When Xuefeng set foot on Island No. 7, several ship girls who were waiting for news knew what Wei An was doing.

The reason is very simple, it is for resources.

At the same time, Wei An's score increased by 17 points.

So far, there are no other admirals on Islands No. 5 and No. 7 within the scope of Lexington's radar and carrier-based aircraft.

This change in the assessment sea area was immediately reported to Hood and the others.

"Until just now, there was only one referee in York City in the waters near Island No. 5 and Island No. 7. There should be only one admiral in this part of the sea."

This time, as the referee of the assessment, they dispatched carrier-based aircraft to follow all the admirals. Now that the north has been cleared by security, those carrier-based aircraft have disappeared.

This also means that their intelligence on the two sea areas is currently blank.

The only news they can get now is from York City.

"Today is only the second day, and this guy has already eliminated all the admirals on the two islands. What is he going to do? Are the resources of an island not enough for him to share alone?"

Although he was also interested in Wei An, Veneto was still a little unhappy after seeing Wei An eliminate the admiral of the I-Union Department.

Just after Wei An was eliminated, he was willing to join the I-Union Department. He is the best admiral this year..

Now eliminated by Wei An, she will definitely be pushed out of the top ten in the next 8 days.

"It seems that his target is really other islands."

"He has no reconnaissance in the sea areas behind islands No. 5 and No. 7. The airspace blocked by carrier-based aircraft is on the way there."

"The two islands are already behind his current battleship."

"The formation of his fleet has changed!"

York City's carrier-based aircraft placed on other admirals happened to observe Lexington's carrier-based aircraft on other islands.


"He blocked two sea areas by himself? Can he handle it? He only has a few warships. Wouldn't blocking the sea areas like this disperse his combat effectiveness?"

Vian certainly understood their doubts.

But he chose to play to the advantages of his warships.

The advantage of his fleet is that the speed is basically maintained at more than 40 knots, and the gap between the opponent's warships and his is not a little bit.

The change of formation that Yorktown mentioned was because he directly dispatched all the warships except the two aircraft carriers and Shropshire.

He chose to expand the defense space.

To put it simply, he maximized the distance of the outer defense circle dominated by Xuefeng and others.

Several gunboats used super-high speeds and quickly loaded torpedoes to conduct localized operations, while creating enough distance for the two aircraft carriers.

The reason why Shropshire did not go out was to prevent warships from entering the inner defense circle without being dealt with in time, and then she would take action to deal with it.

The reason why Vian gave this order was also very simple. He had already detected that he The news they wanted also encountered the J-Union exploration fleet.

In the front, Clemenceau, Yixian and Shimakaze were in charge of containing the J-Union admiral coming from the direction of Island No. 6. Xuefeng on the flank kept an eye on the admirals of Island No. 6 and Island No. 3, and supported Clemenceau and others when the battle situation was unfavorable.

Be brave to contain the warships that might go from Island No. 4 to Island No. 5 and the aircraft carrier.

The two aircraft carriers provide them with air superiority and firepower support in the rear.

Just like the legendary ship girls of the Ship Girls Union, because the information of Island No. 5 and Island No. 7 was cleared by Wei'an, they lost the information of these two islands.

Not to mention the admirals in this assessment, their information transmission will only be slower.

So he has two other advantages.

The speed of information transmission is the responsibility of the Lexington reconnaissance patrol fighters, which is much more efficient than their only way to use flag signals or close communication.

Secondly, he has the map advantage when attacking other admirals, and he also knows the deployment of their warships. He can fight them on the entire map.

Moreover, the admirals in this assessment are never united. Although the J-Union has a large number of people and is powerful.

But when they become weak and decadent, there are other Unions that are eyeing them covetously.

And what is Wei'an doing now?

He is in the kitchen of the Lexington battleship, preparing meals for them. He has issued most of the instructions, and the rest can only be left to these girls.

In the academy's teachings, they are not only the brains of the fleet, but also the nannies of the girls.

The ship girls work hard to operate the battleships to fight, so the task of logistical life support is of course given to him.

Unless He has a supply ship.

The distance between the Lexington battleship and Island No. 6 is less than 70 nautical miles, and Clemenceau and the others are less than 50 nautical miles.

Therefore, the admirals sailing near Island No. 4 and Island No. 6 can find the carrier-based aircraft of Lexington and the others.

Not to mention Songlin, who has always been concerned about Wei'an.

As early as after obtaining the resources of Island No. 6, he had sent fighters from his aircraft carrier to conduct reconnaissance.

At the same time, some admirals of the J-United Forces are also exploring other islands.

They have a lot of people, and the resources of one island are certainly not enough to share.

So they, like Wei'an, have set their sights on the resources of other islands.

In this process, it would be fine if they just circled around Clemenceau and the others.

Once the carrier-based aircraft discovered that there were warships heading towards the aircraft carrier and were still investigating the attack range, they were all bombed by Lexington and the others.

At the same time, this situation was also discovered by most of the admirals who were watching.

The fleet that was still advancing in front of them had black smoke in the direction they were advancing. You don't need to look to know that they were attacked.

What is strange is that none of the fleets that advanced returned.

Then they can judge that these admirals are in danger.

It must be said that the quality of this batch of eliminated admirals is better than the previous ones.

In just two or three hours, Wei'an's score rose by 18 points.

This is the case when he is basically attacking the flagship. When he eliminates the admirals, he is also compressing the space for other admirals to score.

In this short period of time, he has eliminated 5 admirals.

But such a battle must not escape the eyes of others.

Songlin's reconnaissance fighter plane found the news he wanted. The warship from Wei'an appeared!

And it was right under their noses, but just when he ordered the Condor to continue flying forward, the fighter was shot down.

It was from the opponent's fighter plane, which made him feel a little unhappy.

But the sun in the sky was about to set, and he could only suppress his desire to attack.

Fighting at night is not a wise choice.

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