There are 100 admirals with 100 brains, and it is impossible for them to be united. Even if several admirals with good strength get together, they will have different opinions.

And the ship girl only listens to her own admiral.

Wei'an can match the results of several admirals at the same time by commanding his own ship girl, because these ship girls can turn their backs to each other and make some sacrifices appropriately.

However, under such rules, there is another way to quickly obtain results, beheading.

After all, the assessment selects the admiral. When the command ship where the admiral is located is beheaded and broken, the ship girls led by him must all withdraw from the assessment and the results will be fixed.

This is also one of the advantages of having multiple admirals, they have more opportunities for trial and error.

This is also the good thing about Songlin's construction of the light mother this time.

The light mother does not need to fight in close contact like other warships, and the probability of being broken is not high, so the probability of the admiral being eliminated is also reduced.

So some admirals in the G-League who were originally prepared to eliminate him by focusing on Songlin's main battleships were very angry.

Not to mention that there are only two admirals who own submarines in the information Wei An received this time, and they are fighting separately.

One intends to join the Fi Lian Department, and the other intends to join the Ar Lian Department, because their ship girls are of these two nationalities. Are two lone soldiers willing to go down to the water to face Song Lin?

The probability is very small, unless he is lucky enough to meet him, and there are no other warships around him.

At the same time, the warships materialized by the ship girls are very different from ordinary warships after all.

Ordinary warships may need to return to the port for repairs after being damaged in battle before they can continue to fight, while they can continue to fight after taking a bath, compared to ordinary warships that often take ten days or half a month.

They may be fine in a few hours or even more than ten hours.

As long as the ship girls are not seriously damaged, they will not be eliminated. They can find suitable resting islands and areas to enter the channel to repair the warships and prepare for the next battle.

After the content of the assessment is released, the busiest time for all admirals begins.

Many admirals have to make targeted arrangements for the sea areas of the assessment.

And now Wei An is staying in his study with his ship girl. He is holding a pen and drawing on the map he got from Hood.

"The sea area used this year is much larger than last year, and there are nine islands for short rest. It seems that the alliance still hopes to give other admirals a chance."

Because the strength of the admirals last year was relatively close, Wei An learned from Hood that the previous assessment sea area was only 150 nautical miles in radius, and the battle was more intense and chaotic.

However, this year, Songlin and E Alliance have formed cliques, which further squeezed the space for admirals who are willing to join other alliances. Maybe the warships of the two alliances will be defeated.

It is a one-sided fleet advance.

"So Admiral, does it have any influence on us?"

"The larger the space, the more obvious the advantage for us, as long as we stay away from the large group before starting"

"Our advantage over other fleets is that we have strong enemy detection and reconnaissance capabilities, long attack range, and fleet speed that they cannot catch up with."

"Then Commander, don't we go with the admirals from the E Wing?"

Lexington asked his question.

"No, if we follow them, we will be too conspicuous and won't be able to play to our strengths. Besides, Songlin is also watching us, so it's too dangerous."

"There are eight entrances in total. All we need to do is to do a good job of reconnaissance and hide ourselves. There is no rush to fight."

"As for Gaga and Shropshire, you will stay with me on the battleship Lexington from the beginning. After entering, you will summon the battleship."

"There is no need to reveal your strength from the beginning"

"Good commander."

Things like Wei An holding combat meetings for ship girls happen in all dormitories in the academy.

Some like Wei An discuss it alone with their ship girls, and there are also several admirals who bring more than a dozen ship girls to discuss together.

However, Their goal is the same, to win!

January 15th.

Wei An looked at the excited girls, and his hanging heart finally relaxed.

After more than half a month of ship outfit production, today each of them got the ship outfit they wanted.

Shimakaze's torpedoes, Yukikaze's main guns and anti-aircraft guns, Saratoga's radar, and Lexington's carrier-based aircraft security were all arranged for them.

Especially Lexington's carrier-based aircraft, Wei An gave him a full 15 for both carrier-based aircraft.

It can be achieved that each type of carrier-based aircraft can fill a hangar of 220 aircraft.

For this reason, his resources have shrunk in a real sense.

Oil: 10000

Ammunition: 4300

Steel: 9600

Aluminum: 5000

Battleship Cores: 0

Mental Cores (Heavy Cruiser): 0

Azure Coins: 374700

Energy: 10000/∞

But it also means that all the ship girls under him have formed combat capabilities. , now we’re just waiting for security approval.

"Admiral, Admiral! This Torpedo Island cat really likes ducks!"

After replacing her original torpedo, Shimakaze felt that this torpedo was more powerful than before.

"Shimakaze should use more torpedoes in the future!"

She pinched Shimafeng's collagen-filled face like a coaxing child.

"The island cat must use torpedoes to defeat all enemies for the admiral!"

Seeing that they were both destroyers but had different hobbies, Wei An also expressed emotion. She preferred torpedoes over Shimakaze, while Yukikaze caressed her main gun more carefully.

She preferred this sturdy, majestic A powerful main gun.

After all, if she wants to use torpedoes, she needs to get close to the enemy. As Wei An's sister, she still doesn't want to worry him.

Guogang likes all the equipment.

The one who has the biggest reaction is Yi. Immortal.

She didn't expect that the torpedo would be her part this time. Looking at the equipment of her battleship, she really wanted her two sisters to see her changes.

She could do things that she couldn't do before. arrive

"Commander, it’s been a hard time."

Looking at the relieved Wei An, Lexington stood behind him and rubbed his shoulders with some distress.

Especially since she was in charge of Wei An's finances, she could more deeply understand the resources Wei An spent on her. What a huge number

"Everything is worth it. Well, I still have to work hard for you next time. What I have to do has been done."

"Just leave it to us."

After Lexington finished speaking, he called the other girls over, especially Shropshire and Saratoga

"Jia Jia, please put the battleship away first. The commander has arranged a drill for us today."

"Their people should be arriving soon."

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