As Vian's largest investor and the person who trusts him the most, Hood of course agreed when she heard that Vian wanted to conduct an exercise with the E-Union shipgirls.

As for why Vian proposed this exercise.

The rich women have spent their money, so they have to show others the results. Besides, the strength of the E-Union shipgirls is not comparable to that of ordinary admirals. It is more stressful to compete with them and find out your own shortcomings.

For this reason, when Hood heard the opponents chosen by Vian, she fell silent.

Destroyers, light cruisers, heavy cruisers, not a single one.

What are the requirements?

Battleships, battlecruisers, aircraft carriers, submarines, and even her name are on Vian's list.

How can she not remain silent ?

"Have you really thought about it? These ship girls on your list are all legendary ship girls. I'm afraid that the gap in strength is too big and it will be counterproductive."

"That's it, how can you be motivated without pressure, and letting them experience it for themselves can also reduce your pressure a little."

Lexington and the others also often walk in the garrison area of E Joint Headquarters, and he also understands���What kind of pressure did De bear for him?

Especially since such a large amount of money was given out for him this time, although the ship girls wouldn't say anything about Hood, they still had some opinions about him.

After all, he had already made Hood, Elizabeth and others put in so much effort for him before he did anything.

"Then you can also choose those ship girls whose strength is close to that of this assessment, so that you can better practice your strength. These legendary ship girls are too strong."

"It's okay, I believe in my ship girl, and I also believe in my own modified technology"

"Well, I look forward to your next performance"

On the sea outside Wei'an's dock, a warship had already docked.

Standing on the deck were Elizabeth and some of the ship girls beside her.

"I wonder what surprises he can bring us this time."

Hood looked at the closed door of the Wei'an Dock with anticipation.

"I don’t know much, Xuefeng just told me that Lexington has undergone major changes."

Elizabeth also said with emotion in her eyes.

She didn't expect that Wei An's growth exceeded her expectations.

She witnessed Wei An's enrollment, his efforts to help the Xuefeng Ship materialize, and then his outstanding performance when facing the deep sea. Performance.

She already felt that Wei An was already very good among admirals of his age.

But now Wei An told her with facts that this was not a problem. She still underestimated Wei An.

He was already much better than his parents. , reached a situation they had never reached before

"Xiaoxue, I hope you can feel happy in heaven too"

"Hood, you guys keep saying how powerful she is. Today I want to see where he got the courage to challenge us."

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed, that little guy is very interesting."

The Prince of Wales patted Agincourt on the shoulder, and she was also waiting with interest for the dock to open.

Agincourt had already itched her hands when Vian took Clemenceau for exercises. , especially Shropshire, who is also a legendary ship girl, has no ability to resist.

She is eager for such an opponent, especially since she has now replaced her main gun with the 380mm main gun she bought. Both of them are installed on the front deck.

At the same time, maybe because of the memory fragments of the battleship, she has a little fear of aircraft, so compared to other ship girls around her, she specially installed anti-aircraft guns, which they had been waiting for. The door to the dock opened.

Unsurprisingly, Xuefeng, whom they were familiar with, came out first, followed by two battleships that were exactly like her.

Hood, who knew the ship girl well, figured it out immediately. Who are these two expulsions?

"Unexpectedly, he already had three destroyers."

Elizabeth looked at several battleships with admiration in her eyes.

"But I don't know if it's my illusion, but their main gun seems a little bigger than last time."

"Didn’t Shropshire and Saratoga sell so many resources? He probably changed it at that time."

Elizabeth explained to Hood while eagerly waiting for the next battleship.

"If I remember correctly, he has a light cruiser."


"So this is a light cruiser?"

If Xuefeng and the others have seen it, they are already familiar with it. As a battleship, Clemenceau is already relatively large, and they can still understand it.

But what did she see in Yixian that had just sailed out?

Hood was a little suspicious. He looked back at the main cannon installed by Elizabeth, then rubbed his eyes and looked at the main cannon installed by Yixian.

"Elizabeth, your main gun is 380mm, right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Look at the main gun on that battleship, it seems to be 380mm, and it’s the same main gun that Wales just replaced."

Yixian's appearance shocked not only Hood, but also the other ship girls who were following her.

Except for the glorious aircraft carrier, the others who came with them this time were battle lines and battle cruisers.

So they were Cannons are the most sensitive, and most of them have not installed 380mm main guns.

This time, the Prince of Wales ran quickly and captured two main guns, which made them very envious.

Now Hood told them. It's the main gun of a light cruiser. How can I make them believe it?

"Although my main gun is not weak, Wales, please pinch me."

Agincourt is still a little unbelievable.

It's too unreasonable, and what's going on with that hull.

They can only remain silent after looking at the 250-meter-long hull. The only one among them who can compare with Yixian Only Hood.

The size of a light cruiser is far greater than that of them.

The ship girl who was still doubting Wei An's talent and strength no longer doubts it, but it's not over yet. It was Clemenceau who was shocked by Yixian in front of them, and hearing Hood and the others' introduction, Clemenceau and the others could only feel numb, so as the battleships among them were relatively weak. Warspite has reached Hood's side

"Little Hood, this battleship should be his strongest battleship. It's really nice. It has a large-caliber main gun and so many anti-aircraft guns. It makes you feel safe just by looking at it."

"Saratoga, who used to stay in the U-Union Headquarters, is now his ship girl."

Hood thought for a moment and said

"If I remember correctly, Yukikaze said that he prefers aircraft carriers and values them more."

Elizabeth added in time for Hood.

"I see, but it's so difficult to train an aircraft carrier, what's so great about it? Wouldn't it be more efficient to use cannons?"

Wan Zhan said suspiciously, with a small hand on his lower lip.

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