out the enemy."

"The remaining Shimakaze set out alone, heading for Island 6. We were discovered today, and tomorrow will definitely be a fierce battle, so we have to strike first."

"Madam, you and Gaga just need to support Shimakaze in time."


The difference between him and other admirals is that while others are blind at night, he has another pair of eyes.

So in the afternoon, when he was able to survey and control most of the sea area in Lexington, he allowed his gunboats to take a rest from time to time. Save every moment you can to rest.

Now is the time for them to attack.

On the other side, Shimakaze, who is at the front of the fleet, is very excited.

The best admiral in the world is finally going to attack, and tonight. She is the main force!

"Admiral, take a good look at Daomiao's strength!"

"Sister Clemenceau, sister Yixian, goodbye!"

Waving her hand, Shimakaze led the carrier-based aircraft following her forward at maximum speed. The aircraft carrier's reconnaissance advantage was also reduced a lot at night, and she couldn't see the dark sea. That's why Shimakaze needed to take the carrier-based aircraft with her.

Her carrier-based aircraft set off to provide a coordinate for her and Gaga.

Shimakaze, which turned off all the lights on the battleship, drifted across the sea like a ghost at a speed of 45 knots.

At the same time, it began to appear on her radar. Small red dots were floating on the sea.

Some admirals who could not grab the island could only rest on the spot and did not dare to move forward.

But she ignored them. The target given to her by Wei An tonight was Island No. 6..

She continued sailing until Shimakaze was less than 30 nautical miles away from the island, and the red dots on her radar began to increase rapidly.

She knew that she was almost reaching the destination area, so she simply corrected her sailing plan. The direction was aimed at the direction with the most red dots.

They didn't notice the approaching Shimakaze until they were still 15 nautical miles away. Maybe they thought Wei An was the only one who didn't dare to take risks?

The admirals of the college are still too upright and disdain to use these small tricks.

Only villains are sneaky. They are gentlemen.

"Commander, she is almost there, will she continue to approach?"


Wei An looked at his watch. It was only 10 o'clock. If in order to recharge their batteries, most of the admirals and ship girls may have already taken a rest.

"Let Shimakaze lay mines 10 nautical miles away from them, and try to make as little noise as possible, and lay them out until 3 o'clock."

Originally, Wei'an wanted Shimakaze to just lay some torpedoes to harass the admiral of the J-United Division, but he didn't expect Shimakaze to not notice him when he got close.

His old sixth spirit was burning again.

"ah? Ok, I see."

Vian's behavior of being the sixth child made Lexington unable to react for a while, but he quickly adjusted it.

"Let the other girls rest during this period. It only lasts a few hours. It might be busy in the second half of the night until tomorrow."

"You and Gaga can also take a break."

Shimakaze, who received the order on the other side, pouted her lips. She wanted to let the opponent taste the power of her torpedoes!

But she would not disobey Vian's orders.

So she could only slowly slow down her speed after approaching, and at the same time observe the circle of warships parked on the edge of the island in the radar sensing.

At the same time, there were several warships sweeping back and forth on the coast with lights.

But they were too far away from Shimakaze's position.

They fired their mines, and Shimakaze laid her own mines, and both sides did not disturb each other.

It was like this until three o'clock in the morning, and Vian listened to Lexington's answer.

Five hours is not a long time, but Shimakaze generated and threw more than 5,000 mines in a few hours.

The only people who knew all this were him, Shimakaze, and Lexington who served as a transit.

Even the people in the Ship Girls Alliance did not know

"Let Shimakaze start the original plan, madam, it's time for you to set off, everyone cheer up, the night party has begun!"

At the same time, Wei An kindly walked out of the command room and went to the flight deck of Lexington.

The bombers that kept taking off had long since woken up York City.

Just when she was still wondering what the admiral and his aircraft carrier were going to do in the middle of the night. When she was doing something, she came to her senses and saw Wei An standing next to her carrier aircraft.

"What's up? Admiral Wei'an"

"Just a reminder, have the KanColle Union ready to come in and tow the boat, it's going to be lively tonight"


When York City wanted to ask more questions, Wei An had already turned around and returned to the ship's cabin.

Only the planes whizzing by her ears told her that something big was about to happen.

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