Immediately, she felt that when the carrier-based aircraft she was controlling faced the gale, the gale slowed down in her eyes, and at the same time, the number of carrier-based aircraft she could fly at the same time also increased.

It's a pity that the carrier-based aircraft she can fly have already overflowed.

The effect of her legendary skill is very simple. Aircraft carriers, armored carriers, and light carriers within 3 nautical miles of her can all receive an increase in computing power, increasing the number of carrier-based aircraft that can be launched at the same time by five.

So Lexington, who was fighting against the brilliance, immediately noticed something was wrong.

The sea-breathing fire, which was originally entangled by her strong wind and had a hard time getting rid of it, seemed to have eyes on its back, and the attack of the strong wind was easily dodged.

At the same time, it was also the first time that Guanghui broke through Lexington's aircraft group and detected more sea areas.

"Commander, Guanghui's carrier-based aircraft is so strange. It suddenly became much more powerful. Hood and the others' speed changed so obviously."

"how? How did Hood and the others change their speed?"

"Hood directly threw away the other ship girls around her, and was rapidly approaching Shropshire and Yixian at a speed of at least 35 knots."

While Wei An was still curious, the carrier-based aircraft left by Saratoga in Lexington made a sound.

"The other side used a legendary skill. I didn't expect to encounter two ship girls with legendary skills at once."

Although Wei An had heard of legendary skills, this was the first time he saw a ship girl use a legendary skill.

If he remembered correctly, Saratoga also had a legendary skill.

"Jia Jia, since you are also a legendary ship girl, why don’t you use it?"

"No, Commander, you didn’t let me use it~ So can I use it now?"

Saratoga's words were somewhat eager to try.


"Commander, this is the best!"

After saying that, Saratoga's voice disappeared.

Her entire battleship also emitted a light blue halo.

At the same time, Lexington immediately noticed that the bomber flying behind her fighter jet was flying very fast. A lot.

If the effects of the Glory Legend skill are relatively obscure, then the effect of Saratoga is very intuitive. Now Vian has two aircraft carriers, so the effect of Saratoga's carrier aircraft It can increase by 4% in all directions.

Saratoga's first batch of bombers have also arrived at the planned bombing area.

Hood and the others who were already surrounded were separated, so they encountered Hood below the sea area of her aircraft. , but she didn't care about Hood, but ran straight to the Prince of Wales behind her.

At the same time, the other ship girls in Wei'an were still 20 nautical miles away from Hood.

In contrast to the maneuverability of the aircraft, they were all. It was slow, not to mention that Lexington and the others were 35 nautical miles away.

Saratoga's 40 bombers ignored Hood and flew back. At the same time, they began to dive collectively, gradually getting closer to the Prince of Wales.

"Spread out!"

"A crucial blow!"

"The last glory!"

Because Hood was far away from Prince of Wales and the others, she was not afraid of being affected.

But with a speed close to that of Wales, they could not avoid counterattacks.

After all, 40 bombers swooping down would definitely not aim at only one target.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It was not only Hood and the others who noticed Saratoga's bombers.

There were also War-weary and the others in the distance, so in order to avoid casualties on their side, they also immediately set their sights on Saratoga.

But obviously Saratoga was not a fledgling ship girl like Lexington.

As a legendary ship girl who had experienced many battles, her carrier-based aircraft operation skills must be very powerful, not to mention her current She also used her legendary skills.

However, this time, the reputation that was her target, the Prince of Wales, did not sit back and used her legendary skills at the first opportunity.

At the same time, the secondary guns and anti-aircraft guns on the Prince of Wales and her warships were also pouring out their firepower at full capacity.

They wanted to cause damage to Saratoga.

A series of very sensitive bombers dived through the hail of bullets and dropped the bombs on their fighter planes directly onto their decks.

And quickly pulled up and flew away.

Except for the 8 planes that were shot down, the rest were safe and far away.

At the same time, counterattack, reputation, counterattack, their warships could no longer bear it, and the traces left by various exercise bombs were also This announced the end of the exercise for the three of them.

The carrier-based aircraft operated by the ship girls are under unified command, and their combat efficiency is not comparable to that of ordinary aircraft carriers.

Not to mention that the A-1 is a golden bomber, and its mounting capacity is also very good.

It’s a pity that Wei’an also specifically observed the weapons mounted on the A-1, and did not find the air-launched torpedoes and air-launched rockets he wanted, only aerial bombs.

And there are only machine guns on the fighter planes.

He even asked her to generate a torpedo plane that Saratoga had before to observe.

The result was not beyond his expectations. There were only air-launched torpedoes on the plane.

The quality of the ship’s equipment will only affect the performance of the aircraft itself, and is related to their ability to mount.

Looking at the bombers flying away, the Prince of Wales was still in shock. When the planes swooped down just now, her mind almost went blank.

Fortunately, this was just an exercise, and Saratoga only dropped a bunch of exercise bombs.

But now their warships must be colorful, and there is no clean place.

Although 8 planes were destroyed, due to super high operating skills, Saratoga's hit rate in this air raid was as high as 80%.

Seeing three battleships scrapped at once also made the other ship girls of the E-Union dumbfounded, mainly because they could not fight like this at normal times.

Usually their opponents are mainly in the deep sea, and other aircraft carrier ship girls help them solve the air defense.

Or���One of the training and equipment of the right aircraft carrier is not strong enough.

Just like Guanghui, she actually wanted to try the feeling of bombing. This time she bought four purple bombers at the academy, which she had never owned before.

And if Wei An saw these bombers, he would definitely recognize that he asked Saratoga and the others to sell them.

The legendary aircraft carrier girl who now has a collection of powerful bombers also taught them a lesson.

After losing the air superiority of the aircraft carrier.

Although they had anticipated the possibility of being bombed, they did not expect that just one bombing would have disabled the combat capabilities of their three warships.

I also really understood the difference between a powerful aircraft carrier and a normal battleship.

"Come on Hood, let's go to Elizabeth to wait for your good news."

The Prince of Wales said with a pale face as he regained his composure, while waving to the others to leave.

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