When Lexington returned to his room and wanted to change his clothes, he saw that there was one set of clothes missing from his closet, and he immediately realized something.

"Jia Jia, I hope this child will not frighten the commander."

Both ships as battleships can be mistaken by others, let alone the two sisters now. She understands where Saratoga has gone.

Lexington thought helplessly and closed the closet, and withdrew himself from looking for Sara outside. After Toga's carrier aircraft, he returned to bed alone to rest.

January 28th.

There are only two days left before the assessment, and the academy's captain has already begun to organize the admirals who will participate in the assessment to go to the assessment area, and Wei An is no exception.

This time, he followed the large army led by Hood and others, accompanied by other admirals who were willing to join the E Joint Headquarters.

His battleship has a unique style compared to others, and admirals constantly cast curious eyes on him.

Also after Hood returned that day, the E-Union Headquarters had already sent the information that Wei An was their focus to train as an admiral. As a result, people from other Union Headquarters had long wanted to meet this man who did not go out often. Admiral

"Hello, Admiral Wei'an."

A curious and familiar admiral has already greeted Wei'an.


Although he was confused, Wei An, who remained polite, returned the gift.

"My name is Gu Hong, a third-year admiral. I have long wanted to meet you, a famous person."

"Oh? I'm famous?"

"Yes, who doesn’t know about you and Admiral Songlin of the J Joint Headquarters this time? One has nine battleships and outnumbers them all. The other has only been in school for half a year and has already become the core admiral of the E Joint Headquarters."

"Especially when it is extremely difficult to get into the E-Union Department, how can you make people not envious of you?"

"You are here to compete for the rewards of the alliance, and we have to work hard to compete for the opportunity to join the alliance. It is very infuriating to compare ourselves to each other."

Gu Hong's words were full of envy.

"Good luck, good luck."

Weian said modestly

"lucky? I don't think so."

Gu Hong said and looked around at the warships around him.

"Because I also want to join the E-Union, so I have long wanted to see what you are like and why you are so valued by the E-Union."

"Looking at it now, it turns out that the gap between us is still too big."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, how could I believe that an admiral who had been in school for half a year could have 6 battleships? I only had 6 battleships."

Looking at the battleships around Wei An, his words were full of sighs.

"This is inseparable from the training of the E-United Department"

"Now that I have met you, I am satisfied and understand the gap between us. I wish you good results in the assessment. I already know the arrangements of the E-Union Department. You will not act with us."

After Gu Hong finished speaking, he called his ship's wife to drive the warship away from Lexington where Wei An was.

He was afraid that if he looked at it for a while, he would only feel more sad in his heart.

The same admiral, but the gap is so big. He worked hard and studied diligently in the academy for three years.

All the resources he gained were invested in his ship girl, and he was lucky enough to have a capital ship so that he could have 6 battleships today. As for Wei An's battleship, he saw it. Any battleship could compare with his battleship. He didn't break the defense in front of Wei An, not to mention that he was very good at managing his expressions. He was so shocked when he saw Lexington for the first time that he could guarantee that he had never seen such a huge battleship.

His doubts about Vian before seeing them disappeared after seeing these battleships.

It's not just him, there are other admirals who want to join the E-Union.

It turns out that the gap between geniuses and mortals is so big.

If Songlin's strong talent and luck have made them unable to feel jealous, Then Wei An's talent makes them breathless.

Now they have so many powerful battleships in just half a year of school, so they can't even imagine how powerful Wei An will be in his third year of school. Will there really be an admiral who can defeat him by then?

They don't know that Wei An will graduate after completing the assessment this time.

Just like Song Lin, he has already met the requirements of the J League in his second year, but he still hasn't. Came to take part in her third assessment.

Hood, who was leading the charge at the front, was also feeling very complicated at this time.

Although she decided to work hard to hand over the affairs of the E joint department in the next time, she did not. The thought that she would have such a big change was like a poisonous seed planted in her heart, spreading and growing. Wei An was following behind her battleship, but she didn't dare to look back at her now. She has her own responsibilities.

Now she has a new understanding of why the ship girls alliance never restricts the ship girls who are taken away from the ship.

If she insists on an explanation, these simple ship girls are all love-minded. But the degree is different, and she, Hu De, obviously has a more serious love brain than other ship girls, and is also more deeply affected. The figure of the other person appears in her mind every day, so how can she do other things well..

Miss Hood, who is usually smart and capable, what she did most every day after leaving that day was to think about men.

【I was talking about Shropshire before, but I didn’t expect that I would become like this. Commander, what should I do? 】

Though a shipgirl like Hood is still physically united, her heart has already drifted far away to another person. This is the normal state of a shipgirl union.

How do they stop it? It will only make the alliance worse and worse. It is better to let them go.

【Don't think too much, don't think too much, these days are very important. 】

Hood quickly patted his face to force himself to wake up.

【Wow~ But I really want to kiss you....】

Reputation and Counterattack, who were walking behind Hood's ship, looked at each other with serious expressions.

In the past half month, as maids, they certainly noticed something unusual about Hood, but as the flagship, they did not dare to ask openly about Hood.

"Sister, Master Hood now looks like the sisters who left before."

Retorted, looking at Hood who was in a daze in front of the deck and said worriedly.

"Don't make random suspicions about Lord Hood, we just need to do what a maid should do."

Reputation seriously taught his sister a lesson.

"But Lord Hood became like this after he came back from Admiral Vian, and Shropshire is also like this."

"Does he have any magical powers?"

"Admiral Wei'an is excellent and treats the ship girls very well, so it's not surprising that he is liked and recognized by everyone."

The reputation was quite recognized and praised Wei'an.

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