This scene was watched by Guanghui, who was already in trouble. In the end, she just sighed with relief. There was only one Yukikaze on her side, while Hood was surrounded by several ship girls.

Although Hood's speed was 40 knots, this attack had surrounded her and she was unavoidable. Even turning the ship around was useless.

She tried to calm down, thoughts flashing through her mind, but the final answers were all unanswerable.

She didn't come back to her senses until the torpedoes and bombers struck her, announcing that she was also forced out.

However, Lexington and Saratoga, which had completed this victory, did not return. Instead, there were still a large number of fighter planes that did not attack.

So their target changed to the war-weary battle they had regained. Fighter planes roared past Nelson and the others one after another, and they could only shoot down a few planes powerlessly.

The rest of the drill bombs also fell steadily on their deck, until finally Yukikaze's torpedo hit Guanghui, announcing the end of this drill.

The legendary ship girl from the E-Union Department has no power to fight back.

Until Wei An brought his ship girl back to them, he saw that they all looked dull.

If you want to talk about why Wei An can win so easily this time, isn't the opponent a legendary ship girl?

The ship girls in this world still pay too little attention to air defense, and although aircraft carriers consume a lot of money, carrier-based aircraft are mobile bombs that can be generated by spending resources.

It is always less expensive than bumping into each other on a battleship. After all, if the cannon is broken, it will have no attack capability, and if the power system is broken, it will be a coffin floating on the sea.

They are proud of their gunnery skills and battleship command capabilities. As long as my ships are outside your attack range, they will be living targets that can only be beaten.

Another reason is that they lost air control.

Guanghui couldn't even take off the plane, and was directly controlled in her hangar and deck waiting for death, not to mention that other ship girls had no ability to counterattack.

The era of aircraft carriers and battleships in Wei'an's previous life is gone forever, and the emergence of missiles has nailed the coffin of battleships.

The performance of Lexington and Saratoga in this battle also exceeded Vian's expectations.

It has a faster take-off speed than a normal aircraft carrier, more balanced carrier-based aircraft flight technology, and fighter aircraft that can be replenished in a timely manner without returning to port for resupply.

The upper limit of the battle between an aircraft carrier operated by a ship girl and a battleship girl can only be greater than that of a normal naval battle.

The difference in training levels between ship girls can also seriously exacerbate this problem. Even two identical aircraft carriers have different training levels.

It may also happen that a highly trained aircraft carrier can easily defeat a weak aircraft carrier and lose its air superiority, and the opponent's surface fleet will begin to passively and slowly die.

Looking at the two aircraft carriers in the center protected by several gunboats, Hood and the others could only watch blankly.

Even though they had one aircraft carrier, they were defeated by the opponent's two aircraft carriers and defeated a fleet with a total of 9 ship girls. (Elizabeth did not participate in the war.)

On the other side, all the ship girls in Vian gathered on the battleship Lexington

"Admiral! Admiral! This time, Daomiao hasn’t even done anything yet! They’ve been defeated! I’ll definitely work harder next time!"

Daofeng pouted and shook Wei’an’s hand.

"Shimakaze was also great this time! Without Shimakaze's efforts, the admiral would be in danger."

Compared to the active Shimakaze, the other ship girls were obviously much more silent, especially Clemenceau, Yukikaze and Shropshire.

The three of them looked at the two Lexington sisters with complicated eyes.

They knew that Vian had always valued aircraft carriers and had put a lot of effort into it, but just like Hood and the others.

They were all gunboats, especially Shropshire and Yukikaze, both of whom were ship girls who had lived in this world for many years.

Their views were the same as most of the ship girls. They were more optimistic about the role of gunboats and believed more in the role of battleships at sea.

But today, in just a few hours, all of this was overturned.

As Hood's opponents, the commands they heard were more about buying time for Lexington and the others and creating more space, and the rest would be left to them.

Even the torpedoes they fired were more about restricting Hood and the others' sailing route. line and speed.

They are really doing what a frigate should do.

When the Yukikaze hull was being remodeled, Vian had to fight the deep sea carefully.

When the Clemenceau hull was being remodeled, she was able to crush a legendary ship girl like Shropshire.

Now that the aircraft carrier's hull has been remodeled and the fleet has been initially formed, they have completed an underdog victory, and a legendary fleet was defeated by them! Crushing.

They already have the ability to change the situation.

So Clemenceau and the others could only look at the two aircraft carriers with a complicated face. They could feel the powerlessness of Hood and the others at the time.

On the way back to the academy, Hood and the others did not talk to Vian immediately, but just kept looking at the aircraft carrier, looking...

Until Vian had arranged for his ship girls to enter the channel, Vian sat alone on the big sofa in his villa facing several girls with complicated eyes.

"Miss Hood, Dean, don't just look at me. If you have anything to say, just ask."

Wei An filled a cup of black tea for them all.

"Is this your aircraft carrier?"

Hood held his fingers tightly on the handle of the teacup and said intermittently.


"Why is it so strong?"

"air superiority"

"Air superiority?"

"Maybe, Dean, you usually face the deep sea, and seizing air supremacy is more to prevent deep-sea carrier-based aircraft from interfering with your surface ships."

"It is more troublesome for surface ships to deal with carrier-based aircraft, so there is a method of using gunboats to deal with gunboats and aircraft carriers to deal with aircraft carriers. Over time, they have formed a habit."

"Aircraft carriers are more difficult to train, and everyone has overlooked that in fact, what an aircraft carrier can do is not only seize air supremacy, but also gain attack advantages after having air supremacy."

"So everyone's awareness of air defense is not strong enough. The result is that they have no ability to fight back after being attacked like Saratoga."

"And maybe everyone is not as extreme as me to equip the ship girl with a complete bomber. Everyone has seen the effect, and it is worth every penny."

They had already realized what Wei An said on the road, and at the same time they felt even more bitter in their hearts.

"Is there a solution?"

As for the person who caused everything, Hood looked at him expectantly.

"Unless approaching the aircraft carrier makes her lose her combat capability, she will either have to seize air supremacy again, or she can only strengthen her own anti-aircraft firepower."

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