"Or if you have strike means that are farther than the aircraft carrier, you can destroy them as soon as you find them."

"Miss Hood, you don’t need to worry too much. How many admirals like me do you think there are? And a carrier chick like the Lexington?"

"How many admirals really value aircraft carriers?"

After speaking, Wei An sighed.

Just because his aircraft carrier is strong does not mean that other people's aircraft carriers are also strong, and it will not change the world much.

"Originally, today I wanted to help you correct your thinking, stop fighting on the aircraft carrier, and see your strength at the same time, but we didn't expect it to be beyond our expectations."

"Is this the potential of aircraft carriers?"

"But no matter what, no one will question your strength anymore, so I don’t have to worry about this assessment."

After Hood finished speaking, other ship girls who had previously been suspicious of Wei An also lowered their heads at this time and did not refute.

"There is no need to worry about your future safety. None of us legendary ship girls can do anything to you, let alone other admirals and Shenhai."

After Hood finished speaking, he took a deep breath, calmed down and looked at the other ship girls around him.

"Do you still have any objections to funding Admiral Wei'an?"

The ship girl from the Joint E Headquarters shook her head and said nothing.

"Are there any objections to raising the funding package for the security admiral to the highest level?"

This time, Wei An clearly felt their eyes on him, and then they all shook their heads.

Especially Agincourt, who was more opposed to Hood's insistence on favoring Wei An, was the fastest to shake his head now.

Hood Then he looked back at Wei An with a smile.

"Let me explain to you, the highest level funding package"

"1. After you establish the garrison, E Joint Headquarters will unconditionally dispatch 3 ship girls to protect the safety of your garrison. Daily consumption will be handled by E Joint Headquarters. You can choose any ship girl from E Joint Headquarters, including me."

"2. You can receive a monthly subsidy worth 2W resources for the daily consumption of the ship girl."

"3. The expedition and business routes of the E-Union will be open to you. You can do business in all the places guarded by the E-Union. At the same time, the E-Union ship girls will escort you. All the gains are yours, but there will be no annual fixed resource subsidies."

"4. You can choose any unmanned garrison owned by E Joint Headquarters. You can also choose uninhabited islands and areas outside extremely dangerous sea areas. E Joint Headquarters will help you take action."

"5. You can run for office as the Governor of the E Joint Department, but for so many years you have been the only Admiral with the highest authority, so you have no competitors."

"6. Your garrison has complete autonomy and has priority for rescue in times of danger."

"But the price is, if you accept this condition, you can no longer choose other joint headquarters, and you will end up with the E joint headquarters."

"We will also issue a statement to other liaison departments, so they will not come to rob people."

"Do you want to?"

At this moment, every ship girl in the E-link headquarters is not nervous.

Now Wei An is no longer an admiral with potential, but a truly powerful admiral.

And he has only become an admiral for less than half a year.

If you don't fight for it, you will be a fool.

"Have I changed my mind? Of course I am willing."

Hood's conditions still made him very excited.

Not to mention that he could earn resources every month without doing anything, what did the opening of routes for him mean?

In the future, he could sell equipment and resources under the banner of the E-Union. In addition to trading with the admiral of the ship girl, he could also trade with other unions. There would be no tolls in between.

There were also the ship girls of the E-Union to escort him, providing free labor and security.

He could also let Dede come to his garrison to work for him.

But what excited him the most was that he could freely choose the garrison. No one chose his parents' garrison, and only the ship girls of the E-Union were stationed there.

So Isn't it just for this day?

As for autonomy, he doesn't have to worry about the Kanmusu Union assigning him tasks or anything like that. He can do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't betray the Kanmusu Union.

As for rescue, in the event of a deep-sea invasion in the same sea area, the possibility of survival will be greater if he can be rescued first.

However, among so many conditions, what he is most excited about is that Hood can do things for him. As a blonde girl with glasses, how could he not like that? Isn't he working hard to become stronger just to live a free and happy life with Kanmusu?

If he could get a big account, he would have stopped working hard a long time ago, but now... There is still a long way to go.

Question Feiti, understand Feiti, recognize Feiti, and become Feiti.

But now there is a little obstacle on the road, whether it is the navy or the deep sea.

So he has to grow to the day when these problems are no longer a problem, and then he dares to relax.

Vian's answer immediately made them happy. At the same time, Hood took out the form he had prepared long ago from his ship's space and handed it to Vian.

It only needs to wait for Vian's signature to take effect.

Vian did not refuse this, and the signatures were completed in one go. The agreement took effect immediately, waiting for Vian to go through the process and pass the assessment of the Joint Department, and then pass the KanColle Joint Headquarters. The department will transfer his information to the E-United Department.

He is the core admiral of the E-United Department, and he can graduate early and choose his own garrison.

At the same time, Elizabeth is relieved.

She has finally seen this day.

The agreement signed by both parties is binding on both parties. Vian has finally joined the E-United Department, and she no longer has to worry about Vian being snatched away by other departments.

But Hood is the happiest.

She has worked hard for this day for a long time, and believed in Vian despite everyone's doubts. At this moment, she has reaped the rewards. A rising star has joined the E-United Department.

Their E-United Department will surely become stronger.

Now Vian has grown up the most that she has ever seen.���The admiral was so fast that she couldn't imagine how powerful Vian would be when the day came when the ship girls united to run for governor.

Now his fleet of 8 battleships could already defeat most of the legendary ship girls in their federation. When he grows up a little more, would he be able to deal with the entire federation?

She had no idea where his ceiling was. The powerful Vian gave her infinite hope.

She hoped to restore the glory of the E-Union. This was what she had been doing since she joined the E-Union and became the flagship of the E-Union.

Now the dawn is just ahead, and all the previous worries are over.

The other ship girls of the E-Union who witnessed it have gone back, and only Hood is left in Vian's villa

"Commander, your current talent is not the full extent of your strength."

Hood's beautiful eyes looked into Wei An's eyes and he said.

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