"Are you sure it's six battleships?"

Songlin asked the admiral who came to report.

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. That guy brought six battleships this time, and all the battleships were different from ours."

"I didn't expect this kid to be really capable. He had six combat-ready battleships within half a year of entering school. It seemed like he was being underestimated."

Song Lin said to himself

"No wonder Hood and the others value this admiral so much. I see."

"It's a pity that he doesn't want to join the J-Unit."

After hearing about Wei'an's situation, Nagato finally understood why Wei'an was recognized by the E-Unit, and sighed.

Hearing Nagato's sigh, Songlin frowned.

"Nagato-sama, our J-Union Department will definitely give them some color this time. It was his mistake for him not to choose J-Union Department."

Song Lin's eyes flashed as he spoke.

He didn't want Wei An to really join the J-Union and share resources with him, especially since Wei An's talent was beyond his expectation.

"Then I will wait for your good news."

The same thing happened in other departments. When Wei'an's warship was exposed to everyone for the first time, they finally knew why Wei'an was the admiral that E Department focused on training.

In particular, several ship girls from other departments were so angry that their teeth itched. When they knew about the admiral Wei'an, they wanted to contact Wei'an.

But they didn't expect to be stopped by Elizabeth. Now that they know Wei's strength, it has become a foregone conclusion that E Department has benefited. After all, Wei'an has signed an agreement with E Department, and this assessment has really become a formality for him.

But for the reward of the Ship Girls Joint Headquarters, Wei'an can't let it go.

After truly cooperating in depth with E Department, Hood and others also satisfied Wei's desire to know some of the information.

He also knew what the real reward for the assessment of the department was.

Bitter tea, or panties.

In his previous life, when he played games, he could get bitter tea every time he defeated the lost deep-sea transport ship in an event. It also became a reward for the assessment of the department. Different rankings will get different numbers of bitter tea.

First place 30 bitter tea, second place 15, third place 10, fourth and fifth place 7 There are no more from the sixth to the fifteenth.

Similarly, Wei An also learned about the importance of bitter tea seeds from Hood.

The bitter tea seeds in this world are just like those in Wei An’s previous life.

They all drop from the deep sea, and they all drop from deep-sea transport ships.

Ordinary deep sea ships will drop spoils after being sunk, but these deep-sea transport ships will not have spoils, only bitter tea seeds.

At the same time, as the flagship of the E-Union Department, Hood, who has also used bitter tea seeds, also knows the true meaning of the so-called warehouse of the Ship Girl Union.

Why is there everything in the warehouse of the Ship Girl Union? It all starts with the bitter tea seeds.

If the spoils salvaged from ordinary deep-sea are random, then the role of bitter tea seeds is directional selection.

The treasure chest contains fixed ships and waits for others to open it, and the bitter tea seeds open a channel, a world with endless resources for you to choose, but if you want to bring things out, you have to consume the corresponding bitter tea seeds, because each bitter tea seed contains special energy.

So even bitter tea seeds The Ship Girls Union is also collecting them, which is also the highest passable resource in the Ship Girls World and the most precious resource.

After obtaining the bitter tea seeds, most admirals will generally enter the warehouse of the Ship Girls Union to select ship equipment suitable for themselves, and they will recycle these bitter tea seeds for their own use.

If there are no ship equipment and resources in the warehouse, they will use the bitter tea seeds handed over to them to materialize ship equipment for them.

However, as the founder of the E-United Department of the Ship Girls Union, she still knew the secret of this Ship Girl Union.

She also decided to tell him after knowing that Wei An had the talent to make ship equipment.

If he can enter the resource world to select the ship equipment with the highest utilization rate, it will not be a little bit for the improvement of his ship girls.

So Wei An, who knew this news, would never give up these thirty bitter tea seeds.

Thirty bitter tea seeds mean thirty transport ships.

Hood also explained to him the places where the transport ships in this world appeared.

They were all warships that could only be encountered in dangerous waters outside the current human and ship girl control areas.

It is unrealistic to expect these warships to invade the sea area.

Only by going deep into dangerous waters and taking the initiative to attack can you encounter these transport ships and obtain bitter tea seeds.

20 bitter tea seeds can stably obtain a special battleship core, and 10 bitter tea seeds can materialize a ship outfit.

It is said that there are also relatively useless outfits that can be materialized.

Different outfits can be materialized for different warship girls using bitter tea seeds, and the prices are also different, but the warship girls can have more beautiful clothes that are not afraid of getting dirty.

(Change clothes) However, this is the worst choice for warship girls to use bitter tea seeds.

If the admiral uses bitter tea seeds, another special item will appear in the resource world.

【[Ring of Oath]

Unlike the ordinary ring that Vian bought for Xuefeng, the Ring of Oath can bring different effects to the ship girl and the admiral who initiated the oath. It ranks first on the list of Admiral Kuchazi's use.

Just the most common function, ignoring distance and space, and using the ring as a medium for mental communication, is crazy enough, not to mention other different effects.

It is also the admiral's life-saving artifact.

In the incident that Hood told Vian, there was an admiral who followed his elementary school sister on an expedition mission for the first time because he was worried. As a result, he encountered a deep-sea eruption halfway and was separated from the main force.

During the escape, the little destroyer took him into the area of deep-sea activities, and the destroyer's sister was injured and could not go back.���

In the end, he used his wedding ship to use another ring as the coordinate, and took the ship girl from the garrison all the way to take the admiral back.

You can know how rich the rewards are in the annual joint department assessment.

So how could Wei An give up such a reward?

He can make the ship's outfit himself, and he can also salvage the battleship's core. Why don't he want the ring? How can wives not change their clothes?

As an admiral who wants to become the Lord of the Rings, how could Wei An give up giving his girl a ring?

Especially that day when Hood told Wei An about the ring, his eyes were full of moisture and her face was flushed, although Hood did not tell Wei An what she was thinking.

But Wei An was very self-aware and believed that he owed her a ring, as well as his wife, his sister-in-law, and his sister Xuefeng.

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