Starting from a small misunderstanding, the two of them got to know each other and tested each other over the course of several months.

Daily life allows them to feel each other's feelings, but they cannot express their hearts frankly because of some problems.

Even after the misunderstanding was resolved, Wei An was still afraid that Lexington would not be able to change his mentality. Even all close physical contact was done step by step and cautiously. slowly.

But even so, after they solved their misunderstanding, their ordinary relationship also improved rapidly, but the speed was a bit alarming.

But what Lexington did today was like a floodgate, pouring out their already uncontrollable thoughts.


Feeling the little hand holding her tightly, Wei An couldn't help but exhale softly.

After calming down this time, Lexington, without the interruption of Saratoga, was finally able to face Wei An calmly.

Her pretty rosy face did not dodge, and she looked at Wei An with sapphire-like eyes.


Girls have the aura of youth, lolita has their own cuteness and ethereality, and the older sister in front of him has her own unique charm.

The rosy face that can be pinched to reveal water, the blurred eyes, not to mention that she is beautiful, is a great temptation for the young Vian.

And now Lexington's soft and tender voice is also hitting Vian's reason.

Vian just stared at Lexington blankly.


In the silent room, a small sound can still wake Vian up, but under his eyes is Lexington, who is only a millimeter away from him.

But her sapphire eyes are now tightly closed, and the pressure on his neck shows that it is her arm that is clinging to him.

The softness of her lips that just left, and her eyes that she dared not open, you know what bold she has just done. things.

When Vian was staring at Lexington infatuatedly, she could clearly see the fire in his eyes, and she also knew that Vian was addicted to her charm.

But just like the bold Xuefeng before, Lexington also had a bold idea in his mind when he looked at Vian.

After she calmed down, she was thinking about this issue.

The emotional breakthrough between Xuefeng and Vian also left a deep impression on her.

That was the biggest thing Xuefeng did without Vian knowing anything. In a world with only the two of them, they accomplished everything.

Although she couldn't be as bold as Xuefeng, she was very happy today.

She and Vian finally didn't have to worry about anything else. She knew that Vian liked her, and that was her unique love.

She originally thought that the hull manifestation was just an ordinary manifestation.

But the night before, between them... There was a slight emotional deterioration.

Not to mention, now they were standing inside her battleship.

Vian went deep into her body, and here, Saratoga was gone.

There were only the two of them.

Unlike in Vian's room, she would still be scared.

Here she was the master, everything was in her control, and she could clearly know that her sister was still busy.

Originally, the confusion was just her little trick.

She knew that if Vian went back, she would have to go back to living with other girls today.

Although their relationship had made a breakthrough, she felt that it was not enough, and she wanted more.

The cautious way Vian treated her along the way intensified her bold ideas.

She wanted more.

Xuefeng could do it, and so could she.

Originally, she just wanted Stay with Vian inside her ship for a while longer, enjoying the time with him.

But now Saratoga is gone, and Vian is looking at her like this again.

During this period of time, the feeling of liking someone but not daring to speak up has been constantly tormenting her heart.

If the initial favorability of the salvaged shipgirls is relatively high, then the difficulty of improving the favorability of the built shipgirls will be lower, because they will be more likely to feel the kindness of their admirals.

Otherwise, even if the admirals of the navy are not so good, although they are regarded as weapons, they will be assimilated under the influence of the environment, and their essence is originally weapons.

In this case, although those shipgirls cannot leave the admiral, their feelings with their own admirals will not improve too much, but they can still be kept at a low point, and they will not feel disgusted with their own admirals.

Not to mention that Vian would rather suffer himself than let them suffer, as well as his previous love for the shipgirls and the influence of the snow wind on him in this life.

There is also the entanglement between Vian and her.

Her favorability towards Vian is also rising, and it has long reached that critical point. She is not satisfied with being just Vian's shipgirl.

Her love for Vian was not just the kind of admiration and liking that a ship girl had for an admiral, but a deeper love.

However, as a perfect ship girl, she had to try to restrain herself and be a perfect sister in front of her sister.

Only now was Vian alone in front of her, in the place she thought was the safest in the world, inside her battleship.

She boldly did something that was not in line with her usual behavior.

Vian's obsession with her also ignited the fireworks in her heart.

She kissed Vian lightly with her red lips.

Vian, who had regained his senses, was left with a blank mind by Lexington's unexpected action.

Although he also had some thoughts about Lexington, as a virtuous, perfect, and never impulsive wife, Vian felt that he still knew her a little.

Even if she was a little bit black-bellied, it was normal that she might want to playfully bully him sometimes, but Lexington might not do some out-of-line behavior.

Because she would restrain herself.

So now this behavior that was not at all a wife really caught him off guard.

But Vian forgot that the wife in his memory was just a general personality on paper.

And now in front of him was the girl he was getting along with day by day, a complete girl.

She also had her own emotions, her own thoughts, and her own little impulses.

Not to mention that she was facing the person she loved, that emotion made him unable to calm down, not to mention her


Subconsciously swallowing his saliva, Wei An said blankly

"What's wrong, Commander? Don't like it?"

Seeing that Wei An was not angry, but just a little surprised, Lexington also tried to calm his rapidly beating heart and replied calmly.


"Commander, do you still want it?"


You read it first, I write it first

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