Hood listened to the Glory constantly reporting the planes it had shot down and the situations it might face next.

She didn't expect that just after the transformation of the battleship, a ship girl who had just materialized the ship body would undergo such a drastic change.

She had never seen an aircraft carrier ship girl like Lexington, who was still a little unfamiliar with operating carrier-based aircraft, fight with a legendary ship girl like this.

If she couldn't beat Saratoga, it would be normal, but it would be very strange if she couldn't beat a ship girl with a training level of 1.

The sense of déjà vu of Clemenceau and Shropshire was not that strong, after all, they were two types of warships.

But as aircraft carriers, the contrast was extremely strong.

While they were moving quickly, they were also bombarding the planes in the sky. Compared with the carrier-based aircraft of other legendary aircraft carriers, they all felt that Lexington's operation skills were a bit clumsy.

So the probability of fighters in their attack range being hit was quite high.

But in this case, Lexington really crushed the Glory with its naked performance.

The battleship's hangar, take-off speed, quantity, and quality of fighter planes are all better than those of the Glory.

What it lacks may be the technology of micro-control.

The performance of the Lexington fighter also makes up for the shortcomings of the Lexington to a certain extent.

Especially after Glory set its sights on reconnaissance.

The Gale is more powerful than the Seafire, and it is difficult for her to get rid of the pursuit of the Lexington. As long as she is entangled, another fighter will immediately launch a suicide attack on her.

That's why she thinks that Lexington is like the Deep Sea in the skin of a ship girl. This is a common combat tactic used by the Deep Sea.

They thought that the aircraft carrier ship girl who was difficult to form combat effectiveness became another person in Vian's hands. The air supremacy in this battle is almost lost, and they have not yet come into direct contact with the enemy's battleships.

"Hood, if this continues, we will become living targets!"

Zhan Xie, who was following Hood in a single column, shouted loudly. At the same time, the cannons on the battleship never rested. After cooling down, she immediately loaded the cannon to attack the gale that was hovering near them.

Other ship girls on other battleships They also looked a little solemn.

The battle situation so far had exceeded their expectations.

They originally thought they were here to test the strength of the new admiral, but now they were here to test them.

At the same time, the light hovering above them began to shout!

"Hood, they have a large number of fighter planes coming! There are at least 70 of them! I have to be serious about protecting myself, Hood!"

After saying that, the fighter planes that were hovering above Hood's battleship also returned in the direction of Guanghui.

Guanghui's words made them look sideways, and as expected, black shadows appeared in the distant sky, dotted on the blue sky.

Let their The pressure suddenly doubled

"Oh my God!"

The Prince of Wales' face turned pale!

Seeing the large number of approaching fighters, the other ship girls present no longer doubted the strength of Lexington and Vian.

""Disperse! Don't let Saratoga concentrate fire on you!"

Looking at so many carrier-based aircraft in the sky, Hood knew without thinking that Saratoga was going to attack.

At the same time, he glanced at the Prince of Wales at the front of the team and made a prompt decision.

"Reputation, counterattack, Wales, you and I will turn to attract firepower, and the rest will continue to advance along the original route."

Hood roared and closed his eyes. A blue halo appeared next to her standing on the island.

Then an invisible wave spread from her body to a radius of two nautical miles with her as the center.

"Royal Parade!"

The battleship that was suddenly shrouded in seemed to be pushed, and the speed that had already been stretched to the limit increased to another level.

"Hood, you are too cruel. There is a new admiral on the other side. You use legendary skills."

Although they are at a disadvantage now, as royal ship girls and the pride of legend, others will not attack a newcomer with all their strength.

But they did not expect that Hood, as the flagship, would be the first among them to use legendary skills.

Legendary skills , is also the reason why ship girls are called legends after their training level exceeds 90.

Some ship girls will gain some special abilities after reaching 90, and this special ability is called legendary skills.

The legendary skills obtained are also different, and some legendary ship girls do not have legendary skills, so reaching the level of 90 is also a threshold.

The strength of the ship girls with legendary skills will be qualitatively improved, but the ship girls without legendary skills will be weaker than others.

Mothers have been in the world for so long, and they have also concluded some rules. Whether ship mothers can have legendary skills is related to the battleships in their memory fragments.

Rumors, achievements, and reputations may all be transformed into special power blessings. On their bodies.

So not many ship girls like destroyers have legendary skills, and when a ship girl uses legendary skills, it means that

Hood is going all out against Wei An.

And her legendary skill is also very simple and crude. The warships marked by her within two nautical miles of her center can increase their speed by 4 knots. Its own effect is twice that of other warships, so now all other E-units are within range. The battleship's speed increased by 4 knots.

Hood was originally a high-speed battlecruiser, and after some simple modifications to her own battleship, she also replaced it with a ship with an advanced power system in the Warship Girl Union's warehouse. Equipped.

Increased her speed to 32 knots, plus the speed blessed by her own legendary skills.

As a 46,680-ton battle cruiser, her speed reached 40 knots! How not to surprise her? She has to use legendary skills to reach this speed, and Wei An's battleship can easily erase her advantage.

���The result is very obvious. With the reputation she brings, they are also relatively fast warships. With the blessing, they are more flexible than most destroyers.

"Stop hiding it! Just let us see where his limits are!"Go all out,"

Hood said with excitement.

She was worried before that Wei An's appointment of a few legendary ship girls was too much, but now she just wants to test Wei An's depth.


Several ship girls following her also responded seriously.

Guanghui, who was commanding the carrier-based aircraft in the distance, felt the changes on her battleship, and she immediately understood what Hood had done.

"Now that Hood has been used, sister, I don’t have to worry that I won’t be able to hold my head up in the future! Don't blame my sister for being cruel!"

The murmuring light also closed her eyes like Hood, and at the same time, a blue halo of light slowly rose from the soles of her feet.

"Legendary skills! Pioneer first battle!"

After saying that, the blue aperture surrounding her turned into a blue digital light ball surrounding her.

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